I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 301 The Laughed-At Emperor

Chapter 302 The Emperor who was ridiculed (please vote for me)

"No, none of it..."

Joseph suddenly realized that he was careless - according to the custom of later generations, he did not need to think about marriage at the age of 15. However, in the 18th century, this was infinitely close to the ranks of older unmarried young men!

Queen Mary's frown deepened:

"My dear, you are already 15 years old. Your grandfather and great-grandfather were already married when you were your age. She glanced at Louis XVI again, "Although your father married me when he was 16, it was really It's a little late. Don't be like him. "

Louis XVI nodded in agreement.

Queen Mary held her son's hand, took a deep breath, and said in as gentle a tone as possible:

"My dear, since you have no dissatisfaction with Clementine, why don't you marry her as soon as possible? When you give birth to children, the people of France will feel more at ease!"

"I..." Joseph felt extremely passive at the moment. I have considered the entire continent, including Africa and America, but I have never thought of planning my own marriage.

Who would be in a hurry to find a wife for a 15-year-old boy? It's only been two years of development, okay?

It is common sense that marrying too young is not good for your health... My great-grandfather and grandfather married young, but one only lived to be 64 years old, and the other died at the age of 36. Have you never thought about the reason for this?

Moreover, Clementine was really related to him. Did he want him to practice orthopedics in France in the 18th century? Even she was only 12 years old. If such a punishment was left to future generations, it would start in three years and there would be no cap!

Seeing her son's silence, Queen Mary said earnestly:

"My dear, if you want to be with that girl named Perna...ah, it's not impossible, but what should I say? Her background is too low... If you like her, you can let her She stays with you. But as a formal marriage partner, I think she must be a princess of a country, or at least the daughter of a crown prince."

Joseph almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. Why did his mother involve Dr. Perna again...

He tried to calm down, thought for a while, and decided to follow the "ambition" routine:

"Mother, when it comes to love, there is only one true love for me - France!

“As the Crown Prince, I hope that under the witness of God, France will be at the top of Europe!

"If I must get married, I must find a princess from a country that can give France great support.

"Obviously that country is not Austria."

Queen Mary suddenly looked surprised: "Do you think there is a more suitable country than Austria?"

Joseph nodded: "You should have heard that Austria has just been defeated by the Prussian and Nepalese forces in the Southern Netherlands. If the Southern Netherlands is lost, Austria's national strength will decline rapidly. It may even be surpassed by Prussia!"

"No, brother, he can definitely take back the Southern Netherlands," Queen Mary's voice immediately became louder, "I know him, the Prussians can't scare him!"

A smile flashed in Joseph's eyes: "Father, mother, then maybe we should wait until the war in the Southern Netherlands is over before considering the issue of marriage with Austria?"

Louis XVI nodded with emotion, took his wife's hand, and whispered: "My dear, Joseph has really grown up. He can already think about marriage from the perspective of the country. Maybe we are too anxious. "

When his wife was not paying attention, he winked at Joseph and gestured: "You go first, I will persuade her."

While his mother was still dazed, Joseph stood up, bowed, and quickly escaped from the Little Trianon.

After a long time, Queen Mary looked at her husband resentfully: "You know, those are all excuses."

Louis XVI smiled and said: "Our son is so smart, he must have his own reasons, we should believe him."

"You really dote on him too much." Queen Mary sighed, "Clementine is so beautiful and lovely, why doesn't Joseph like her?"

Louis XVI kissed the back of his wife's hand and complimented her with rare emotional intelligence: "With such a beautiful mother, he may have raised the definition of a beautiful woman very high."

"Disgusting!" Queen Mary smiled coquettishly, but soon changed to a serious expression, "But he is really not young. We must find a marriage partner for him before next year."

"Okay," Louis XVI also seemed to agree, "I will have a good talk with him."

Central and Eastern France.

Department of Troyes.

An army with straight military uniforms, golden fleur-de-lis marks on their collars, and brand-new August-style percussion guns on their backs was lining up in a neat marching column and walking quickly toward the outskirts of the town.

There they will conduct an "assessment standard demonstration" to the famous Champagne Legion. They have done this work many times before, and the troops who have seen their demonstrations all got the result of "confidence destruction".

After they left, those capable and responsible officers or soldiers in the regiment submitted transfer applications to the General Staff, requesting to join the Royal Guards Corps, even if they were willing to work as handymen there.

In the middle of the team, a few soldiers caught a glimpse of the young officers riding horses in front of them, and started chatting in low voices, "Hey, is that captain new? Do you know him?"

"It is said that they followed the path of General Berthier and mobilized the Guards Corps." A tall soldier with an unshaven beard said, "It seems to be called Napoleon...a weird name."

"It's Napoleon. Napoleon Bouwanaba." The middle-aged soldier behind them whispered, "He is an Italian. But he did not join the Guards through connections. I heard that he was in the town of Amni He made a great contribution to quelling the chaos.”

"Haha." Two soldiers laughed, "You may not know that this officer who has made great achievements has never been able to pass the 5-kilometer run. He stayed in the military camp during the first few 'demonstrations'. "

"Well, it's not surprising that Italians are weaker..."

"I also heard that the captain used to often take sick leave."

"It turns out he is still a sick man, so no wonder, haha."

The young officer riding the horse in front could vaguely hear the laughter of the soldiers behind him talking about him, and he couldn't help but have veins on his forehead. His hands holding the horse's reins had turned pale because of too much force.

However, he couldn't refute it, because that damn 5-kilometer run was simply too difficult.

At first, he didn't believe that these soldiers could run such a long distance in 22 minutes, but the facts taught him a hard lesson - only three of the entire legion failed to finish on time. One of the other two people had a fever, and the other had a broken boot.

The worst thing is that the Guards Corps requires officers below the rank of major to complete 5-kilometer running training with the soldiers.

He secretly swore in his heart that during this "assessment standard demonstration", he would shut up the soldiers who laughed at him!

When had Napoleon ever lost to someone else? Those guys who looked down on him in the military academy were eventually surpassed by his excellent results!

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