I can go back to the mysterious age

Chapter 41 The original trajectory (please follow up)

Kaxiu raised his head and glanced at him coldly.

In the original trajectory, Levi's teacher was still Lisha, but Levi was not the only disciple. He also had a junior brother and a junior sister, the junior brother was called Damo, and the junior sister was called Sharon.

Although the three were from the same school, the relationship between them was very bad. Especially Damo and Levi, perhaps because of competition, Damo secretly tripped Levi in ​​various ways.

The key is that Levi can't beat him, which is ridiculous. Levi's Xiangpo secret technique training level is higher than Damo, and his wind elephant fist is more proficient than Damo. But every time he sparred in the school, he couldn't beat Damo, as if something in his character limited him.

This is also the reason why Kaxiu felt that Levi was really aggrieved after exploring his memory. He obviously has strength, but he is bullied by the weak.

Ridiculous and absurd.

Just as Kashu was recalling, the golden-haired Damo frowned and walked over: "I'm asking you a question!"

"If I remember correctly, the master asked you to get those exercise equipment, so do your own things." Kashu said indifferently, wiping the sweat on his forehead with a white towel in his hand.

"Oh, you're in a bad mood? What's wrong with you today? Have you changed your personality?" Damo touched his stubbled chin and smiled.

Before, when he asked Levi to get something, Levi would do it silently and never complain. Damo would hand over the trivial things that Lisha asked Damo to do to Levi, and after doing things well, he would take credit for it without mentioning Levi's name.

After a while, this became a habit, and even vaguely became a convention. When oppression becomes a normal state, the oppressor will feel unreasonable and feel a kind of stunned anger if the oppressed resists a little.

This is how Damo feels now.

After a little surprise, he immediately felt angry: "Be honest and move the exercise equipment for me. I will only give you ten minutes!" "Go by yourself." Kaxiu didn't want to pay attention to him at all. If it weren't for the conditions, he would have slapped Damo in the face. Kaxiu turned around and walked towards the light gray clothes placed by the wall not far away. "What did you say?!" Damo's tone was obviously angry. "I said go by yourself." Kaxiu still said this. He was not a coward like the original owner Levi. If you want him to obey, unless it is someone Kaxiu respects, or someone he is willing to accommodate. Otherwise, even if someone points a gun at his head, don't expect to hear him beg for mercy. This can be seen from the archaeological ruins incident. "Hey, you are excited, right?!" Damo glanced at his junior sister Sharon next to him and felt a little embarrassed. He rushed over in two steps. He swung his right fist and hit, which was the action of swinging fists in the basic fighting technique of wind. The fist swept in the air, and the target was clear. The target was Kaxiu's left shoulder behind him.

Boom! Snap!

First there was the sound of fists colliding, and then there was the crisp sound of a slap hitting Damo's face. Kaxiu turned his body suddenly.

He still kept punching and slapping, and the refined muscles on his body bulged and contracted, which was extremely powerful.

On the other side, Damo, who took the initiative, stepped back several steps in a row. He first shook his hands, shocked that Levi was stronger than him. Then he covered his cheek in a daze, and the skin on it was burning.

He was beaten by someone, a dumb and cowardly guy? This moment of astonishment turned into anger in a short time.

"Stop right there!!!"

Damo rushed to the door suddenly, and his fist swung violently, and it seemed that he also had an explosive skill. Kaxiu seemed to ignore him, with a towel around his neck and clothes in his hands, and was about to walk out.

Hearing the movement of a frenzy coming from behind.

Kaxiu pulled the wet towel soaked with sweat from his neck.

With a snap, it hit Damo in the face.

Then he slightly turned sideways, blocked with his left foot, and pushed forward with his shoulder. Damo, with his eyes closed, groaned, and was knocked out by a strong force, falling to the ground with a bang.

A series of footsteps approached.

Kaxiu looked down at Damo, who was in some pain.

"Remember, Levi is no longer the Levi from today. He will change to a completely new way of life. Don't let me see your arrogant and arrogant look again in the future, otherwise I will beat you every time I see you. Do you understand? Urinary incontinence."

Kaxiu glanced at Damo's lower body. For some reason, the crotch of his pants began to get wet.

"You!" Damo's eyes widened in shame and anger. He had just woken up from a nap and was holding back a lot of water. He wanted to come to the training room and solve it on the way. Unexpectedly, he fought with Levi and was knocked away. He couldn't help but made a big fool of himself.

Junior sister Sharon next to him was looking at him with a strange look, which dealt a great blow to Damo's self-esteem.

"Ah!" He roared in grief and anger, and was about to get up.

But he was kicked away by Kaxiu next to him.

A long wet mark was dragged on the floor.

"Go pee slowly."

Kaxiu put the towel on his left shoulder and turned to leave.

When he reached the door, he suddenly turned his head: "Remember to mop up the pee on the floor and open the window for ventilation."

When he walked out of the exercise room, Kaxiu heard a burst of angry roars behind him. He smiled and walked out of the gray and white building quickly.

Standing at the door, Kaxiu glanced at the blue sky.

The clouds in the sky float and move rapidly in the sky, driven by the wind, which is a bit dazzling to stare at. The bright light penetrated through the gaps in the sky and sprinkled millions of pieces of gold onto the ground and buildings.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, the ornamental trees on both sides of the gravel road in front of me rustled in the north-south breeze.

In the upper right corner of the field of vision, the original sixty-strip time scale suddenly increased sharply, to about one-half more.

The length of stay suddenly changed from sixty days to ninety days.

"Levi, it feels wonderful to be brave once..." Ka Xiu lowered his head slightly and said to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "You can increase so much at once. It seems that you are better than I expected. , more eager to become a man..."


A flock of white doves flapped their wings across the sky.

On the avenue leading from the exercise room to the canteen, a tall young man was walking along one side. From time to time, he looked at the buildings and roads on both sides, which seemed a little strange.

A gentle breeze ruffles the tree crowns, and the ground is shaded by sunlight.

Ka Xiu suddenly turned his head and looked towards the distance of the road. There was a figure coming over there, with eye-catching long legs, a plump and hot figure, and short and capable hair. It looks impressive from a distance.

It's still the familiar beige fighting uniform, but Ka Xiu's title for her has changed from Lisha's teacher to master.

"Levi, are you going to the cafeteria to eat?"

"Yes, Master."

ps: It’s more important to catch up on reading today, and I recommend it...

Thanks for the reward of 100 book coins with the emojis (cannot be typed). Thanks to Gao for the reward of 500 starting coins.

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