I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 277 276. End, farewell

Lu Li carried Shuang Xi along the rugged mountain road for an hour.

His expression remained unchanged and his steps remained steady, but cold sweat kept dripping down his forehead.

Company Commander Lu handed over a kettle and said: "Climb two more hills and we will have our own position."

"Yeah, I can hold on."

Lu Li took the kettle. There wasn't much water in it and it still smelled like gasoline. He took a few sips and handed it to Shuangxi.

Shuangxi lost too much blood and was a little confused. He just kept shaking his head.

It was Nurse Liu who came forward to feed him a drink, and then returned the kettle to Captain Lu.

The two of them were also very tired, but they didn't drink a sip of water.

"Just this little water?"

Lu Li suddenly realized that this small half bottle of water was all the team had in stock, and the few sips he drank were seriously excessive.

Nurse Liu patted the burden and said with a smile: "The conditions are limited. I'll treat the little brother to something good when we get to the company."

"Okay, then I'll wait."

Lu Li looked at the things she was carrying, nodded and said, "So what you are carrying is food."

It's normal to think about it. As the saying goes, the soldiers and horses have to move before the food and grass are used.

Before he had time to delve deeper, there was the sound of rocks rolling down behind him, which was caused by the pursuing soldiers of that platoon.

Although these people are pampered, they travel lightly and are still able to keep up.

The straight-line distance between the two sides is only 2 kilometers, and they are only temporarily separated by the terrain.

It would be troublesome if they were bitten, so Lu Li and his group quickly quickened their pace.

But as they were walking, Captain Lu, who was at the head, suddenly stopped.

Lu Li followed up and took a look, and saw that the front suddenly opened up. It turned out to be a mountain col!

This is a flat, low-lying land surrounded by two mountains.

The risk is extremely high when passing through. If someone sets up a gun on the opposite mountain, it will be over.

The enemy has long known the movements of his group, and with such an excellent terrain, there is a high probability that they will wait and wait.

But now, no matter whether he takes a detour or waits and sees, the pursuers behind him will not agree.

Time was running out, and while the two men were looking across from each other, Nurse Liu suddenly picked up the burden and rushed towards the col, shouting "Cover me!"

This cover is a ghost, she just went to mine, so that Captain Lu could clearly see the firepower arrangement on the opposite side and increase the chance of survival.

Company Commander Lu didn't hold her back and could only watch the petite woman run to the flat ground in a hurry.

He held the gun in his hand until his knuckles turned white.

Fortunately, Nurse Liu made it all the way to the middle of the col and was fine.

Just when Lu Li relaxed a little, something strange suddenly hit him.


On the opposite hillside, Lieutenant Ford had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Ha, you threw yourself into a trap and sent a woman out to test you. What a beast."

Lieutenant Ford sneered:

"The heroic Army will not bully women. This kind of thing should be done by the Air Force."

He took out a "flare gun" from his waist, pointed it at Nurse Liu and pulled the trigger.

There was a muffled bang, and a smoke bomb hit Nurse Liu's feet. The red smoke column rose into the sky, which was extremely conspicuous.

Nurse Liu was startled and quickly picked up the burden and ran back, wondering what it was.

The answer was soon revealed as a pirate fighter jet roared in!

It turns out that the red smoke is used to call and guide "precision air strikes"!

Lieutenant Ford and others looked joking, ready to enjoy the "gun duel".

The fighter plane swooped down, and its cannon locked onto the petite figure on the ground!

Lu Li had personally used an aircraft cannon, so he naturally knew what would happen next.

Flesh and blood...will be beaten into dumpling fillings!

At this moment, Lu Li was once again affected by a huge feeling of sadness, and his chest felt heavy and suffocating.

This feeling has been experienced once before, and it was exactly Lu Chiyuan's emotion.

Lu Chiyuan's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, but he could do nothing.

The intense sadness from the same source also tore at Lu Li's chest.

He hated this feeling of powerlessness and weakness. Without strength, he became a waste living in the basement again.

"Mind! Flying Sword! Kunlun Mirror! No matter what it is, come here!"

Lu Li suddenly stretched out his hand and spread his fingers, as if to stop everything.

But the pirate fighter plane was not affected at all, its wings sprayed out flames, and huge cannonballs poured down like a torrential rain!

Nurse Liu stopped running and only glanced at Company Commander Lu at the last moment... The next second, artillery shells plowed past.

Rocks, giant trees, soil... everything in the area was smashed into pieces and exploded, swallowing up the petite figure.

Captain Lu's eyes dimmed instantly, and his whole person seemed to be hollowed out and lost.

But he didn't notice that Lu Li beside him was stretching his arms and spreading his fingers.

When exerting physical strength, people always like to shout for encouragement.

Activate the mind and certain body movements also have similar effects.

Nothing seemed to happen at this moment, and Lu Li was not sure if he had done anything.

When the dust stirred up by the air raid cleared, his nose felt hot and two injections of blood gushed out?

As soon as he wiped away the nosebleed, Captain Lu shouted in surprise: "Liu Ying!!!"

I saw a petite figure vaguely moving in the smoke! It’s Nurse Liu!

She got up, picked up a small bag of supplies from the ground and ran back!

Survived the barrage of machine gun fire? This is lower than the probability of winning the lottery jackpot!

"What the fuck?"

Lieutenant Ford was also stunned, and then yelled:

"The Air Force are all sons of bitches! Don't stand there! Shoot this bitch!"

The enemies raised their guns and fired one after another, but Captain Lu had already raised his guns and opened fire!

One kilometer away, a soldier leaned over and aimed at Nurse Liu, when a bullet hole suddenly appeared between his eyebrows.

As soon as this man fell to the ground, another machine gunner not far away was shot in the chest and fell backwards.

Captain Lu pulled the bolt of his gun and fired one after another, and clouds of blood mist exploded on the distant mountains.

Lu Li was stunned for a moment. It was a bit incredible that an old-fashioned machine-sighted rifle was still being used at a distance of 1 kilometer.

He picked up Shuangxi's gun and aimed it at the enemy.

But he had never practiced marksmanship seriously, so the bullet missed the target and flew to nowhere.

Bullets were precious, so Lu Li stopped wasting them and watched his grandfather pull the bolt to show off his power.

By the time five rounds of bullets were fired, the enemy was already shrinking and not daring to show his head.

Lu Li couldn't help but ask, "How do you hit so accurately?"

"Aim with your 'heart'."

Captain Lu showed no secret and immediately stood behind Lu Li to teach him step by step.

"Normal people mainly rely on their eyes to aim, but people in our family can't do this."

Captain Lu and Lu Li held their guns together, aimed at an enemy who ran to operate the heavy machine gun, and pulled the trigger.

The bullet came out with a bang, and two seconds later, the enemy exploded into a cloud of blood mist and fell to the ground.

"The eyes are just an auxiliary, you have to use your feelings! Trust your feelings and don't hesitate!"

"Trust your feelings and never hesitate... Thank you very much."

This was the biggest tip, and Lu Li kept it in mind.

And with such a sharp cover, Nurse Liu ran back intact.

She was holding a small bag of supplies in her arms. At a glance, it turned out to be a radish?

The oblong shape, green on top and white on the bottom, is just an ordinary green radish, probably the cheapest vegetable in the supermarket.

Lu Li was a little speechless: "Is this how you are lucky?"

Nurse Liu explained: "There is no water on the front line, so radish quenches thirst and hunger. One radish can save several lives."

"It also resisted beating during transportation."

Lu Li smiled when he looked at several half-cut radishes in his luggage.

At this moment, all the attachment, sadness and other emotions that filled his body were completely gone.

"The obsession is gone."

Both Shuangxi and Nurse Liu survived, the regrets were over, and the emotions in the objects of sustenance also dissipated.

In the sky, a little blackening and peeling began to appear, and the "Butterfly Dream" was about to end.

"Is it really just a dream?"

Lu Li wasn't sure if it was really an illusion. He only knew that the emotion was extremely real.

There were shouts and shouts from the bottom of the mountain, and a commander was seen driving a large number of soldiers to charge.

At the same time, the pursuers behind him also appeared.

The enemies are out in force, which is also a good opportunity for the party being rounded up to break out!

Company Commander Lu was about to say that he would lead the enemy away, so you guys run away...

But before he could say anything, Lu Li stuffed the urn over.

"I'll lure the enemy away, and you can help my father return to his roots. This man did something stupid, so you should scold him more."

Company Commander Lu felt it was inappropriate and was about to refuse, but Lu Li intercepted him again in advance:

"Lu Chiyuan, you will definitely die, but I have a way to survive."

Lu Chiyuan was a little surprised. He had never mentioned it before. How did this young man know his name?

Lu Li smiled and said, "We don't have time, let's just say goodbye."

"As long as I live, I will take it home and bury it solemnly!"

Time was running out, and Lu Chiyuan did not dare to delay. He immediately wrapped the urn around his waist and carried Double Happiness on his back.

Nurse Liu took out a radish from her arms, wiped it clean and stuffed it into Lu Li's hand.

"Brother, you have to survive!"

"It should be no problem. Okay, you guys can leave quickly."

Lu Li took two bites of the carrot and waved goodbye to the three of them.

"Take care!"

The radish was sweet and juicy, and everyone said goodbye.

Putting the carrot in his mouth, Lu Li pointed the gun at the nearest enemy and pulled the trigger without even taking aim.

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