I can go back to the mysterious age

Chapter 24 Shirakawa City

"Wind Elements Basic Fighting Technique: Extreme (three levels in total)"

Unexpectedly, the basic fighting technique of Wind Xiang, which originally had only two levels, became three levels, and the advanced level was replaced with the word "extreme".

Card Xiu's mind moved, and many basic moves passed through his mind like running water, like a bright mirror. Even if you think more carefully, there will be pictures flashing before your eyes, all of which are extremely standard actions. His mastery of the basic fighting techniques of the wind element soared to a whole new level.

Card Xiu had a hunch that if he learned the secret martial art of wind elephant with the basic fighting technique of wind elephant that reached the third level, he would probably get twice the result with half the effort. If a big tree has a strong root and stem, its branches and leaves will grow faster and become more luxuriant.

There was drizzle falling on top of his head. When Kaxiu came back to his senses, his clothes were already wet. He raised his head and glanced at the sky.

The rain fell down like a spider web and followed the line of sight upward. There was an endless expanse of deep black clouds, thunder roared like a cannon, and a bolt of lightning ripped through the sky.

"It's time to go back to the hotel."

Ka Xiu checked the fake ID in the inner pocket of his clothes, and then picked up the wide-brimmed hat on the ground and the umbrella that had flown away.

Turning his head, the figure gradually disappeared into the drizzle.

One day later, the train station in the northern suburbs of Fennan City.

The tall gray-white flat-roofed building loomed in the morning fog. In front of the building was a gray-white rectangular platform. Dozens of passengers carrying suitcases waited for the train to arrive.

A piercing whistle sounded in the distance, and a black and green train spewed black smoke. The train headlights suddenly arrived like approaching meteors, and the fog squeezed to both sides.

All the passengers took a step back. A bald middle-aged man bumped into something and turned his head quickly.

Behind him was a man nearly 1.85 meters tall, wearing a black coat and wide-brimmed hat that are most common among morning passengers. He was holding a wooden travel box in his hand, looking serious.

"Sorry, I bumped into you." The middle-aged man apologized quickly...

"It's okay." Kaxiu took a few steps to the left, revealing a black rectangular iron pillar behind him that supported the top of the grid.

"This way! This way! Get on the train!" A conductor in a blue uniform stepped off the train and shouted.

Immediately, the surrounding passengers wearing coats and windbreakers gathered here. They took their suitcases and started queuing to get on the bus.

"Watch your ticket, don't get on the wrong train!"

"And pay attention to your luggage, kid!"

The conductor shouted a few more times.

Card Xiu in the crowd glanced at his watch: 7:05.

"Get on the train." The conductor patted the painted car body.

Ka Xiu picked up the box and walked up directly.

He was seated by the window and could see the scenery outside. The white curtains were pulled to one side and tied, and there was water mist on the glass.

Frame Clang, Frame Clang, Frame Clang...

The train began to accelerate gradually, white steam was spraying from the top of the car, and the wheels on the rails began to speed up.

He stretched out his hand and wiped it, and the glass suddenly became clear.

Ahead, protective trees came towards us like fleeting glimpses of light. Behind, Fengnan City with scattered lights gradually faded away.

Ka Xiu took a deep look.

He will come back...

Half a month later, Beiliu County, Baichuan City.

Edelweiss Middle School ranks fourth in the province and first in Shirakawa City. It has junior high school and high school. The teaching staff is strong and there are many students. Edelweiss Middle School is not only committed to improving academic performance, but also actively exploring students' extracurricular interests.

In addition to restaurants and entertainment shops, the large streets around the middle school are mostly filled with various sports venues. Basketball, baseball, swimming. Even archery and fencing.

Edelweiss Middle School covers a large area. In addition to the playground grass, there are more than a dozen tall and brand-new buildings. These buildings have the same style and are all school buildings.

Behind the teaching area, there are a large number of similar buildings. This is the middle school with the most complete facilities and the best teaching in Shirakawa City.

Next to the circular flower bed, there is a towering teaching building with white walls and blue background. At this time, the teacher's voice continued to be heard inside, and students were called up to answer questions from time to time.

"Okay, now let's turn the book back to page 107. Next, let's study the next chapter. The international situation and world structure, let's take a look at this side first."

In the first classroom on the third floor near the stairs, a middle-aged teacher wearing glasses placed the textbook in his hand on the table.

He turned around and picked up the chalk and quickly sketched it on the blackboard. After a while, a world map that looked quite standard was formed. There are also logos of some major countries on it, and several oceans in the gaps are also marked.

With a snap, the teacher put the chalk down.

"The Hongli Federation has a history of 156 years since its founding. From the beginning, our Hongli Federation has been one of the three major powers in the world! Everyone, look here."

The middle-aged teacher pointed at one of the maps with his finger. This is a huge country along the coast. The overall shape is like a grenade, with a small gap sunk in the center.

This is a map of the Hongli Federation. The Federation covers a very large area. It is two-fifths the size of a continent.

The name of this continent is Beijiaozhou.

Under the North Reef Continent, there is a continent of similar size called the South Reef Continent. The eastern part of Nanjiao Island also occupies a huge flat country, the United States of Anna.

To the east of South Reef Continent and North Reef Continent, there is an unusually huge piece of land. This piece of land is about four-fifths the size of the two continents combined, and is called Xinglan Rock Continent.

There is also a huge country above, the Star Blue Empire. This is the largest country in the world, a quarter larger than the Federation of Red Lebanon and about a third larger than the United States of Ana.

Surrounded by some small islands that can be drawn.

The teacher introduced them one by one, and half the class time had already been used up. The classroom is near the window, second to last row.

A boy with brown hair and handsome eyebrows was flipping through the textbook. He glanced at the blackboard for a while, then turned to look out the window. His mind was clearly not on class.

"Phil, the teacher is calling you."

His deskmate suddenly touched him with his elbow.

Phil was stunned and quickly stood up. With the gentle reminder from his deskmate, he finally got over the problem.

"Huh... Milo, thank you." Phil sat down.

"Why are you always absent-minded lately?" Milo, a boy with a freckled face, lowered his head and whispered to Phil.

"Alas, I'm about to be eliminated from the fighting club. I was among the bottom three in our last sparring session, and I'll have no choice but to quit the fighting club after two more sparring sessions." Phil sighed, feeling regretful about being eliminated from the fighting club, but also regretful about having to I can no longer see Senior Sister Difa from the Fighting Club.

That was his original intention of joining the fighting club.

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