Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 98 Remarks on the launch!

It will be on the shelves tomorrow (the 13th), and those book friends who can catch up here also believe in my writing skills and plot.

As mentioned before, the story of the second volume will be much slower than that of the first volume. Even the rhythm and atmosphere are different. However, this is caused by the relationship between the masters. This volume has not yet reached the climax. I will still draw a suitable ending for this volume in the future.

Because I want to make a wish, I crave the Dragon Ball. If I want to get the Dragon Ball, I need to contact others.

Fighting is not the only means and methods.

This book was originally based on the encounter between "people" and the story was born. Not only "battle (Tata Kai)" can solve everything.

If you really just want to fight crickets electronically, then just insert a protagonist to act as a gangster to show off.

But that would be too boring and uninteresting for me.

To be honest, I think the story of what happens when people with different ideas and desires come together is more exciting.

To deduce and play out the story after they met, there is no need for a so-called "protagonist", because this group of summoned servants and the selected Master themselves are the "protagonists".

The winner gets the dragon ball and realizes his wish, which is the biggest reward and the most irresistible reward. The loser can also learn something from the experience. No matter how bad things are, he can go back alive and work hard to try to be summoned again next time.

Whether it's alliance, robbery, or one person defeating six other masters and slaves, different worldviews have different methods.

As for always using characters that are obviously out of specification, just YY (meaning) it will be enough.

It’s impossible for me to put an “Assassin” Conan on one side, a “Berserker” Vegeta on the other, and a “Rider” Doraemon underneath.

There is no point in writing a story that has no suspense. There is no way that Enshin and Jeon-oh will end.

After a fight, the earth and the universe were shattered, so what are you looking at?

Okay, after talking so much, let’s officially talk about the rules and situations after it is put on the shelves.

First of all, the guarantee will be restored to three chapters every day! (This was the case in the last book I completed, and it remained unchanged until the end.)

Rules for additional updates (starting from tomorrow the 13th):

1. Every 300 monthly tickets +1 chapter

2. Reward +1 chapter for every 10,000 starting coins (it is estimated that most people vote monthly, rich women and rich brothers trouble the latter.)

3. And one more thing, it will be put on the shelves tomorrow, and additional updates will be added based on the first order quantity (+1 chapter for every 1,000 first orders). This is only a one-day "event", so please help me tomorrow.

If you like it, keep reading.

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