I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 243 242. Spiritual Jade Pot

At this moment, Jiang Haiyan stood up first and walked forward with a sandalwood box in his hand. When he opened it, there was a set of calligraphy inside.

"I often hear my father say that the flower manager likes antiques. Here is a piece of "Tang Huaisu's Madonna", please appreciate it!"

"Hiss~ The authentic work of Song Huizong!"

Hua Ruoxi took a breath of cold air, quickly took off the mutton-fat jade finger on her hand, and picked up the calligraphy.

"Song Huizong's thin gold calligraphy is famous, but this calligraphy is the only one that is smooth, clear and mature, which is so wonderful!"

His face was full of intoxication, but the surface of his hands looked a little blurry. They were filled with innate innocence and were used as gloves!

This move was only to protect cultural relics, but it also made everyone feel distressed.

If you give this to yourself, you can save yourself many days and nights of hard work!

But Jiang Haiyan held his head high and said proudly: "Can this calligraphy still attract the attention of the flower manager?"

"It's so good, baby."

Hua Ruoxi nodded repeatedly, then raised her palm and stretched out to Jiang Haiyan.

Jiang Haiyan stretched out his hand to touch his palm...

The next second, the air around the palms of the two people was vaguely blurred.

Jiang Haiyan was sweating profusely and steaming up, as if he had eaten spicy hot pot in the summer.

She was very satisfied, clasped her fists and said, "Yes, it's enough for a big Zhou Tian. Mr. Hua is a real believer!"

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Hua Ruoxi dealt with it casually, and injected a burst of true energy into the "Notre Dame Lin Tang Huaisu" in her hand.

The ink on the paper suddenly became brighter, obviously being blessed and protected.

The old eunuch seemed to really like this calligraphy.

Xia Weixin talked about popular science in Luli:

"The innate true energy can be poured into the weapon, turning ordinary iron into a divine weapon. When the god-refining monk reaches the innate realm, with the true energy, the flying sword can truly cut iron like clay!"

Lu Li nodded repeatedly, fascinated.

Others looked at the calligraphy work with regret.

It's a pity that this energy was wasted, and it's also a pity that I and others still don't have a chance.

Antiques of this level, such as "Lin Tang Huai Su's Notre Dame", can be called rare treasures.

For a group of young people, it is more difficult to obtain than a thousand taels of gold, and only a family like the governor's daughter can easily take it out.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Xu, the political historian, stepped forward and took out a copy of "Bureau Affairs Notes"

Hua Ruoxi also couldn't put it down:

"Zeng Gong's original handwriting, with slender characters and strong strokes, good! Good! Good!"

Even saying hello a few times gave Mr. Xu a whole week of vitality on the spot.

Everyone was excited for a while, and some people came forward to offer various calligraphy, paintings and curios.

But it is just an antique "play", and not a single one of it has caught Hua Ruoxi's eyes. It can be seen that the requirements of this antique are not easy to meet.

After a while, no one came forward.

Hua Ruoxi secretly frowned and encouraged:

"Everyone, what we offer is a week's worth of zhenqi. The price is fair and conscientious, and there are only 10 places available. Don't miss this opportunity!"

After a moment of silence, Mr. Liang clasped his fists and said, "Please allow me to think about it."

Hua Ruoxi looked at Lu Li again, wondering why this young man still didn't move.

And Lu Li just wanted to keep a low profile...

Hua Ruoxi is like a spirit, with vague thoughts in her heart.

Seeing that no one moved for a long time, he said:

"That's it for today. I'm waiting for you all at the Lishunde Hotel. As for credibility, President Nan Lao will be the guarantor to keep the children safe~"

Nan Jinping stood up and nodded calmly, instantly dispelling many people's concerns.


He hurriedly left with everyone in the congregation and went home to discuss with the elders.

Lu Li, along with Xia Weiyun and Nan Jinping, went directly to Hua Ruoxi's suite.

"Mr. Lu, there is no one idle here. I wonder if you want it?"

Hua Ruoxi casually glanced at the boxes carried by several puppets and realized that there was a big deal to be discussed.

Sure enough, Lu Li asked directly: "Eunuch Hua, how much Zhou Tian's inner breath can you provide?"

"As expected of a man whose family owns a mine, he is different from those poor compradors!"

Hua Ruoxi sat up straight and said in a sharp voice: "Our family can provide Mr. Lu with ten great Zhou Tian Qi!"

"ten times……"

When Lu Li heard this, it meant that only half of the gold he brought could be spent.

He was about to ask the eunuch if he could sell more, when Nan Jinping on the side suddenly said:

"Hua Ruoxi, where do you get so much energy? Are you going to die?"

Qi is the essence of life. If it is used too much, it will affect the body, but if it is overworked, it will affect lifespan.

Hua Ruoxi took out the ring and put it on, saying, "The mountain man has his own clever plan, so I don't need you, a strong man, to worry about it."

He looked at Lu Li again, just about to finalize this big deal.

But Nan Jinping took the lead and said to Lu Li:

"Little friend Lu, right now all the countries and governors are hoarding gold. You can wait a little longer, maybe you can get the Grand Master to take action."

"Hey! Shut up, you old bastard!"

Hua Ruoxi suddenly changed her color. First she raised her orchid and cursed Nan Jinping angrily. Then she changed her face in a second and said to Lu Li with a pleasant expression:

"Master Lu, don't listen to this old guy, let the Grand Master take action. The Grand Master only kills people and seizes treasures!"

Lu Li nodded and thanked Mr. Nan first: "President Nan, I am in need of Qi training, so I should spend this money."

Then he snapped his fingers again, and the three puppets immediately opened the boxes in their hands, glowing with dazzling golden light.

At this moment, Nan Jinping, Xia Weiyun, and Hua Ruoxi subconsciously breathed heavily, and they all realized that this was a ton, which was 20,000 taels!

Hua Ruoxi's face turned even red!

With this gold, my mission for this trip has been exceeded! Next, you can safely hunt for antiques!

But at this time, Lu Li waved his hand, and No. 0 was about to close the box.

"Eunuch Hua, if you only have ten weeks, then I can only keep half of the gold."


Hua Ruoxi stopped her with words.

He pondered for three to five seconds, then suddenly ran back to the bedroom, and came out not long after with a beautiful "white jade teapot"?

When he saw this thing, Nan Jinping suddenly said: "No wonder you said that there are ten weeks of true energy. It turns out that there is this thing."

"That's right." Hua Ruoxi introduced:

"This is the [Spiritual Jade Pot], which can store the true energy and mind! Isn't it beautiful that there are always free times in daily life, and good things are stored in it, and can be used when needed?"

This thing is quite interesting, Lu Li looked interested.

The old eunuch handed him the teapot and continued to praise:

"This pot is made entirely of [Spiritual Jade], it is round and delicate, and its workmanship is top-notch. It also has a magical effect - put water in it, and it will turn into a [Spiritual Spring] the next night! It is truly a family heirloom!"

Lu Li nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and Hua Ruoxi Tuqiong saw: "It's a family heirloom, and it's worth ten thousand taels of gold from the young master, isn't it expensive?"


Nan Jinping was about to say that this thing can only be used if you have reached a level of spiritual refinement and above, so it cannot be used as a family heirloom, and it is a bit expensive...

But Hua Ruoxi had already glared over, took out a pamphlet and read:

"In 1975, when you followed Zuo Zongtang to Western Xinjiang, you had to carry a heavy howitzer. Our family begged grandpa and grandma to get the cannon out of the Beijing camp, but you lost the cannon!"

"During the Sino-Japanese War, you, an old boy, was guarding the Zhiyuan ship. After the ship sank, you fell into the sea and almost fed the fish. It was our family who fished you back by rowing a sampan!"

This booklet clearly recorded every human relationship, and Nan Jinping took up a lot of space. At this moment, he was speechless.

Lu Li smiled and nodded, and the three puppets placed the box next to Hua Ruoxi.

"Master Lu, be happy!"

As soon as Hua Ruoxi touched it, she knew that these gold bricks were of extremely high purity, and she immediately smiled.

Then he enthusiastically introduced how to use the [Ling Jade Pot]:

"This pot can be controlled directly with your mind, or you can put wine, tea, water, etc. into it to turn it into a spiritual brew and drink it slowly. The pot has endless magical uses!"

"Ok, I see."

It wasn't difficult. Lu Li understood it after playing with it for a while, and it contained enough energy for ten weeks.

At this point, the transaction was successfully completed.

Lu Li was thinking about saying goodbye when he heard Hua Ruoxi say to Nan Jinping:

"You old man owes me so many favors. Come with me to the [Hatoyama Sect]"

"You still want to go to the [Haoshan Sect] to collect numbers?"

"Why don't you go? The spiritual veins at the emperor's feet are in vain!"

After hearing these words, Lu Li's expression changed and he left in no hurry, just in time to collect more information.

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