I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 73 Using Newspaper as a Sword

Newspapers were selling like hotcakes all over Paris.

Most of those newsboys went to the Paris Merchant newspaper office to try their luck because they really couldn't find anything to do. Unexpectedly, the sales volume was unusually good.

According to the agreement, for every 10 newspapers they sold, they would be paid 6 denier. Just after noon, the lucky newsboy had sold 50 newspapers, earning several times more than working in a workshop!

The story of Hunter Xiao's annulled engagement and the story of Cress's survival after being shot were already known to everyone almost in one morning.

Many people can't help but feel itchy when they hear others discussing an interesting story very enthusiastically, but they don't know what's going on.

Just when they were hesitating whether to spend a sum of money to subscribe to a newspaper, they heard that there was a newspaper seller on the street outside, and they immediately went to buy one.

And the ladies who are most up to date with the trend have begun to hold salons, with the theme being the "Immortal Cress" or "The Alchemy Family" that they just saw. They are keenly aware that these stories will definitely become the most popular topics, and they must seize the opportunity.

By that evening, even Parisians would greet each other with a sentence - "Have you read that novel?"

It's no wonder that entertainment life in the 18th century was very monotonous. There are only a few novels and dramas, and most of them have long been tired of them. People can only pass the time by talking about the scandals of nobles.

For readers of this era, those cool writing routines that have been repeatedly tempered by countless authors in later generations are completely shocking to the soul, and you will become addicted after just one glance!

This is no exaggeration. Even in the 21st century, there have been cases of American boys who were so engrossed in reading porn that they couldn't even care about taking drugs, and finally succeeded in quitting drugs.

For the citizens of Paris who have an empty spiritual life, these novels are full of exciting points, with various foreshadowings and constant suspense, which makes them unable to put down.

The next day, when everyone was still discussing the plot of yesterday's novel, they were surprised to find that there was a new chapter in today's newspaper!

It has revealed some mysteries in yesterday's story and left more suspense. The plot is still exciting. Who can resist watching this?

You don’t have to eat, but you have to buy this newspaper!

Some people even fought over the last newspaper in the hands of the newsboy...

Just after 3 p.m., the stocks of "Paris Handelsblatt" and "La Presse et Bild" were sold out.

Denic looked at the dozens of newsboys in front of him who were anxiously waiting to pick up newspapers, and felt like he was in a dream.

He knew that the wonderful novel sent by the Crown Prince would definitely cause the newspaper to sell well, but he did not expect that the sales volume would be so amazing.

Oh, God! A total of 7,000 copies of each of the two newspapers were printed, and they were all sold out!

You must know that there are only more than 500,000 people in Paris, and the sales volume of the most popular newspaper "Paris News" in the past was less than 3,000 copies. The combined number of these two newspapers is more than 5 "Paris News"!

His hands began to tremble a little, and he immediately rushed into the printing workshop, pointed at the printing press and shouted to the workers:

"Print more! Print 1,000 more copies immediately!! Use your fastest speed!!!"

At this moment, a manager from the newspaper office hurried over and gestured toward the office in excitement:

"Mr. Denico, come over quickly! The Origin of Elegance Perfume Shop, the Onitor Iron Tools Shop, and... in short, several well-known shops have come and said they want to discuss advertising."

Denic waved his hand and said rather domineeringly:

"Let them wait for now, I'll go over after arranging the printing."

Of course he has the capital to be domineering - with a sales volume of more than 14,000 copies of the newspaper, he doesn't have to worry about anyone coming to advertise.

With the popularity of the newspaper of Paris Merchant, a large number of readers not only read the novel, but also read the article about the tax bill in the newspaper.

On the streets, people have begun to talk about the bill:

"If you ask me, those noble gentlemen should have paid more taxes!"

"Yes, I saw it. All the increases are for the nobles. Why do we poor people pay more taxes than the nobles?"

"The city hall always says there is no funding, so why not ask the nobles for it?"

"Humph, the High Court keeps rejecting tax bills, not because those judges themselves are nobles!"

“No wonder they always talk about defending the court’s power, but it turns out it’s the power not to pay taxes.”

"That's right..."

For a time, the Duke of Orleans gathered all the power of Paris newspapers, and the wind that was unfavorable to the bill was suddenly deflected.

In fact, Joseph has not fully exerted his efforts in the public opinion war. He still has two novel manuscripts in hand, which are reserved for pamphlets.

Yes, he had no intention of using newspapers only to fight a public opinion war. That would be too much of a disadvantage.

Since war has begun, let's not talk about unnecessary gentlemanliness. Although the pamphlet is low, full of rumors, relies on "three vulgarities" to attract people, and is despised by the mainstream of society, its audience is very wide.

Today the French literacy rate exceeds 60%. A large number of people who could not afford newspapers had to read pamphlets for entertainment. It can be said that brochures dominate the low-end market.

Joseph will naturally not miss this publicity tool.

It is difficult for the audience of brochures to make regular and continuous purchases. This affects the readability of serialized novels. So he plans to send out a booklet once a week, containing seven days worth of novel chapters.

When tens of thousands of pamphlets appeared on the streets of Paris, that was when he actually launched a general offensive.

At a regular ball at the Palace of Versailles, a group of aristocratic ladies glanced resentfully at Princess Therese, complaining about how she had always occupied the crown prince.

The young boys looked at Joseph helplessly, hoping that some kind-hearted lady could "abduct" the Crown Prince so that they could get close to the Princess.

Of course, this is Joseph's unilateral use of his sister as a "shield" - he really has a bit of a psychological shadow on dancing...

After these few days of adjustment, Therese has become much less optimistic about the rumors. At this time, she was chatting with Joseph:

"I heard that the 'Crown Prince's Blessing' you invented is very miraculous. I have also been taking it recently. But it has no effect for the time being..."

Joseph hurriedly asked with concern: "Where do you feel uncomfortable? Do you have a fever?"

Therese shook her head: "I don't have a fever. I just feel dizzy, have no energy, and have shortness of breath. I fainted a few months ago. The doctors couldn't find the cause. Doctor Baptiste suggested that I go to the Chateau Meudon to recuperate. .”

Joseph's face was full of black lines: This is not a symptom of taking salicin. What kind of medicine are you taking?

"You can't just take any medicine you hear is miraculous. You have to follow the doctor's orders."

Therese nodded seriously: "That's what Dr. Baptiste asked me to eat."


Joseph held his forehead and asked again: "What other medicines do you take?"

Thérèse named several herbs.

Joseph looked at her pale face and thought to himself: The symptoms she said sounded like severe anemia. Girls her age seem to be prone to anemia. I just don’t know if it’s iron deficiency anemia or pathological.

Thales added: "In addition to taking medicine, I also receive bloodletting treatment every half month."

Joseph's face turned completely dark: "It would be better for you to fire your doctor."

Thanks to: Ren Yu, Bearing Humiliation Alpha, Ganmu Dumb, Huddled in the Bed, Can’t Even Come up with a Nickname, Don’t Come Close to Sugar and Fats, Book Friends 201/0403213248533, Book Friends 20170809155505651 and several big guys for giving this book Generous reward! Tianhaishan is grateful! I love you all!

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