As long as you catch the stolen kidney, you can take back [Only Me].

What Zeng Wanru was afraid of was that stealing the kidney was also doing things for others, and [Weiwo] had already fallen into the hands of the people behind the scenes.

Zeng Zhiyi watched Zeng Wanru walk out of the room and sighed helplessly.

What he just said was half true and half false.

Because Luo Jieluti put a "laxative" in his wine, when he was about to have sex with the succubus, he had to confess every time he couldn't last three seconds.

He subconsciously thought it was because of his excessive indulgence, but he didn't expect that Luo Jieluti had drugged him.

When he returned to reality, he also planned to give his brother a holiday.

Zeng Zhi lay on the recliner like an old man, and glanced at the blue figure sitting on the window sill from the corner of his eye:

"Hey, 8864, have you been here while I was away?"

"Well, the comics you have here are pretty good."

Barbarossa was leaning against the window edge, holding a comic in her hand. The cover showed two high school students from the Sunset District, a boy and a girl.

The night wind blew her ocean blue highlighted bangs, and the crescent moon was between her delicate face and the comic book.

Such a picture that looked like a girl's comic made Zeng Zhiyi stunned for a moment.

"By the way, I told you that I would never go against Tianzun again and asked you to find someone else. Why didn't you leave?"

Barbarose just looked at the comics intently and didn't answer him.

"After all, you are also Tianzun's follower, staying away from home all day and night..." Zeng Zhiyi clicked his tongue and shook his head, enjoying the evening breeze, and suddenly hummed a tune.

"...He went too far in giving you freedom~"

Time moves forward five minutes.

Haojue Courtyard is a high-end villa area located on the bank of Kuijiang River.

Si Bin, the Rat-Sucking Overlord, and Chun made an appointment to meet at the gate of the community in the shadow world at ten-fifty.

The three plan to sneak in from the Shadow Realm.

Arriving near the two-story villa where Chu Tianqing lived, Si Bin couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Chu Tianqing was such a rich man that he actually bought three [fully automatic guard machines] to patrol the shadow world.

This kind of skill is similar to followers, but the difference is that they do not require the user to distract themselves from control, and they have their own consciousness, or judgment logic.

In addition, they can appear at will in the real world without worrying about affecting ordinary people.

This kind of ingenuity, because it is something beyond the times made by Yuwan (the Transcendent), is generally very powerful. The black iron level can exert the strength of the bronze level followers. Ordinary firearms or low-rarity amulets may not be able to hurt them. .

Some tricks have the ability to be "immune to damage caused by talismans, spells, and followers below a certain rarity."

This is a kind of rule-based charm blessing.

What Chu Tianqing purchased was a black iron-level guard, which was a relatively low-level ingenuity and did not have such ability, but ordinary swords, guns and bullets could not break its defense.

Bronze-level guards are even more expensive, no less expensive than ordinary silver-level followers.

Seeing this situation, Si Bin was also prepared.

He and Tsubaki are both Dark Royal Guards and possess the [Stealth] ability, so they have no problem avoiding these tricks.

As for the rat-sucking overlord, Si Bin's plan was to have him guard outside to prevent Chu Tianqing from escaping or bringing in reinforcements.

He asked Xinglan to check Chu Tianqing's strength, and also to judge whether he and Chun were sure to kill him.

After establishing a pairing relationship with the two of them using the ability of [Psychic Heart], Si Bin and Chun sneaked into the shadows together.

However, what Si Bin didn't expect was that when he was walking in front and just bypassed the guard's detection range and stepped into the villa, something suddenly happened around him.

He saw a dense pot of Weeping Ficus placed at the entrance. There was a strange and terrifying aura all over his body. The surrounding scene was distorted, but it was growing at an extraordinary speed.

This is... a trap talisman! ?

Before he could react, endless darkness suddenly surged around him, staining the luxurious and exquisite decorations around him inch by inch like ink.

Even Chun beside him suddenly disappeared at this moment.

Fortunately, Si Bin was matched with her before he came in.

"Chun, can you hear me?" Si Bin shouted in his heart.

"Yes." Chun's cold voice came, making Si Bin feel a lot more at ease, "It's dark around me."

She reported her situation.

"Me too." Si Bin has the dark vision of a vampire, and it is difficult to see the surrounding scenery clearly. "We must have triggered the trap set by Chu Tianqing..."

Before he finished speaking, a sound of fluttering feathers suddenly came from the front right, hidden in the darkness, and came from the front right.

When Si Bin reacted, his right shoulder had been penetrated by the flying arrow, but the arrow body was not left behind. It seemed to be an arrow formed by some kind of energy body.

His health points were reduced by 1 at that moment. Not only that, he also felt a sense of weakness coming from the wound on his right shoulder, which gradually spread to his internal organs. He felt that if he was hit by another arrow, his attack power would be reduced by 1 point. .

(It’s Chu Tianqing!)

Si Bin quickly realized that Chu Tianqing was the [Dark Withered Demon]. This professional combination was known as the "Shadow Hunter" in the extraordinary world. With the combination of professional characteristics, it was good at killing people invisibly and secretly.

The Dark Emperor's [Stealth] ability can perfectly match the withering characteristics of the Wither Demon, weakening the opponent in the stealth state, and then waiting for a move.

The bow and arrow are one of the most suitable weapons for this profession.

This dark barrier was the hunting ground created by Chu Tianqing using the bronze-level trap talisman [Shadow Mystery], in which Si Bin became his prey.

But at this moment, Si Bin was not panicked, because what Chu Tianqing didn't know was that he was also the Dark Emperor, and the dark environment created by Chu Tianqing could also be used to his advantage.

In such an environment, Dark Emperor is almost impossible to see without a specifically targeted card.

Thinking about it, Si Bin activated his [Stealth] ability to hide his figure in the darkness.


Almost at the moment Si Bin started sneaking, a twisted curved blade pierced his left shoulder, and his health immediately dropped by 4 points.

When they are both Dark Emperors, both parties can only see each other when they are extremely close.

This time the attack on Si Bin came from behind, and Si Bin did not hear any footsteps during the whole process.

(One more person!)


Si Bin felt as if he had bumped into the back of the sofa. He picked up the Emperor's Blade of Justice and turned around to look. He could feel a person standing about two and a half steps in front of him, but he couldn't see his face clearly. He could only see his figure. Judging from the outline, it should be a man.

"The Dark Emperor below M level... dares to seek revenge?"

Stealing Shen sneered, curling up the corner of his mouth with contempt. In the blink of an eye, the curved blade in his hand rose again, with a cunning arc, carrying an uneasy aura, attacking like a poisonous snake.

Si Bin's black eyes were slightly stern. In his opinion, the speed and skill of stealing kidneys were not outstanding. The attack of any headless skeleton in broad daylight in the Thousand Deaths Training Field would be more vicious, weird and elusive than his.

I saw him turning slightly to one side, as if beating a snake, and accurately grabbed his wrist in the path traced by Stealing Kidney's hand holding the blade.

Stealing Shen's expression froze, and when he was about to struggle to break free, he was brutally killed by a pair of giant axes from behind.

Si Bin felt that the kidney-stealing power was surprisingly strong, and he must have performed a [fusion transformation] with a certain follower.

He didn't capture it for long before he kicked the stolen kidney away, causing the glass and pot to rattle.

Just when he was about to pursue him, a feeling of despondency arose in his heart.

The attack power in front of him instantly decreased by 1 and became 0.

(Chu Tianqing used up all the costs and triggered [Wither]!)

Si Bin could not predict how Chu Tianqing would attack him. The top priority was to quickly deal with the man in front of him.

Due to the hidden nature of the Dark Emperor, Si Bin could not see the information about stealing the kidney, but it was not difficult to judge from his words that he must be an M-level transcendent. The other transfer had not yet been revealed, so he could not be sure.

Stealing Shen stood up in the glass ruins and escaped the attack of the angry waves.

Furious Waves did not have dark vision, and the accuracy of its attacks in the dark was greatly reduced. It relied entirely on Sipin's distracted command, and its efficiency and accuracy were greatly constrained.


Stealing Kidney picked up a card in his hand:

[11 fee spell: shadow clone]

[Rarity: Bronze]

【Use it when you are lonely! 】

Effect: Two shadow clones are created, with the same attributes and physical fitness as the user. The clone is unconscious, but will attack the target the user attacks.

(This is equivalent to having two supermodel followers, and the cost is only 11 fees!)

M-level transcendent has a cost limit of 20 points.

Surprised, Si Bin picked up a card in his hand. It was Crimson Tide, but it was not the card he wanted. He drew it several times before he got the Ocean he wanted. His arms and back were playing with the Kidney Stealer clone. Attacked from the front and back, they were all hit with one knife.

The health value suddenly dropped to 7 points.


The moment the ability was activated, the aura on Si Bin's body suddenly became crazy and violent, and there was a scarlet light in his black starry eyes.

He felt that the energy and blood in his body suddenly surged, as if he was filled with gunpowder and saltpeter ignited by anger, and his mind was filled with revenge, revenge, kill, kill, kill!

Si Bin tried hard to control his emotions and prevent himself from being controlled by anger.

At this time, there is only one card in his possession that can trigger the [Revenge] benefit, which is the [Blue Burning Resistance] obtained from Knight.

The purpose of Si Bin summoning Dayang was to allow her to use the speed advantage brought by [Charge] to penetrate the dark border and find Knight.

Chu Tianqing, who was in the light and could see everything, saw his move and couldn't help but ridicule in his heart: "The reason why [Shadow Mystery] is called 'Mystery' is that it does not simply cover the surroundings with shadows, but also contains a certain degree of confusion. Sex, this kid still wants to use his followers to find me, hehe, how stupid he is!"

Si Bin really didn't know this, but he didn't care at all, because he had the "Chariot" path and wouldn't get lost at all.

He was distracted and commanded Dayang, and soon found the exit and saw Chu Tianqing standing behind the railing on the second floor, holding a gray-green bow and arrow.

When Chu Tianqing saw this, he was stunned, but immediately calmed down and shouted to Si Bin in the shadow:

"Boy, you have a few tricks, but what can your follower with 0 attack power do? If I'm not mistaken, you only have 2 points of cost left. Even if you can use them up, you still have to wait a minute to recover."

His eyes were full of disdain, "Do you think you can survive one minute?"

The reason why Chu Tianqing was so confident was because the three bronze-level followers he had just spent 20 charges to summon were already close behind Si Bin.

They are [Nightmoon Coyote (6-3-10)], [Twisted Tree Spirit (8-2-14)], and [Mysterious Owl (6-2-12)].

Si Bin blocked the kidney-stealing clone's dagger with his backhand, and a gust of wind whirled behind him. Twisted branches pierced the sky, accompanied by sharp wolf howls and low breathing, getting closer and closer.

At this time, Stealing Shen also dealt with Nu Tao and the cruiser assaulter he summoned, and his cold eyes were directed at Si Bin's neck.

When Si Bin saw this, his expression did not change. He spent 2 points to use explosive energy enhancement. His aura increased slightly, his health increased by 2, and his attack power was still 0.

Then, countless longings welled up in his heart, a strong desire for more fees.

He watched helplessly as his [0/10] cost turned into [10/10] almost as soon as it was used up.

He felt happy and quickly took out [Cang Ran Resistance] and threw it towards the sky.

[Explosion Strengthening 8]!


Countless chains shot out from his body in all directions, like a huge net that penetrated the darkness, penetrating into the bodies of everyone and his followers on the field with lightning speed.

Although it was a phantom, it still made everyone feel nervous.

Chu Tianqing recognized the chain the moment he saw it:

(Cang Ran’s resistance? I remember this is a 5-cost spell. How did he use it?!)

When he was surprised, the attacks of the three followers had already enveloped Si Bin's body.

(No, this spell is customized for the vampire profession. He is not a vampire. Why would he use this spell?!)

He was filled with doubts and couldn't find the answer. To be on the safe side, he could only draw his bow again and shoot a withered arrow at Si Bin.

When Si Bin noticed the three followers summoned by Chu Tianqing, he had already calculated the damage. He still had 9 points of health. Cang Ran's resistance could reduce the damage by half (rounded down) during revenge.

Three kidney thieves deal 6 points of damage, and three minions deal 2 points of damage, for a total of 8 points.

If Cang Ran's resistance is attacked during revenge, it will cause 6 damage to everyone bound to it.

At the same time, since Sipin is used in the form of explosive energy enhancement, it will also rebound the damage received, which is a total of 14 points of damage!

The blue flame ignited from within Si Bin's body, with the force of starting a prairie fire, following the shadow of the cold iron chain, burning a dazzling blue trail in the darkness.

The twisted tree spirit was instantly ignited, and its appearance became even more ferocious. The fire on its head shot into the sky, burning away the endless darkness; the coyote howled, and every inch of its gray fur was eroded by the blue flames; the giant owl was also surrounded by the flames. Under the burning flames, he fell from the air and fought hard against the blazing and deadly blue flames on his body.

They couldn't withstand up to 14 points of damage at all, and they only struggled for a breath before turning into points of light and dissipating.

Chu Tianqing, who was on the second floor, was shocked and pale, and then he was burned by the blue flames and suffered bursts of burning pain.

He subconsciously took out the card to prepare for treatment, but found that he had no money at all. In desperation, he could only take out extraordinary emergency treatment medicine to restore his health.

The Kidney Stealer in the darkness had already lost part of his health points to the angry waves and pirates, but now he suffered another 14 points of damage, leaving only 3 points of 30 points of health.

His body was not strong. He groaned, swallowed the blood that almost rushed out of his throat, wiped the corner of his mouth, and his angry eyes penetrated the darkness, and he said viciously:

"Boy! You're dead!"

Stealing Shen's eyes were bloodshot, and he could feel Si Bin's weak aura. Even if Si Bin had the ability to hide information, he could calculate that Si Bin only had 1 point of health left at this moment.

"Forgive me that you have extraordinary abilities, but you have to explain it to me today!"

After that, he took out a follower card.

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