Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 267 265 Two skills!

Chapter 267 265. Two skills!


Roars and explosions erupted in the streets, and the force was so strong that it even destroyed surrounding houses.

"It's really so exaggerated."

Forced by the impact, he rolled over and hid in the alleyway. Shishi Jie was in a terrible mood.

Although I have already told Mordred not to mess around.

But now it seems to be beyond expectations.

"Well, I'm not qualified to talk nonsense."

He threw the cigarette in his mouth on the ground and stamped it out, then looked away.

Thanks to the impact just now, he finally managed to distance himself from the other party.

Unexpectedly, the young-looking Master had such attainments in swordsmanship, which was really hard for Shishi Jie to believe.

It's really incredible that such a sword master can exist in this era.

(A descendant of a certain swordsman?)

Thinking of this, his attention was focused somewhere.


Hearing the sound of some footsteps, he raised the hidden gun upwards and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang!!"

Shirou's figure came out of the open window.

Seeing the incoming warhead, he would not think it was just an ordinary bullet.

Swinging the fake sword in his hand, the water flowing from the sword picked up the bullets in front of him.

Then it hit the astonished Lion Jie below in the shape of a waterspout.


He rolled forward violently, avoiding the water that hit the ground.



The seemingly gentle water washed away the floor, leaving shocking traces.

But before Shishi Jie could roll over and get up, Shirou was already approaching.


Lion Jie threw a piece of animal skin to block the opponent's view, while Shirou quickly waved the sword in his hand.

Like a random attack, the animal skin floating in the air instantly turned into powder.

But the next moment, what came into view was the image of Shishi Jie throwing a grenade like a heart.



The sound of explosion was heard, and both Shishi Jie and Shirou were thrown away.


Feeling that his skin was involved, Shishi Jie immediately took out a knife and cut off the corrupted skin.

A little pain is harmless. He has already protected important parts before, so it won't have much impact. At most, it will be the impact of the explosion.

Being forced into this situation by an unknown young man is an acknowledgment of the other person's strength.

To be honest, few people in Shishi Jie's rich life experience can match that changeable swordsmanship and swift figure.

Completely different from those regular magicians

"I really hope he can fall like this."

Standing up while holding his wound, Shishi Jie said in a deep voice.

If he continues to fight with the opponent like this, he will definitely lose after he has exhausted all his means.

The magic bullet fired from the gun can be reacted and guarded by the opponent, and his rapid sword skills prevent him from approaching easily.

Not to mention the exaggerated water sword skills and rich coping experience, which left him completely confused.

It was as if the young man in front of him was a swordsman who had experienced many battles.


After the thick smoke and dust cleared, Shishi Jie heard the other party's voice and then looked over.


Propping up his body with a sword, he knelt on the ground with one knee. The tattered trouser holes on his thighs showed the areas affected by the "Heart Grenade". Blood flowed down his legs and feet on the ground. The knife held in his other hand was covered with blood. bloodstains.

"This guy"

Glancing at the fragments that fell to the ground, Lion Jie was shocked by his boldness.

(You actually dug out the "hair" and "teeth" with a knife?)

The "heart grenade" is a magic gift modified by Lion Jie using the hearts of magicians.

After the explosion, it will be more powerful than ordinary grenades. The teeth and hair covered in it contain the magic power of resentment. Once it is penetrated into the body, it will cause corruption and dissolution.

Because of knowing this, Lion Jie will take precautions and try to cover the area where he was hurt.

So even if he was hit before, it would only cut the skin on his body that was hit.

And the young man in front of me is very courageous.

I directly took out the "teeth" and "hair" with a knife.

Is this an alternative version of the rumored bone scraping therapy?

But Shirou feels very uncomfortable now

He tried his best to defend himself, but he still got hit in the thigh.

After realizing that the grenade was "poisonous", he made the right choice.

Before the corruption spread, he used projection to create a knife and dug out the "poison" that was not deep.

But even so, it was very difficult to stand up.

(Is this a battle between magicians?)

(Compared with what the teacher and others said, it is indeed much crueler and more cruel.)

(Anyone who hesitates or hesitates will die.)

Even though he relied on his proficient swordsmanship to force him into a desperate situation, the opponent still seized the opportunity and inflicted a wave of injuries.

His eyes were looking forward, but even if Lion Jie could stand up, he would not dare to approach easily.

"I have to retract my preamble."

"You are indeed an incredible guy to be able to become a Heroic Spirit."

"If you had grown up in another year or two, I can't even imagine what you would be like."

Lifting the shotgun, Shishi Jie aimed at it from a distance of more than ten meters.

The victory or defeat this time was due to the fact that the other party did not understand what he was doing and took advantage of it.

As a magician, Lion Jie never sticks to the rules.

He will use everything that can be used, such as guns and grenades, and he will not stick to the so-called "right way of magic".

"Bye now!"

"Bang bang!!"

Bullets sprayed from the double-barreled shotgun.

It was a special bullet made by Shishi Jie, which was made from human fingers and combined with Nordic spells and necromantic magic.

It is an automatic "finger bullet" that can sense the body temperature in the direction of travel and correct its trajectory. When it is fired into the enemy's body, a curse will erupt in the body.

Usually it only takes one hit to finish off the magician

But unexpectedly, Shirou did not give up. Instead, he held the Kusanagi sword and hit the ground hard.

The strong current swept it into the air, and then...

(Yes, you only have this chance.)

(In the case of poor legs and feet)

(Put their sword skills to use!)


Seeing the young man flying into the air and approaching quickly with the propulsion of the water flow, Shishi Jie was stunned for a moment.

"So fast. Too late!"

The speed with which he jumped to the top of his head made it difficult for him to dodge effectively.

projection magic

It allows Shirou to gain the experience and skills of the original owner of the projection weapon.

Coincidentally, he had read the skills of two swordsmen on the "Kusanagi Sword".

One is a murderous sword that uses water swordsmanship but has no rules or restrictions.

The second is the fast and ancient swordsmanship of drawing a sword to kill people.

When he was able to project the "Kusanagi Sword" a long time ago, in addition to training the swordsmanship taught by Artoria, he often practiced the skills he read.

Although it was unknown who the previous owner of this sword was, Shirou was sincerely practicing their skills.

"Flying Sword Style!"

"Dragon Water Flash!"

Combining two different sword techniques, Shirou smashed down the surging waves.


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