I can go back to the mysterious age

Chapter 65 The Second Level of the Wind Elephant Secret Martial Arts

"let's start……"

Card repair has now adjusted his condition to the best.

Without hesitation, he picked up the bottle and opened the cork.

A pungent smell suddenly came out, a bit like the smell of diesel truck exhaust in a previous life. It doesn't smell bad, but it certainly doesn't smell good. He paused briefly and drank it in one gulp.

I didn't drink all of it, only half of it.

Ka Xiu clicked his tongue. The pungent-smelling liquid turned out to be a bit sweet, not too unpleasant to drink, and tasted quite silky.

He breathed out a breath of diesel-like smell and took a slight breath. Suddenly, a burning sensation poured into his mouth, quickly spreading all the way through his esophagus and into his stomach.

Ka Xiu's face turned reddish and his whole body felt hot. Beads of sweat continued to leak out from his back, and his forehead was covered in hot sweat. After a while, the tight combat pants on his body were wet.

At this time, he looked like he had been exercising strenuously all afternoon, and his skin was as red as a cooked lobster. Sweat beads fell down like broken threads, wetting the surrounding ground little by little.

The hot heat radiates from the surface of the body, and the rich white mist gradually rises, which is especially obvious under the winter sun.

"Thump thump thump thump..."

Ka Xiu could clearly hear the heartbeat coming from his body, beating like a drum. The atria are squeezing blood much faster than usual and pumping it to every corner of the body.

"Be still and concentrate, repeating the Elephant Soul Secret Technique Spike Chapter from the first move to the tenth move back and forth!" Card Xiu thought about what Teacher Lisha had said to him not long ago, and immediately started to take action.

Under the sun, in a quiet room. A tall young man with his upper body naked was sweating profusely and making various weird moves.

From early morning until noon, Kaxiu was meticulously abiding by Teacher Lisha's teachings. I only rested three times along the way.

They all pause for five minutes to replenish water and regain their strength.

The doors in the entire room were closed, only the windows were slightly opened, and the air was filled with the smell of sweat.

The ground paved with a row of gray floors in the corner was dry and wet, wet and dry. The salt is almost crystallizing in the cracks in the ground.

At this moment, Kaxiu stood on tiptoes, his calf and thigh muscles tense and trembling. Put your hands behind your back and hold your head high.

Tired, hot, uncomfortable...

This was the feeling that kept rising in his heart.

But if you want to make progress, how can you not endure pain? I am already lucky among the lucky to have an auxiliary product like Agni Fire Oil that can be used to break through the realm. If other ordinary warriors want to take this step, they may not be able to do it even if they spend a lifetime of hard work.

Compared to them, Ka Xiu was so lucky. It was under this psychological suggestion that his mentality had always been very stable.

Keep feeling the tired body, looking for the breakthrough opportunity hidden in the chaotic feelings, just waiting for the flash of inspiration!

With a creak, the door opened.

Lisha walked in from the outside quietly, holding a food box in her left hand and three large cans of salted water in her right hand.

He didn't make any sound the whole time, he just silently put down the things, then picked up a few empty cans in the corner and left.

Card Xiu knew that at this critical moment, Teacher Lisha would be guarding the door until he succeeded or failed.

Ten minutes later, he let out a breath and stopped. First open the window for ventilation and then open the lunch box to eat.

Even a physique that is different from ordinary people still needs to absorb energy, and even secret warriors need to eat a lot more than ordinary people.

For a moment, there was only the sound of chewing in the quiet room.

Due to the soreness and fatigue of his muscles, Ka Xiu could hardly hold a knife and fork steadily. Fortunately, I can still use my thumb and index finger, so I use my two fingers to insert the sausage meat and eat it. After finishing his meal, he put the food box in the corner, picked up a jar of salt water next to him and drank it all.

Ka Xiu walked slowly indoors for twenty minutes to relieve muscle tension. I sat cross-legged on the ground for another ten minutes to rest.

Then began to repeat the same process as in the morning.

In this way, the whole day passed. He was trying to break through the bottleneck at three points in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Although he has not crossed over, Ka Xiu can feel that he is one step closer to that realm, which is a good sign.

In the evening, he changed clothes, took a shower, and got ready for bed. The side effects of Agni Fire Oil came, and my blood was so strong that I couldn't sleep at all.

After tossing and turning for an hour, Ka Xiu finally asked for help from his teacher Lisha's sleep knife, and fainted from the pain in his neck.

When he woke up the next morning, he started repeating the same routine as the previous day. The barrier between the first and second levels of the Fengxiang Miwu was getting closer and closer to Kaxiu, getting closer bit by bit.

On the third day, the bottleneck was so close that it was visible to the naked eye.

Until noon on the fourth day, Kaxiu fell into a state of meditation from that morning on. The breathing is even and gentle, the eyes are closed, the head is lowered, and the chest rises slightly.

He didn't even touch the food box and salt water next to the corner.

Lisha came in once before, and after seeing this situation, she quickly retreated, put her things aside and guarded the door. She understood that the opportunity for Kaxiu's breakthrough had arrived.

No one can disturb him at this time!

Opportunities are fleeting.

In silence.

"Dong dong dong dong dong..."

"Huchi Huchi Huchi..."

Heartbeat and breathing are the only two sounds.

The two frequencies are not the same. In a normal adult's resting state, breathing is twelve to twenty times per minute, and the ratio of breathing to pulse is one to four. But now, Kaxiu's breathing rate is gradually speeding up, and his heartbeat is slowly slowing down.

Until a certain moment, the two completely overlap.


There was a sound of air leakage from the blower in Kashu's nasal cavity.

Inexplicably, a pressure from nowhere enveloped him. The skin tightened inch by inch, breathing became difficult, and his cheeks gradually swelled into purple.

On the left side of my chest, a tingling sensation intensified. Ka Xiu's heart felt like it was going to explode, his muscles and blood vessels were beating thumpingly, squeezing the blood crazily. Although the heartbeat rate has slowed down, the force and speed of each squeezing of blood is increasing rapidly. The surrounding blood vessels seemed to be bursting.

There was even an overwhelming noise coming from the chest.


Ka Xiu spit out a large mouthful of blood.

There seemed to be a slight sound of opening the door.

Another mouthful of blood was spit out. The warm blood dyed the cloth red, and there was also a large splatter of blood droplets on the floor.

After spitting out two mouthfuls of blood, Kaxiu felt much better.

Just as he was relaxing, a muffled thunder suddenly exploded in his ears.


The heart was squeezed hard, and the viscous blood shot out like a bullet, squeezing into every blood vessel in the body with a breath.

Ka Xiu's appearance at this moment was extremely horrifying, with drops of blood like red grapes seeping out of his pores and hanging on it.

Follow the muscle contours on the body surface and slide all the way to the ground.

Thanks to book friend 20180210222125145 for the 100 starting coin reward.

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