I can go back to the mysterious age

Chapter 47 Friendly Agreement

Ka Xiu's heart was surging and he couldn't control himself for a long time. Everyone has a desire for power, but he seems to desire it more.

"By the way, Levi. Exercise more in the week after taking the Hundred Medicine Body Refining Cream. There is still a small amount of the medicine remaining in your body. If you work hard during this period, the rewards may be no less than exercising for a few months. Don't waste it. "Lisha warned.

"Yes." Card Xiu naturally understood this truth.

Eight days passed in a flash, and the weather became hotter and hotter. In the blue sky, some gray air that looks like clouds but not clouds, and looks like mist but not mist floats low in the air, as if the clouds have been melted by the sun. The scorching sun was like a fireball.

In summer, the world is like a big steamer. The sun shines on the floor and emits white light. Due to the reflection, the room heats up, and the dull air is as hot as a boiler.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

The sound of violent breathing in the exercise room rises and falls rhythmically, but it can be clearly felt that the breathing gaps are getting shorter and shorter.

Accompanying the sound of breathing was the sound of continuous blows.

There was also the friction of feet moving on the floor.

On the right side of the exercise room, in front of a black sandbag hanging alone from an iron bar. The vigorous figure seemed to turn into a round of extremely fast afterimages, walking at an unpredictable pace. Both fists struck out like springs, hitting the sandbag with heavy force.

Dong dong dong dong dong…

A series of explosions echoed in the exercise room, and the sandbag swung back and forth wildly like the pendulum of an alarm clock. There was a sharp friction sound along with the pole above, and the joints were groaning.

thump! thump! thump!

Kaxiu's heart was beating like a drum at a speed that exceeded the limit of ordinary people. The strong atrium pumped the hot blood to the whole body, which also made the whole body's strength more and more ready to come out.

The calloused fists were bombarded silently, and dents appeared one after another on the surface of the sandbag. Until a certain moment!


Unstoppable power flowed in like a tidal wave, the iron rod swung violently, and the flying black sandbag exploded in the air.

A large cloud of gray and black sand filled the sky, along with scattered rags, filling the entire training room in an instant.

There was only a piece of rag left on the iron pole, slowly hanging down.

Ka Xiu retracted his fist and inhaled sharply, his chest swelled upwards forcefully, and sweat dropped from his refined muscles.

"Elephant Soul Secret Technique: Spikes 63.1% (Total Three Levels)" → "Elephant Soul Secret Technique: Spikes 68.2% (Total Three Levels)"

"Wind Elephant Fist: Gale 24.4% (three levels in total)" → "Wind Elephant Fist: Gale 34.2% (three levels in total)"

The Elephant Soul Secret Technique has increased by 5% in eight days. This effect is already comparable to the first time he practiced the Elephant Soul Secret Technique.

You know, any martial arts or training method will become more difficult the further you practice it. There is a huge difference between the 5% at the beginning of a stage and the 5% at the end, maybe even ten or ten times the difference. It can only be said that the body refining ointment is very effective.

In addition, the Wind Elephant Fist has also been improved. The Feng Xiang Secret Martial Arts is a whole. After the Xiang Soul Secret Technique has been greatly improved, the Feng Xiang Fist has also improved, and the progress has increased by ten percent.

Ka Xiu is very satisfied with the training effect during this period.

"Dong dong dong..." There was a knock on the door outside.

Then a familiar voice sounded.

"Senior... Senior brother, are you done practicing? I'll... I'll clean the training room..." The owner of the voice seemed a little uneasy.

"come in."

Ka Xiu picked up the white towel next to him and wiped his sweat.

The door to the training room opened, and a young man wearing a gray-white fighting uniform walked in, holding a cleaning tool in his hand.

It was Dahmer who was extremely arrogant a few days ago.

At the door, Damo glanced at the gray-black sand and gravel scattered all over the ground, and then at the sandbags with only rags left. He swallowed involuntarily. He turned his head and looked at Card Xiu, his eyes swept over the muscles, and he lowered his head in fear.

"I accidentally pushed a little too hard just now and blew up the sandbag used for training." Ka Xiu put the towel around his neck and walked over and said, "Damo, I'm sorry to bother you."

He patted Damo hard on the shoulder.

Damo's body trembled slightly and he shook his head.

"No trouble, no trouble, hahaha." The forced smile on his face was very ugly, as if he was crying.

In the past week, Kaxiu had trained Damo no less than five times under the pretext of helping his junior brother grow in actual combat. One of them was in front of Damo's group of friends. As a group of friends, of course he would break up when encountering a strong enemy.

In the end, Damo was left standing alone and being beaten.

Later, under the pretense of getting stuck but not wanting to give up, he signed a verbal friendship agreement with Damo. Probably, Damo was asked to do what Li Wei had done before. He had to respect his senior fellow apprentices when they met him, and he couldn't fool around with those bad friends, and he couldn't hurt Teacher Lisha's heart.

And Ka Xiu also has to pay a corresponding price.

That means you can't just beat up Dahmer without an excuse.

If you hit him every time you see him, no one can bear it. All in all, Damo compromised, and Ka Xiu was quite satisfied with it.

The original owner Li Wei was also very satisfied.

The length of stay increased from three months to six months, of which at least forty or fifty days were caused by Kashu's beating of Damo.

Slam the door.

Ka Xiu walked out of the training building complex along the passage.

The sun is hot outside, like a steam oven. The trees planted on the roadside were dejected and their green leaves were barely there.

It has been sunny for several days.

He followed the path back to his room.

First, I scooped up water and took a nice cold shower. Then he put on his fighting uniform, opened the door, and walked out.

Ka Xiu didn't need to take a nap, he was already full of energy. Especially after taking the Body Refining Cream and the Elephant Soul Secret Technique's level skyrocketing.

As long as you don't overtrain, Kaxiu can stay energetic all day long.

Moreover, I can fall asleep whenever I want, and there is no insomnia problem at all. This is considered a benefit of practicing martial arts.

"It's time to go home..."

Card Xiu was walking on the tree-lined avenue, and his mind couldn't help but think of the data on the origin of bluegrass obtained in the real world.

"I don't know how many good things I can get in exchange for this information..."

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, first walked along the road to the cafeteria to have a sumptuous lunch, and then walked northeast of Fengxiang Gate. That's where Teacher Lisha lives.

Five minutes later, Cardiff stopped.

He looked up at the tall spire building in front of him, then stepped inside and stopped in front of a wooden door.

There was a series of violent coughs coming from inside.

Is it Teacher Lisha? She has a cold and is sick?

Ka Xiu paused slightly, then raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Tuk tuk tuk..."

"Which one?"

"It's me Levi, teacher."

Thanks to book friend Menglingqwq for the reward of two thousand starting coins.

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