I can go back to the mysterious age

Chapter 68 The exchange competition begins (Thanks to Xia Tian’s 5,000-point reward for not sleeping

"Because even I don't know how much you have improved, and how long it will take until you master the Blue Wind Airflow..."

Lixia said this with deep meaning.

Diligence and persistence are certainly related to a person's temperament and personality, but more important is the positive feedback obtained in the process of diligence. You exercise and become stronger, you learn and become knowledgeable, which are all positive feedback for a person.

But Blue Wind Airflow has no positive feedback, and there is only Lixia who masters it. She cannot guess her progress by looking at fellow disciples of the same level like Wind Elephant Fist. Not getting feedback means loneliness and boredom, which is quite difficult.

Maybe one year, maybe three years, maybe ten years?

Can Kaxiu persist for that long? Probably not.

Lixia asked herself, if it were her, she couldn't do it.

"Don't worry, teacher. I can't do anything else, but I can be patient." Kaxiu promised while staring at the upper right corner.

"Blue Wind Airflow: 59% of the first layer (two layers in total)"

No matter what secret martial arts or skills you are. As long as there is a progress bar, Kaxiu can continue to grind until the sea dries up and the rocks crumble.

After all, when he is retracing, the time in the real world is still. Theoretically, Kaxiu can pile all the secret martial arts to the limit through a lot of time accumulation and honing.

No matter what his talent, understanding and bones are, his perseverance is definitely the best. When he wakes up and opens his eyes every day, it is positive feedback!

"Good!" Lixia nodded in appreciation. She has also witnessed for the past six months that Kaxiu is indeed very patient.

"I expected that there would be five levels of Blue Wind Airflow, but now I have only perfected two levels. The remaining three levels depend on you in the future." Lixia sighed, and then her expression became serious.

She began to teach Kaxiu the various characteristics and key points of Blue Wind Airflow meticulously. Sometimes she even personally stimulated the Blue Wind Airflow for demonstration, and the test subject was a wooden man.

After a whole afternoon, the miserable state of the wooden man was naturally needless to say. Starting from noon, the head was flattened first, then the hands, then the torso, and finally the supporting pillars were gone.

In the whole training room, yellow sawdust covered a large area of ​​the ground. Lixia was like an automated logging robot.

"Okay, let's stop here today. Go back and get familiar with it. Ahem." Lixia stood up and looked outside.

The sky was already dim, and the white clouds were like fire.

She picked up the water cup next to her and walked out.

Kaxiu also stood up at this time and walked all the way to the door.

Pushing the door out, there was a familiar person standing outside.

Blond hair, blue eyes, broom and mop, second junior brother Damo.

"Brother, today is my duty!" Damo smiled happily, and the red light hit half of his face. If you don't know this person, at first glance, he looks cheerful like a sunny boy.

"Yeah." Kaxiu looked at him a little strangely.

When did Damo become so enthusiastic? Could it be that he had been beaten into Stockholm syndrome in the past six months?

Weird as it was, he still had to eat. So Kaxiu left along the path, planning to go to the cafeteria to eat first.

In the original place, Damo still maintained a standard smile.

Of course, he didn't suffer from Stockholm syndrome, but for some other reasons. Since the banquet of the core disciples ended more than half a month ago, the news that Levi became the fifth core disciple could no longer be concealed and gradually spread.

What is the concept of a core disciple?

As long as he doesn't die halfway, he must be an elder!

No matter how Levi became the core, no matter how Levi used his fists to train him before. The core is the core, and everyone has to call him senior brother! So what's wrong with Damo licking his hand regardless of past grudges? After all, he and Levi were taught by the same master!

The one who is close to the water gets the moon first, and the fat water does not flow to the fields of outsiders.

As for the little entanglements and contradictions in the past, they are nothing in Damo's heart. It is clearly a test of his senior brother to himself.

That's because his senior brother thinks highly of himself and asks him to be a sparring partner!

Others want to be sparring partners but can't do it!

Damo smiled smugly at the thought, and muttered to himself: "I have to find a time to let Senior Brother Levi beat me up again."

With a creak, the door of the exercise room opened.

Damo walked in and looked around the ground.

The smile on his face froze immediately.

Is there a sawmill in here? !

When will it be cleaned up?

Two days passed, January 28th.

That morning, Kaxiu knocked on the door of Senior Brother Moses' temporary residence at the headquarters. With a series of footsteps.

A burly muscular man opened the door.

The two looked at each other and walked into the house.

"How is the situation?"

On the sofa in the lobby on the second floor, Moses took out the tea set and tea leaves, poured in hot water, and brewed two cups of boiling black tea.

And Kaxiu leaned on the edge of the balcony and the living room, the sun shining on half of his body, and he felt warm.

"How about a try?"

Kaxiu looked at Moses with a smile and said.

"Then let's give it a try...with all our strength?" Moses smiled faintly.

"With all our strength."

"Okay, then come on!"

"Come on!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud bang in the living room!

It was like a thunderous explosion! The air waves pushed out layer by layer. The gray newspaper on the shoe rack was swept downstairs by the rolling air.

On the coffee table, more than half of the black tea in the cup had spilled out.

Moses took three steps back and glanced at his numb fist in surprise: "This power and speed... a boxer!"

"That's right." Kaxiu squeezed his palms for confirmation.

"When did you break through?"

"Two days ago."

Ka Xiu put his hand into his arms and suddenly threw a black bottle. Moses quickly caught it in the air.

"Fire oil, half used, half left." Card Xiu turned around: "Senior brother, you won't let me down, right?"

"Don't worry! This is my third time trying to break through the realm of boxing master. I was very sure. Now with your fire oil, I am almost sure!" Moses couldn't help laughing: " Hahaha, I get so excited just thinking about being able to break through the boxing master before that sissy."

"I really want to see his shocked expression, haha..."

Card Xiu's expression is a little weird. Fourth senior brother Moses and third senior brother Lanxi seem to be enemies of each other, and usually undermine each other.

No wonder Moses is so happy now.

"Junior brother, thank you! I'll go into seclusion right now." Moses gave Ka Xiu a bear hug, and then looked at the black bottle in his hand with longing eyes, his eyes even more intense than when he looked at the beautiful woman.

On February 1, Moses came out of seclusion.

He had a good fight with Cardiff, which was very satisfying.

As he said, it's a sure thing and it's done!

On this day, Moses also conspired with Kaxiu not to reveal the news of their breakthrough for the time being. Let’s wait until the Eastern Conference starts to fully unleash our strength. There were five core disciples in total, four of them were boxers, and in the end only Lan Xi was left who was dumbfounded.

Surprised or not? Is it surprising?

Cardiff didn't want to complain about Moses' bad taste.

Time flies, one and a half months have passed.

On March 15th, spring arrives and the temperature warms up.

Senior Brother Hege, who had been traveling around Beiliu County, suddenly returned to the Fengxiang Sect headquarters and summoned all the core disciples.

The first words spoken in the hall were.

"The six eastern counties, the martial arts exchange competition has begun!"

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