He Yuxin was not just talking when she said she wanted to buy some wedding girls.

Although their goal was to kill Jin Chan, it did not prevent her from making a fortune.

But this money needed to find the right time.

Fortunately, He Yuxin was lucky. Before reaching Jinri Mountain, they passed a town.

They had to rest in this town for one night. After He Yuxin invited the "young lady" into the room, she told the steward and left.

Originally, wedding girls could not act alone, but He Yuxin was special now. Everyone wanted to gain benefits from her, which made He Yuxin's actions somewhat convenient.

When He Yuxin went out, she had a plant wrapped around her arm. When she was far away from the courtyard, the plant fell to the ground and quietly turned into Jin Xiaoshu.

Jin Xiaoshu smiled and stayed by He Yuxin's side, and He Yuxin's goal was also very clear.

She asked those idle men in the city about whether there were any secret //c in the city.

Although the process of inquiring was full of twists and turns, and almost every man looked at her with a strange and lustful look after hearing her inquiry, in the end, relying on Jin Xiaoshu's strong martial arts, she still found out the distribution of the more "famous" shady//cs in the city.

He Yuxin went there in a big way.

These shady//cs are basically divided into three types. One is to force good girls to become shady. Most of them are forced by their families to do the business of hanging curtains because their families can't make ends meet, or they are forced by their parents, brothers, husbands and children.

The second type is widows.

The third type is girls from brothels and Chuguan. They either can't make ends meet or get used to such a life. After redemption, they start doing such business again.

Among these, He Yuxin focused on those girls/women who were forced and those who came out of brothels.

The second type is mostly dragged down by their families, and doing this business is also out of responsibility. It is difficult for her to persuade such people to follow her.

But the first and third types are different.

The first type is the oppressed poor people, who are mostly helpless. As long as she pays enough, it will not be easy to get the indentures of these girls/women.

The third type is that if the girls who come out of this kind of building want to do this business again, they will mostly find some backers.

And these backers are also a part of oppression. Similarly, if they find this kind of people, most of them can also get the indentures of these girls.

She wants to find some volunteers, but the identity of the bridesmaid, no matter how much the benefits are, is to risk their lives. Who really wants to die?

So He Yuxin has made plans to buy them directly with money.

But when He Yuxin went there and really saw the lives of these girls, her calculations in her heart stopped for a short time.

How to say it, He Yuxin has also seen those girls who come out for money.

He Yuxin's perspective on them is mostly from the perspective of capital rather than a woman, so she didn't think there was anything wrong with seeing those girls. They just took what they needed. She even had some that she admired more, and some stayed by her side for a few months.

Most of those girls are knowledgeable, interesting and charming. Even if they are not erudite, they are good at acting cute and foolish, which makes people feel soft-hearted.

When you get along with them, compared with physical enjoyment, spiritual relaxation and pleasure are the greatest value they can provide.

So, when seeing these numb girls who are like zombies, He Yuxin's fingertips trembled for a moment.

It was a kind of dead silence stripped of all emotions. They were still alive, but they seemed to be dead.

The girls who were forced by their families to become secret //c did not have a good life. In addition to receiving K, they were also exploited by their families.

She stood near a yard and listened for a while, and then she refreshed the depth of the abyss created by humans again.

These women who lost their virginity seemed to have become the rags of the family. They could be used as much as they wanted when they were useful. They could be used to wipe anywhere. They didn't care about cleaning, and they didn't feel bad when they were thrown away...

So when she bought these girls, she was not soft-hearted at all.

One family after another, this city is not big, with a maximum of 30,000 people living in it, but there are many families like this, and most of them are forced by their parents to do this business.

She held the indentures in her hands, and the girls followed her, as honest as silent lambs.

He Yuxin thought for a while and turned to look at Jin Xiaoshu.

Jin Xiaoshu's expression was very calm. She was concentrating on eating the divine fruit, with her eyes drooping and not looking at the girls. It seemed very casual, but He Yuxin knew that she was actually touched.

Regardless of the nature of He Yuxin and Jin Xiaoshu, they are still women. Without hurting their own interests, they are more compassionate to the pain of women.

He Yuxin looked at her, and the next second Jin Xiaoshu looked at He Yuxin, as if asking her what was wrong.

He Yuxin didn't say anything nonsense, and reached out to her. Jin Xiaoshu reacted in an instant and took a big fruit basket for her.

The fruits in Jin Xiaoshu's fruit basket were all ordinary fruits, without any special effects (not as good as those sold by the system), but they tasted good, and they were delicious. You'd want to eat more after eating them, and there were many varieties.

The fruit basket was quite heavy, and He Yuxin turned around and began to distribute food to the women.

The women began to shrink when He Yuxin approached. It was not fear, but a mixture of inferiority and hesitation.

He Yuxin concentrated on distributing fruit to the women, and didn't say anything. If they didn't reach out, she would directly stuff it into their arms, and she would let go when they held it.

She made physical contact with them openly, and did not mind their dirty clothes and unseemly clothes. After all the distribution was done, He Yuxin thrust the basket into Jin Xiaoshu's hand, and then smiled and talked to these girls.

"You guys eat first, and then I will take you to buy some clothes and jewelry, and then take a bath. Don't worry, you will only have good days from now on. As long as you stay strong and face the old days calmly, you can survive."

None of these girls spoke to them with their heads lowered, and He Yuxin didn't care.

She knew very well that no one would believe what she said with empty teeth except for people with abnormal brains. The mentality of these girls had to be adjusted, which was a delicate job.

He Yuxin was unwilling to do it before, but now in this dangerous copy, facing the prying eyes of a god, she actually had the idea of ​​becoming a life mentor.

After several urgings from He Yuxin, they finally carefully ate the fruits they were given.

From being cautious at the beginning (they didn't know these common fruits) to devouring them with great enthusiasm.

The delicate and moist taste of the fruit, the indescribable fruity aroma, and the fruity sweetness that fills the mouth are all things that these girls have never seen in their barren and miserable lives.

Ahhhhh, I got up late!

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