I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 17 Aspirin Youth Edition

"Oh, my dear sweetheart!" Queen Mary bowed to Joseph and hugged him tightly into her arms, "I miss you day and night.

"Are you injured?

"Look at you, you've lost weight!

"Be sure to bring a chef with you when you go out from now on..."

Louis XVI also came over, but he looked at the dark crowd around him and didn't say a word. He only gave his son an encouraging look.

"Come in quickly, it's cold outside." The queen dragged Joseph into the Palace of Versailles, looked back at the colorful warblers behind her, turned to her son's ear and said, "Joseph, you have reached the age of engagement, which one do you like?" The princess of the country? The Spanish princess? Or the Savoy..."

Joseph suddenly felt dumbfounded, what kind of engagement? My little body has just entered puberty, so don't mess with me.

He quickly turned to Sixteen and changed the subject: "Father, your 'Salamander Spray'..."

Louis XVI glanced at the people around him and asked an unexpected question: "Joseph, choose a girl you like. Even if she is not a princess, I will support you!"

Queen Mary glanced at him helplessly, took her son's hand and said: "My dear, I have also prepared a grand ball for you..."

She suddenly paused: "Why are your hands so hot?" Then she touched his forehead, "God, you have a fever!"

She turned to the maid Debennac and shouted: "Quick, get Dr. Lamarck!"

"Your Majesty, Dr. Lamarck has left for Paris this morning."

"Then Dr. Rassenni, hurry up!" Queen Mary kissed her son's hot forehead and was so anxious that tears almost fell. "You must take a doctor with you when you go out from now on."

Joseph felt warm in his heart and hurriedly comforted her: "I just have a low fever, it's okay..." As he spoke, he coughed.

"You still say you're fine? You are very ill! Go and rest quickly and let the doctor take a good look at you."

When the girls around heard that the crown prince was ill, they immediately gathered around him anxiously and almost carried him to the palace together with the queen.

After Joseph lay down on the velvet bed, the queen looked at Louis XVI with resentment. Her eyes seemed to say, look, if you were half as capable as the Sun King, you wouldn't let your son work hard for the country. so.

Not long after, a short, middle-aged doctor came into the room panting. At the Queen's urging, he took Joseph's temperature and checked it again. Then he leaned over to Shiliu and the Queen and said, "Your Majesty, the Crown Prince has pneumonia." It’s getting serious, the fever is 9 degrees. I think bloodletting treatment needs to be done immediately.”

"Okay, please move faster."

Joseph's face turned black when he heard this. Why should he bleed? With my small body, do you think the delivery is not fast enough?

Of course, he didn't blame the doctor. After all, medicine in this era was almost like barbers playing alchemy, and bloodletting was a common treatment. You know, a few years later, Washington, the commander-in-chief of the United States, was bloodletted to death.

He immediately pretended to be uncomfortable and wanted to be quiet, and sent all the visiting nobles, including the king and queen, out.

After the door of the bedroom was closed, he immediately got out of bed and said to Dr. Larseni: "No bloodletting! No matter how sick I am in the future, I will never let bloodletting."

"Your Highness, this is not possible!"

Joseph repeatedly tried to persuade him, but seeing that the doctor still refused to compromise, he reluctantly took out the Persian scimitar that Mono had given him on the table, and said in a deep voice: "I don't want to repeat it again, no bloodletting, do you understand?"

The cold light reflected from the blade made Larseni's pupils shrink, and he immediately remembered the Crown Prince's vicious reputation - chasing down most of Paris and capturing the Chief of Police with his own hands. Lead ninety guards and hundreds of gang members to fight and annihilate all the murderers!

Yes, the news has become like this after being spread n times.

Larseni swallowed and nodded hurriedly: "I will follow your instructions."

He said cautiously: "But, you still have a fever..."

When Joseph heard this, he also felt dizzy and exhausted. He thought it would be great if he had penicillin, a powerful tool to deal with pneumonia, but this thing is not something that can be made easily.

Are there any antipyretics that can be done in a short time?

He suddenly remembered the documentary about aspirin he had watched before, which contained the extraction method of salicin, the substance equivalent to the youthful version of aspirin.

Fortunately, he has a good memory and can still remember the main processes. Although salicin only has a little anti-inflammatory function, it has an excellent fever-reducing effect. The most important thing is that it is easy to make and can be shipped in half a day.

He immediately looked at Rassenni and said, "Excuse me, are you familiar with drug refining?"

The latter immediately showed a confident look: "Yes, Your Highness, I taught this in college."

"Great." Joseph immediately took out a pen and paper, wrote down the preparation process of salicin, and then explained to him in detail, "Crush the willow bark and evaporate it to dryness, add a small amount of quicklime, and then soak it in an alkaline environment with alcohol. For half an hour, boil, filter, evaporate and concentrate... adjust the extract to alkaline, soak again, repeat... until crystals precipitate.

"That's about it. How long do you think it will take to get it done?"

Larseni's eyes widened. The level of professionalism shown in the Crown Prince's words was definitely not inferior to his own! The Son of God is truly worthy of his name!

He discussed the preparation process in detail with Joseph and made sure that nothing was missing, then he thought: "The necessary things are available in the Royal Alchemy Laboratory. If everything goes well, it can be completed before four o'clock in the afternoon.

"Your Highness, with all due respect, I have never heard of this medicine. Are you sure it's okay..."

"Sure!" Joseph nodded, "Just do it. Also, don't tell my parents that I didn't bleed."

"This... okay, Your Highness."

After all this busy work and having a fever, Joseph soon fell into a deep sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, he vaguely felt a silky hand touching his forehead. He struggled to open his eyes and saw light green eyes as clear as lake water and an elegantly curved nose.

Joseph moved back, and then he saw clearly that it was a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, but she painted her lips with something tawny, wore a thick white wig, a men's dark green hunting suit, and black trousers, like A naughty little girl who stole her father's clothes.

"Your Highness, I'm sorry to wake you up." The girl bowed, then turned around and said, "Doctor Lamarque, Your Highness has a serious fever."

A middle-aged man with raised hair, wearing a simple long light gray coat, with a thin face, a protruding nose, and light green eyes came over and signaled: "Perna, please take your highness's temperature."

"Yes, doctor."

Dr. Lamarque saluted Joseph, then pulled up the sleeves of both his arms to check, frowning and said: "Your Highness, Larseny told me that he had bled you, but obviously he didn't tell the truth."

Joseph sat up and felt dizzy. Perna supported him with one hand and whispered: "Your Highness, please open your mouth and don't bite."

Joseph opened his mouth drowsily, and a thick glass thermometer was inserted into his mouth.

More than ten minutes later, Perna took out the thermometer and looked at Lamarque with some concern: "Doctor, 6 degrees."

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