Chen Chu walked around the village for half a circle and soon discovered the forbidden area behind it. The road leading to the forbidden area was filled with various incense sticks. It was difficult not to find it...

Finally I saw the tunnel entrance where the Great Black Buddha Mother was sealed.

From the outside, the entrance looks more like a bulging tomb with a small door on top.

The small door was broken and showed signs of fresh damage.

Chen Chu silently recited the Six Ding Liu Jia protective spell several times, bent down and slowly got in...

The tunnel is quite long. When you reach the first fork, there are colored ropes blocking it, and there is also a cut one on the ground.

He climbed over the rope and saw the mirrors scattered on the ground. These mirrors were exactly the same as those in the movie lenses, but at this moment they were destroyed like the tunnel doors...

When passing by a fork in the road, at each entrance there is a small clay figure with a finger stretched forward. They point everywhere except the direction of the exit.

Chen Chu fell into silence.

Just with a mirror and a doll, the Great Black Buddha Mother was lost in the tunnel for many years. This... I really can't find an adjective to describe his mood at this moment.

Warm heat radiated from his pocket, and a piece of talisman paper to ward off evil sprang out and turned into ashes, followed by the second talisman paper and the third talisman paper running out like a queue.

The greatest function of the evil-proof talisman is to create opportunities for the person carrying it to escape.

They can counteract evil spirits trying to invade the body, just like absorbing radar waves, making them unable to return, causing a certain degree of "invisibility", and also have an early warning effect!

Compared with the passive concealment talisman, which is continuously invisible, the evil-proof talisman is active, has good effect, and is consumed quickly. One of them comes at a time, which is really a bit of a wealthy person's behavior...

Chen Chu knew that he had to speed up.

He walked slowly inside while trying not to make any footsteps. After passing a corner, he shrunk suddenly and used the mirror fragments on the ground to observe secretly...

On the other side of the corner is the end of the tunnel, where a golden metal statue with several hands hangs from the sky. The shape suddenly looks like a Buddha statue, with several hands on both sides behind it.

If you look carefully, you can see that the roots of the hands behind the statue are disconnected and not connected to the statue. There are gaps. It looks more like they were torn off by someone and then hung there with red silk threads!

Chen Chu knew why it was called Buddha Mother.

Because the belly of the statue is bulging, to be honest, if he didn't know the words "Big Black Buddha Mother", he wouldn't be able to tell that it was a female...

The position of the Buddha's eyes is covered by a piece of red cloth. In this way, the malice emanating from it can be felt through the cloth...

Li Ruonan...

Chen Chu felt a little eye-catching.

She stripped herself almost naked, dipped a brush in ink, and carefully drew runes on her skin. They looked a bit like the runes used by the people of Chenjia Village six years ago. I don't know how she remembered them.

After writing all the runes, she simply put on her clothes, took out the pliers and scissors, cut off her hair, pulled out a tooth, cut off a small piece of meat on her arm, put it on a small plate, and placed it on the big black On the incense table in front of the Buddha Mother, she made a seal with her hands, recited the unlucky mantra, and then said: "Buddha Mother is merciful, believer Li Ruonan, please open the net and leave a way to survive!"

She finished her words.

A video recorder was placed opposite the Big Black Buddha, while she covered her eyes with a cloth and stood beside her.

He fumbled for the red cloth on the face of the big black Buddha with both hands, then repeated the mantra to the video recorder, made a mudra, and suddenly lifted the red cloth! ! !

Chen Chu's face was as gloomy as water. Even though he had known that this would happen, he was still a little angry...

It’s not like she didn’t know that anyone shown the video recorder six years ago would die (except the Yunnan Master). Now she is directly filming the statue of the Big Black Buddha, intending to play a big trick on all the netizens on the Internet...

His legs tightened and his heart beat softly.

The eyes of the big black Buddha Mother, whose red cloth was lifted, were like black holes. A strong curse was released like a substance. The temperature of the tunnel dropped crazily, and even the walls were covered with a layer of white frost.

Li Ruonan's blindfolded eyes shed blood and tears, followed by blood pouring out of his mouth, nose, and ears, and his whole body was bleeding. She looked in extreme pain, and the runes on her skin swam like living tadpoles, suddenly becoming motionless and drying up.

He suddenly fell to the ground.

The eyes of the big black Buddha were filled with black energy, which lasted for a while before gradually dissipating.

This round is over!

It's my turn!

Chen Chu rushed out from the corner. He took off his windbreaker and shook it hard. The talismans in his pocket flew out and filled the narrow space like butterflies in the sky!

The evil-proofing talismans continued to turn into ashes, and some offensive talismans fell on the statue, making a sizzling barbecue sound.

Chen Chu heard the cry of a child and the roar of a monster. At the same time, in his mind, countless people, men, women, old and young, chanted curses in unison: "Fire Buddha Xiuyi, xxxx!"

He felt as if he was in an ice cellar for an instant, with chills all over his body. Then a warm current surged through his body, driving away the chill, and the countless voices chanting mantras in his mind also disappeared...

It was the head of the official general. General Zeng's protection took effect and helped him block this wave of curses!

There was a crack on the face of the big black Buddha, and its eyes slowly overflowed with black energy again. Seeing this, Chen Chu stiffly stepped on the three-step praise, switched the trident in his hand to dual-wielding, and rushed over , people give the fork momentum, and the fork borrows manpower, complementing each other, with the sound of teeth grinding against metal!

The stainless steel trident pierced into the belly of the big black Buddha, and black blood oozed out.

The cries of children in the tunnel suddenly turned into screams, making people's heads buzz.

Chen Chu's whole body was filled with heat. He was holding a weapon that would harm the general. Naturally, he couldn't lose his majesty! His eyes were wide open, and he stared at the big black Buddha Mother, and said with a cold smile: "I always want other people's children, why don't I have one if I have a big belly? I'll come all the way to perform an autopsy for you for free..."

The big black Buddha statue was trembling all over, and the hands hanging behind it struggled desperately and broke the red thread!

He grabbed the trident and tried to pull it out. Unexpectedly, it was like holding a soldering iron, and traces of the trident were burned on his hand.

Wait until the child's screams completely disappear.

As if he had been stabbed with a knife, Chen Chu lifted up the big black Buddha Mother with a strong swing and threw her to the ground!

Stepping on its head, with the standard Runtu thrusting posture on a moonlit night, he shouted loudly, and inserted the trident into the forehead, chin and chest of the big black Buddha. There was no way, it had three points, and they had to be evenly stained by rain and dew, but there was no hole in one of the points. , Chen Chu felt that his bowl of water was uneven...

Looking at the big black Buddha statue full of metal, in front of the trident, it was like poking a plastic model. With constant repetition, it soon became a statue full of holes, and there was no more black energy in the eyes...

The talismans brought this time played a big part in the effort.

In less than a minute, one-third of the talisman thrown out turned into ashes, which also bought Chen Chu precious time.

Um? ? ?

He saw a small hole appearing on his arm, which was painful and itchy.

Caves appear one after another like mushrooms after a rain! The intact talisman on the ground began to react again, and even ignited directly...

It’s a new month, please recommend your monthly votes...

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