I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 245 244. Well spent

As the three of them entered the room, Lu Li told the leader of the Jiu Shan Sect that something might have gone wrong while practicing magic skills.

Wan Qing said in surprise:

"The prions mentioned by Lang Jun will cause people to suffer from this disease every year of disaster. When the disease occurs, they will be confused and look like crazy. There is no cure! Our ancestors concluded from experience that it is caused by human flesh. Now that Fan Chengxun is infected, it is really Unpleasant retribution!”

"The devil deserves it!"

Xiaocha had a grudge against the Hatoyama sect for killing his father. Hearing this news, he naturally felt relieved. At the same time, his eyes lit up and he said:

"If the leader goes crazy, wouldn't it be much easier for you to destroy the Hatoyama Sect?"

"Not necessarily, madmen may be more difficult to deal with than normal people."

Lu Li picked up the spiritual jade pot and said, "So we still have to improve our own strength."

After saying that, he poured his mind into the pot and started operating it.

The "Ling Jade Pot" is made of a special material that can absorb water like a sponge, storing mind and energy.

When using it, you need to mobilize your mind to "squeeze" it out.

At this moment, Lu Li only used a little mental exploration to sense the massive amount of innate true energy stored in the pot.

Since it was his first time, Lu Li just flicked the hook and took a small amount.

The air around the spout immediately became blurry, and a faint blue glow dripped out.

This was just a drop of true energy. Lu Li reached out to catch it, just enough to let it drip into the Shang Yang point on his index finger.

At this moment, Lu Li felt that his arms... were numb from the cold in the winter. When he stretched them out into the warm quilt, they felt so warm and warm!

He focused his eyes and opened the "inner vision" of his heavenly eye, and clearly saw that the drop of true energy was snatched away by the cells as soon as it entered the body.

Less than 10 centimeters along the "Hand Yangming Large Intestine Meridian" has been taken away.

"nice one!"

The body does not lie, and the benefits of Qi need no introduction.

Lu Li picked up the jade pot and said to the two girls, "You two come first, no need to be polite."

He first pointed the spout at Xiaocha...

Xiaocha was a little hesitant, but she remembered that Sister Xia had asserted that she would not live to be 60 years old due to the pain of her heart.

If this innate energy can make up for the damage caused by strain, it would be good to stay with Big Pig Hoof for a few more years.

So the girl stopped being polite and reached out her hand to take it generously.

Lu Li is not stingy, and he has a huge amount of energy.

Xiaocha quickly concentrated on absorbing it.

Lu Li pointed the spout at Wan Qing again.

"Mr. Lang, I'm just forging my bones, I don't want to waste my natural resources..."

Wan Qing's words were reasonable, but Lu Li said directly:

"Don't you want to see what we look like earlier?"

With just one sentence, the girl stopped being modest and honestly accepted a large amount of money.

The two women began to concentrate on absorbing the Qi, and Lu Li didn't worry about himself and helped them take care of them first.

The process is not long, after all, cells all over the body are fighting for it.

After 15 minutes, Xiaocha opened her eyes first, with a mixed look on her face.

It is worthy of being a good thing that is two realms higher. Its true energy is really extraordinary. It took me a year of hard work to refine it.

But no matter how good things are, they are foreign things after all and cannot make up for the lack of foundation.

The problem of cardiovascular strain has not been solved.

Lu Li felt that Xiao Cha looked wrong and was about to ask...

Suddenly, Wan Qing opened her eyes, took a deep breath, opened her mouth and let out a long roar!

The roof tiles rustled and dust fell from the sound. It was obviously a breakthrough, but it wasn't over yet!

Wan Qing's chest also surged with rolling thunder, like the roar of a racing engine. It was the sound of the five internal organs operating to the extreme!

"All the internal organs are screaming!"

Lu Li and Xiao Cha looked at each other with joy on their faces!

With the help of Xiantian Qi, Wan Qing not only made a breakthrough, but also improved to a small level.

Her pretty face flushed with excitement, she gave Lu Li a blessing salute and said:

"Zhenqi is of great benefit, thank you sir for giving it."

"Why are you so polite as a family?"

Lu Li smiled and said: "From now on, you just need to break through to the realm of refining the gods with peace of mind."

"Wan Qing is one of the Four Spirits. The Fetal Breathing Realm must be easily accessible, and he will be able to regain his sight by then~"

Xiaocha was also cheerful, as if the worry just now was just an illusion.

Wan Qing feels that she is very lucky to know these two people around her in this life!


Next, the two girls didn't want to disturb Lu Li anymore, so they each took a sip of incense and went back to their rooms.

Adequate rest can allow cells that have absorbed Qi to grow and strengthen better.

Lu Li started his own practice.

As a strong God Refiner, it is naturally very different.

He directly took out the true energy of two great Zhou Tians from the "Ling Jade Pot" and absorbed it!

The reason why he does this is because he has [inner vision] and the situation inside his body can be seen at a glance.

Lu Li could move the "Qi" to the most suitable place according to his own wishes.

With scheduling, the effectiveness far exceeds the body's instinctive absorption.

I saw Lu Li controlling the true energy to flow through the meridians throughout his body, but he first refined his muscles and bones.

He was promoted too quickly and relied on external objects. It was inevitable that he had some inconsistencies, which he could make up for at this moment.

"Zhenqi" is the essence of life with two great realms, and the body will instinctively desire it.

I saw the cells of the body competing like crazy to absorb it, dividing and proliferating visible to the naked eye, and growing rapidly!

After the muscles and bones, it was the internal organs. Lu Li used the true energy to consolidate the foundation as much as possible, and then penetrated into the bones to refine the marrow.

The bone marrow cells couldn't wait for a long time and swallowed up the Qi like a sponge absorbing water.

Lu Li controlled the infuriating energy and continued to pour it in slowly. After feeding him, he slowly exercised and forged... and then used the infuriating energy to replenish the consumption of bone marrow cells.

After 4 hours of repeated training, the bone marrow everywhere except the spine has become as crystal clear as frost and snow, which is exactly what "training the marrow is like frost"!

Lu Li was very satisfied. This innate energy saved him a lot of time!

At this moment, there are still 6 large weeks left in the pot.

And Lu Li was just about to try what Xia Weiyun had said - pouring the true energy into the weapon, turning ordinary iron into a divine weapon!


Raising his hand to summon the "Mountain-Breaking Sword", Lu Li passed a drop of true energy through it.

The flying sword can also absorb inner energy, but the owner himself doesn't have enough, so naturally he seldom eats it.

This drop of true energy is of great benefit now. The sword body of the "Broken Mountain Sword" is blooming and shining brightly to the naked eye!

Unexpectedly, it was so excited that it ran around the room.

Lu Li pulled out an "M1911" pistol, then called the flying sword back into his hand and slashed at the pistol.

His movement was very light, but he cut off a section of the barrel in one go!

The barrel is made of fine steel, but it's as crunchy as an apple!

Lu Li kept moving his hands, cutting the entire pistol into pieces without any effort, and the infuriating energy on the flying sword was exhausted.

"What a great person who can cut iron like clay! The true energy can bless my flying sword!"

Lu Li's spirit was greatly shaken!

The chi purchased this time not only helped the whole family practice, but also actually improved their combat effectiveness.

"The golden flower is worth it!"

Lu Li touched the spiritual jade pot and made a good calculation:

"The next step is to cleanse the spine, exchange blood, and achieve [out of body]."

"Exchanging blood is a qualitative change in martial arts. You can carry rifle bullets hard, and the safety factor will be greatly increased."

"Then we will use heavy firepower to destroy the Hatoyama Sect!"

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