Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 95 How about a secret room as big as mine? !

Finally, Avada left the principal's office with the book in her arms and her head hanging down.

‘Okay, I am indeed suspected...but it is also expected and acceptable. ’

'In this way, this year has been quite fruitful. No, it seems that it can no longer be described as fruitful - I solved Voldemort, got Nicolas Flamel's notes, and got Dumbledore and Harry. trust, and also concealed the magic sense, only exposing the prophecy and mental perception...'

‘I just don’t know how Dumbledore will launch the campaign to ‘annihilate Voldemort’? ’

'And if this happens, Lucius will definitely not dare to keep the Horcrux diary. Next year, the diary will still be brought into school by Ginny like in the original book. He can just get it by then. ’

‘Oh, by the way, speaking of this, do you want to go see the secret room in advance? Although with my current strength, it will take a long time to prepare to kill the basilisk, but I can at least record the petrification magic and see if I can develop an anti-curse in advance...'

'I have been busy with Voldemort's affairs this year, but I didn't even go to the secret room to punch in and sign in after developing the So Far Curse. Maybe a system will pop up to reward me with some function...'

"It's so close and so far away."

He cast a soaking spell on himself and ducked into the space mezzanine - he felt more and more the power of this magic: no matter how secret the place was, whether it was a secret room, Gringotts Be it the vault or Azkaban... they were all defenseless to him.

But I just don’t know if he can enter the place protected by the Red Dan Loyalty Curse?

While thinking about it, he rode a broom to the abandoned women's bathroom on the third floor, passed directly past the ghostly mental power of Moaning Myrtle, and looked around...



"...So, where is the secret room?"

Avada was silent for a moment and asked a question from her soul.

In his magical senses, this bathroom is a perfectly normal room. There are no messy passages connecting to other places, and there is not even a trace of voice-activated magic! !

Even if Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun comes, he still dares to walk four steps backward inside and fall asleep!

"...Am I in the wrong world?"

Avada felt that her world view (literally) had been hit by an unprecedented blow. So he simply cast a disguise spell on himself, then jumped out of the space mezzanine, and observed the layout inside before Myrtle paid attention.

Not long after, he found an icon of a small snake beside a sink.

"what's the situation?"

"Theoretically, this icon should hide the voice-activated magic that opens the secret room, but why in my eyes is this thing just an ordinary symbol with no magic in it??"

"Does the Chamber of Secrets exist?"

"If it didn't exist, would the Basilisk and the Horcrux Diary have come? And if it existed, why couldn't I sense it??"

"Gan, why do you feel like things haven't gone down at all after killing Voldemort??"

Avada sneaked away with twitching eyes, and after withdrawing the Disillusionment Charm, she returned to the Hufflepuff common room, her eyes confused and in a trance...

"Okay, I'm leaving school tomorrow anyway, so I'll just take it one step at a time next semester."

"Hmph... When I get back, I will get all the Horcruxes I can get as soon as possible!"

"Including the crystal ball he just made, Voldemort has a total of seven Horcruxes...the resurrection stone, the locket, the gold cup, the crown, the diary, the crystal ball, Potter..."

"The crown and crystal ball have been taken under control; the locket is still in the old Black house, and I'm not sure if I can go in; the diary will probably be delivered by itself next semester. If it doesn't work, let Dumbledore find Lu Xiu Si wants...this summer vacation, at least get the Resurrection Stone and the Golden Cup!"

"By the way, there is a powerful curse on the Resurrection Stone. Let's see if there is a way to remove it. If it doesn't work, just isolate it with something and store it first..."

"In this way, I will have at least two Horcruxes for research, and if I'm lucky, I can have three... The magical research on eliminating soul fragments without destroying the items should be able to go a step further."

"So, what exactly is going on in the secret room?"


So the next day, on the Hogwarts Express, Balon and Cedric were surprised to see that Avada's dark circles were a little heavier...

"Your excitement hasn't passed yet??"

Balon asked doubtfully - even if he faced Voldemort directly, he was basically able to sleep peacefully last night.

"How could it be so easy? You have sealed Voldemort!"

Cedric on the side waved his arms and said with an exaggerated expression: "If it were me who had done this, I would be so excited that I couldn't sleep for a month, and then I would brag about it for the rest of my life! My father will definitely do it after he finds out. I carried it to the Ministry of Magic for my colleagues to visit, and then I loudly praised everyone I met, 'My son has sealed Voldemort'..."

"This kind of thing will only happen to Balon. Harry and I have no chance."

Avada rolled her eyes, and the atmosphere in the entire carriage cooled down with a casual joke...

"...Ahem, that."

After a while, perhaps feeling that the atmosphere was too awkward, Cedric coughed and forcibly broke the silence: "By the way, you are going to be in third grade next year, right? Have you decided what classes to choose?"

"I've thought about this."

Balon also came to his senses and nodded: "I plan to take magical creatures, ancient runes and Muggle studies as electives."

"Muggle Studies??"

Avada tried her best to raise her head and asked in surprise: "Why did you choose that thing?"

"Of course you understand Muggles?" Balon was also confused. He didn't know why Avada was so surprised: "Muggles are the main body of the world today and have a great impact on the development of magical society. Of course they are worth studying. ah?"

"…Have you ever looked through the Muggle Studies textbook?"

"Look through it, it's quite interesting, otherwise I wouldn't be interested..."

"I personally suggest you read less of that stuff. I've also read that book. The description of Muggle society in it is simply...well, how should I put it...it can't be described as outrageous."


This time Cedric was also confused: "How could it be possible? Could it be possible that they could even get things like 'rubber ducks are a necessity for Muggles in bathing' wrong?"

"Yes. That thing is just a dispensable toy, and it can only be used when taking a bath. Many Muggles like to take a shower."

Avada watched Cedric and Baron's expressions gradually stiffen, and sighed helplessly: "So, if you want to understand something, the most important thing you should do is to experience it yourself. No matter how difficult it is, you should Ask people who are related to that thing for yourself, rather than making up your own mind about what it is like... But unfortunately, most wizards' understanding of Muggles is established in the latter way."

"So if you don't plan to work in the Muggle Liaison Office, it's best not to take this course... If you have anything to ask, just ask me, I can basically answer it..."

After speaking, Avada was suddenly stunned for a moment - he seems to be the world's highest level Muggle research master? ?

Who else but him can perfectly predict the development of the Muggle world in the next thirty years?

There is one more update, I’ll serve it later.

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