I asked you to evaluate a kitchen knife. Would you use it to chop an engineer shovel?

Chapter 297 The black-hearted and unscrupulous businessman

After complaining about the capacity of the cheese sticks, Zhao Feng started to complain about the price of the cheese sticks.

"What kind of crappy thing is this? I once bought this bag for my little nephew. It looks like a small thing, but it costs 18 yuan. Isn't this thing too expensive?"

Those who came to watch Zhao Feng's live broadcast today were not only his fans who usually support him.

Some brand sponsors also came to Zhao Feng's live broadcast room to see if there were any opportunities for in-depth cooperation.

Hidden in this sponsoring party is a staff member of the Miaokehong multi-brand party named Donald Duck.

When he heard Zhao Feng complaining about the price of Miao Ke Hongduo's cheese sticks, this fan named Donald Duck left a crazy message.

"Brother Feng, I heard that 5 cups of milk is equivalent to a cheese stick, so the cheese stick has a high milk content, so the price is naturally more expensive!"

There were some fans in the live broadcast room who didn't understand the business's market routines, and they kept reminding them.

"Yes, Brother Feng, 5 cups of milk is equivalent to one cheese stick. Just eating one cheese stick a day can replenish enough calcium, so we can accept the higher price!"

"Damn, damn it, these are all lies from damn advertisers, lying to you!"

Zhao Feng had some knowledge about cheese sticks a long time ago. When he learned that the fans in his live broadcast room were brainwashed by the merchant's advertisements, he threw the cheese sticks in his hands angrily.

"Who told you that 5 cups of milk is equivalent to one cheese stick? If anyone dares to say that, I can sue him now!"

Zhao Feng could not suppress the anger in his heart, because this kind of false advertising was tantamount to deceiving people.

Zhao Feng originally wanted to bring this cheese stick, but after thinking about it, he felt that he could not do such an unconscionable thing.

Turning over the product introduction column of the cheese sticks, Zhao Feng could clearly see that it was full of additives.

"Fans in the live broadcast room, if you have eyes, please watch, how high is the milk content in this!"


Fans' eyes widened in surprise after seeing this number, and they realized that they had been deceived by the manufacturer's false advertising over the years.

“Why does it turn out that cheese sticks don’t contain high amounts of calcium?”

"You're right, cheese sticks are just a snack and should never be used as a calcium supplement."

Today, Zhao Feng is going to be a positive anchor, and he is going to expose the false propaganda released by those unscrupulous businesses.

"This cheese stick is the most inedible product. If I didn't say it, everyone here wouldn't know it!"

Zhao Feng's exposure made fans in the live broadcast room realize that this highly praised calcium supplement artifact is actually just a flavored snack.

Fans in Zhao Feng's live broadcast room felt like they had been deceived, and they felt very uncomfortable.

Those who had children at home and had stocked up on Magic Red Cheese Sticks frantically left messages on the public screen.

"This is really a very unscrupulous businessman, causing our baby to eat so many cheese sticks full of additives. Isn't this harming people!"

"That's right, we want to denounce Miaoke Hongduo!"

When the brand owner heard that so many people knew the inside story of the industry, he couldn't sit still for a moment.

In order to calm everyone down, the brand staff member named Donald Duck hurriedly spoke up.

"The cheese sticks from Miao Ke Hong Family are different from other people's cheese sticks. They still have a high calcium content. Please don't just listen to one side of the story!"

While Zhao Feng was working hard to popularize various food knowledge to everyone, this fan named Donald Duck once again attacked Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng felt that this person named Donald Duck was very problematic, but Zhao Feng had nothing to fear, and he continued to fight with him to the end.

"The facts are here. The ingredient list of the product is clearly written. It does not contain any calcium. This is just a snack. I hope the mothers here will not regard it as a calcium supplement and let their children eat it!"

Zhao Feng didn't want to talk too much nonsense. After all, there was quite a lot of inside information in the food industry.

Zhao Feng sighed and shook his head helplessly. There were some things he couldn't control, so he could only remind these fans to be more careful and vigilant.

"Dear fans here, in fact, apart from cheese sticks, there are many foods on the market that are not good for our bodies!"

"For example, it is difficult to achieve zero additives in dry noodles and ham sausages. These foods contain more or less high technology, so for the sake of your children's physical and mental health, try not to eat them!"

It can be said that Zhao Feng’s words of advice came from the bottom of his heart, reminding the fans in his live broadcast room. The fans in the live broadcast room were also very moved after hearing this.

"Thank you, Brother Feng. This time I know I have to read the ingredient list when buying things!"

"Yes, it seems that there are very few practical things in life for us!"

The fans sighed helplessly, expressing their helplessness.

Then when Zhao Feng was about to introduce the next product, he suddenly felt a tightness in his throat.

This feeling made Zhao Feng very uncomfortable. Maybe it was because Zhao Feng's introduction in the live broadcast room took too long, and his dry throat made him want to cough.

When Huang Xiaorui saw it, she brought a carton of milk to Zhao Feng.

"Brother Feng, drink a glass of milk to moisten your throat!"

Zhao Feng took it and took a sip, then spit the cup of milk onto the ground.

"What the hell is this!"

When Huang Xiaorui saw Zhao Feng's behavior, she was really confused. She didn't know what was wrong with Zhao Feng and why he did this!

Looking at Zhao Feng with surprised eyes, Zhao Feng was holding the carton of milk and staring at the line of the ingredient list.

"What kind of milk is this? This is obviously a box of milk-flavored drinks. Why do unscrupulous merchants deceive us ignorant consumers!"

The more Zhao Feng thought about it, the more angry he became. It was already difficult to live in this world, so why were so many people trying to make such dirty money?

Aren't they afraid of losing their conscience and dying a good death?

Zhao Feng thought and angrily threw the milk box in his hand.

The milk spilled all over the floor, but Zhao Feng still didn't feel like relieving his hatred. He stepped on the carton and crushed it with all his strength. Zhao Feng continued to curse.

"What a bunch of black-hearted businessmen. You dare to make any money. Do you want to make such unconscionable money? I think you are just cheating the Chinese people without any limit!"

Since these unscrupulous manufacturers have done so many unscrupulous things, Zhao Feng, as a positive anchor, naturally wants to remind everyone to stay away from the products manufactured by these unscrupulous manufacturers.

"Everyone here, remember, when buying products, you must read the ingredient list. Dairy products except raw milk are not edible!"

This sentence instantly reminded the fans in Zhao Feng's live broadcast room, causing them to quickly take out the refrigerated milk.

Some of them, upon closer inspection, were indeed milk-flavored products. Fans in Zhao Feng's live broadcast room were immediately confused. It turned out that they had been deceived by unscrupulous merchants over the years.

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