I can go back to the mysterious age

Chapter 35 Dad’s Antique Shop

The buildings on both sides of the street are different from before. They are obviously much lower here and the roads are relatively deserted. The only thing on it are black street lamps. There are two protruding stands next to the bulbs of these street lamps, like candlesticks.

It's the only decoration on a remote road.

After passing these light yellow buildings, Ka Xiu walked along the sidewalk paved with square tiles to the right side of the intersection.

At the end of the road, you can even see the black mountain wall and grassy trees behind, which is quite remote. No one would have thought that a small antique shop would open here.

Above the store, a rectangular metal nameplate hangs.

"Dad's Antique Shop."

Okay, that's a weird name. Even if most people choose this kind of store name, they will also add their name in front of it. For example, Papa Charlie’s Antique Shop, but this antique shop seems to be so willful.

Ka Xiu came here once the day before yesterday. The shop owner is a skinny old man wearing round glasses and has a very weird temper.

Despite this, he actually quite enjoyed staying here.

The small flow of people is actually an attraction for Kaxiu.

Pressing his bulging left chest, he felt confident in raiding the city's antique shops this time, provided that he was obsessed with antiques or legendary antiques. Otherwise, even if you hold a pile of gold and silver in your hands, you still can't buy the obsession energy that Card Xiu wants.

After standing for a moment, he pushed the door open and entered.

"Welcome to Dad's antique store..."

An old voice sounded behind the red counter at the entrance, and the old man wearing a white shirt and yellow vest raised his head slightly.

"Hello, dad." Kaxiu waved.

He is not a familiar person. On the contrary, he has a rather cold temperament. But for this old man, Ka Xiu didn't know why he always felt close to him. Maybe their temperaments are a natural match? Anyway, he felt most comfortable in this antique store.

Last time he stayed there from dusk to night, and his father even treated him to an edamame sandwich, a kind of weird food.

But not to mention, it actually tastes pretty good.

"Levi, have you had lunch?" Dad slowly put down what he was holding, walked around the counter, and picked up a plate.

"Not yet, I plan to eat at Nington Street." Kaxiu had been sorting medicinal materials and making ointment just now, and Kaxiu didn't even have time to eat.

"Then let's have a piece of edamame sandwich to fill our stomach first..."

The little old man passed the plate forward, and there was a sandwich inside. Ka Xiu didn't show any pretense, he picked it up and ate it immediately.

"Thank you, Dad."

"Hahaha." Dad smiled happily, his little eyes narrowed, his white eyebrows trembling, looking inexplicably kind.

"Dad, you gave your guests weird edamame sandwiches again." A weird voice came in from the door.

The little girl in a children's T-shirt held up a large ice cream cone, looking at her father and then at Cardiff.

"What's weird? The edamame sandwich is obviously the best sandwich in the world!" Dad was a little angry: One more thing~ Xiao Yu, did you skip school and go home? "

"Dad, you are confused again. Today is Holy Bath Day and school is on holiday." The little girl shouted a few words loudly, as if she was afraid that her deaf father wouldn't hear her. She walked all the way upstairs.

"Oh, how dare you teach dad a lesson."

The old man waved the empty plate in his hand.

"By the way, dad, when will Uncle Yun come back?"

The little girl on the stairs shook her head.

"It will be at least another month. He is on the ship returning from the United States of Anna." The old man put down the plate and said, "By the way, don't interrupt, you haven't replied to what dad just said."

Ka Xiu looked at this scene and smiled. The little girl and the little old man are both very cute, of course this refers to their personalities.

In fact, he knew from the last time he came here that his father and Xiao Yu were not from the Hongli Federation, but from the Xinglan Empire of Xinglan Yanzhou. Their family also has Uncle Yun who is doing business abroad.

The business seems to be related to antiques. Every once in a while, a small batch of antiques will be shipped to Shirakawa City from outside. Although these antiques are strange and of little value.

Looking at his father who rushed upstairs angrily, Kaxiu shook his head helplessly. Maybe they got along because of this child's temper.

It is said that the older people get, the more childlike their tempers become. Are you innocent at heart?

He turned his head and walked towards the antique store shelves.

This dad’s antique store may seem small from the outside, but it’s quite spacious inside. There are more than a dozen light yellow shelves in the middle of the store. They are not professional and should be handmade.

You can see the wood grain on the edges and the rivets of the nails.

There are some weird gadgets on the shelves.

Music box, old pocket watch, thick books, parchment...

Surrounding the shelves on three sides of the wall are low counters covered with yellow cloth, with large antiques placed on them.

For example, there are bust sculptures, broken iron swords, old oil paintings laid out flat, and ceramic pots that look like teapots and chamber pots. All in all, it’s weird and quirky, and there are no big antique shops that are divided into different categories.

But complex types and small objects still seem to win.

Card Xiu followed the old practice, from left to right, from the beginning of the house to the end of the house. Searched all the way and checked all the way.

Although he has a golden tongue that can search for bitter tastes, no one can tell for sure. When Ka Xiu approached the senior brother wearing the wind ivory pendant for the first time, there was no bitter taste in his mouth.

Only touching it with your hands is the most accurate. If you have obsession energy, your arms will feel numb and painful. Of course, if some obsessive antiques are hidden too deep and require a wound on the arm to detect them, then Kaxiu can only admit defeat. After all, he couldn't press his bloody thumb everywhere, not to mention whether it would be blasted out, just the rust and bacteria would be enough.

Walk all the way over, touching from the shelf near the road to the shelf on the other side. Ka Xiu didn't make any unexpected discoveries.

He put down the goblet in his hand and picked up a copper coin next to it. The surface is rough and old. Although it has a metallic texture, it is not strong and the degree of oxidation is not light. Ka Xiu rubbed it lightly with his thumb, and his whole body raised his brows in an instant.

"The familiar bitter taste...are these two days my lucky days?"

The corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

Sure, the coin in your hand is an obsessive antique. Ka Xiu glanced around and rubbed hard with his hands.

The bitter taste gradually became stronger, and it seemed that there was something on the surface of the coin that wrapped the energy of obsession, and it had to be approached closely.

Bite the opening decisively on your fingertips and press it gently.

A stream of cold air penetrated from outside the skin.

Suddenly the number in the upper right corner jumped twice in a row.

"Obsession energy: 1.9→2.0→2.1"

It's a bit small, but Ka Xiu doesn't mind it. It's a good thing to have.

He glanced at the shelf and immediately found seven or eight similar coins. The reverse shows a crown with a crooked cross on top, while the obverse shows the coin's large number fifty.

Ka Xiu picked up these coins and repeated his trick.

I actually found another one that contained the energy of obsession.

"Obsession Energy: 2.1→2.3"

He squeezed the coins in his palm and shouted to the counter.

"Dad, how much are these coins?"

I borrowed the characters from The Adventures of Jackie Chan, and I really like the cute dad, the quirky Xiaoyu, and of course the always unlucky Uncle Long. (^^*)

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