"Hum, it's nothing to say thank you for, it's just a trivial matter."

Haig shook his head and immediately took a sip of hot milk.

On the opposite side, Ka Xiu felt as if a burden had been lifted from his heart.

Since he encountered the strange feeling of being spied on a week ago, he has become more and more worried about the battle to destroy the entire family. According to the original trajectory, the Feng Xiangmen team would get on the train to Donghai County on the fifth day after the exchange competition, and then encounter an enemy ambush after arriving in Donghai County.

The original owner Li Wei's vague memory was full of dead people. The two sides fought desperately, many people fell down, and blood flowed all over the ground.

In the end, it seemed that only Levi ran out.

Now, things have changed. Feng Xiangmen did not take the train to Donghai County on the fifth day, but was leaving on the third day. The situation will definitely change in the future.

The experience of being spied on made Kaxiu deeply uneasy. He found an opportunity to vaguely mention his worries and speculations to the elders and the sect master. But it didn't seem to attract much attention, it just made everyone more cautious.

Ka Xiu is helpless, but he will not give up. The train to Donghai County would take seven or eight days, and Ka Xiu had a week to get the top management of Fengxiang Sect to change their attitude. Even if you still want to go to the six-county exchange competition, you can change the route, or you can go with multiple schools.

He didn't feel that he had no hope of changing the ending. After all, Card Xiu had changed a lot when he went back for the first time, didn't he?

Now he is a core disciple and a genius who has broken through as a boxer at the age of eighteen. His status and voice in the hearts of Feng Xiang Sect's senior officials are much more important. At that time, even if it is unreasonable, it is not impossible to force the team to make adjustments.

But before that, Kaxiu had to send his teacher back. Lisha was already quite weak, and he could clearly see the white strands in Lisha's black hair. If something unexpected happens on the way to the six-county exchange competition, I'm afraid...

Ka Xiu couldn't imagine such a scene.

Some people may say that this is just a history that did not exist in the past, a shadow that has been doomed. The massacre of the Feng Xiang Sect had already happened, and Lisha was just a revenant in history. Why be pretentious?

But people are such hypocritical creatures. Ka Xiu is a living person with feelings, not a cold, violent machine that only wants to gain power.

This retrospective period is history to others, but to him it is a fact that he has experienced personally. He would play around with his fellow apprentices, and he could feel Lisha's expectation and care for him. He even enjoyed the praise from everyone under the ring.

In Ka Xiu's mind, this is not a game, this is his life experience, but it's just a little special.

Card Xiu can't be cold-blooded yet, so he has to look back for the second time. Maybe it will take a few years, after Ka Xiu has experienced more than a dozen or even dozens of retracements, before he can become a cold machine. Do you do anything to become stronger?

Putting aside the strange thoughts in his mind, Ka Xiu drank the hot milk in his glass in one gulp. Push the wooden door open and go out to get your luggage.

An hour later, at the gate of the manor. Several black carriages were displayed side by side, with drivers in raincoats comforting the horses from time to time. The black horse stamped its hooves from time to time, blowing hot air from its nostrils.

"No need to send it off, let's go."

Sect leader Bei Long waved to the leaders of several sects who came to see him off. These were the sects that had reached cooperation intentions with the Feng Xiang Sect in recent days. Obviously, Feng Xiang Sect's success in the Beiliu County Martial Arts Exchange Competition has paid off.

Many small and medium-sized schools that were originally neutral have recently shown goodwill to the Feng Xiang Sect. There are even many sects that want to exchange disciples or even teachers with Feng Xiang Sect to exchange learning.

Invisibly, the status of Fengxiang Sect was lifted.

The Wind Elephant Sect, which was originally at the same level as the Golden Rock Fist and the Black Crane Style, began to approach the Mingsui Road. Of course, such a reputation is somewhat false when compared to other genres. But the Feng Xiangmen is different. It produces a large amount of bluegrass and is accumulating strength. Just give it some time and you'll be able to make a lot of progress.

In the open space, several large carriages shook.

In the car on the far right, Ka Xiu and four senior brothers and sisters were crowded in, and there was a teacher Lisha sitting next to him.

In fact, their place is quite spacious, and the group of ordinary elite disciples next to them have to squeeze ten people into a carriage.

Two minutes later, everything was ready. The driver waved the reins vigorously, and the black carriage began to accelerate forward slowly.

I ran over the turbid puddles and drifted away.

Since the train station is in the western suburbs, the convoy has to traverse the entire Beiliu City. Ka Xiu saw the street scene of Beiliu City in the rain, with light rain falling and mist covering it. Raindrops penetrated the lead-like thick clouds and hit the gray-white street bricks.

Tall buildings were looming in the rain, and their chimneys shot straight into the sky like gun barrels, with smoke mixed with rain and mist.

It is like a city scene during the Industrial Revolution.

The wheels of the carriage rolled forward, leaving everything behind.

Finally, around ten o'clock in the morning. Feng Xiangmen's motorcade arrived at Xijiao Station. Since the western suburbs station was built recently, there has not yet been time for street settlements to form around it.

There is only one solitary station standing, and it is at least one or two kilometers away from the outskirts of Beiliu City.

On the rectangular platform, the Fengxiangmen group was holding umbrellas and waiting for the train in half an hour. In the corner of the platform, two lonely figures were talking.

"Teacher, listen to you, go back and take good care of yourself. When your apprentice comes back, bring me good news about the Eastern Exchange Competition..."

Lisha's pale face was smiling. She seemed to have aged 20 years and turned into a 60-year-old old woman. She kept saying, "Come closer, I'll help you tidy up your clothes..."

Kaxiu took two steps forward. Because he was too tall, he bent down slightly so that Lisha could reach his collar.

"Hold your head and chest out, be more energetic, and don't slump your back." Lisha patted Kaxiu's chest and smoothed out the wrinkles on his clothes.

"Yes." Kaxiu stood up obediently.

Lisha tiptoed upwards and straightened Kaxiu's messy collar. And put the silver watch chain hanging from his chest pocket back in: "Don't lose this thing..."

"Don't worry, it won't be lost." Kaxiu said affirmatively, he silently looked at Lisha's hair that had turned gray unconsciously: "I will definitely get a good result this time when I go to Donghai County."

"That's the best." Lisha smiled and took two steps back, then nodded with some satisfaction: "Very handsome."

"Okay, cough cough... I should go to the other platform too."

Lisha coughed twice and was about to take a step.

Kaxiu suddenly opened his eyes wide, and a very strong sense of crisis surrounded him from all directions, and the murderous intent was like a flame.

"Boom!" The dull thunder roared like a cannon, and the gray rain fell madly from the sky, and the dark sky seemed to collapse.

He turned around and looked around.

All around the station, it was raining heavily. A large group of figures wearing black cloaks ran wildly from both sides, with a hideous and terrifying breath.

The leader suddenly stopped and raised his head.

A pair of greedy and evil blood-red eyes shot out from the shadow of the cloak like cold arrows, and burned directly into Kaxiu's heart.

"Enemy attack!!!"

I'll post first, and I'll correct the typos later.

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