I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 27 I am not alone in my ways

Li Guoqiang called a taxi and took his girlfriend May to where she lived, and then headed straight to the miscellaneous department.

The Miscellaneous Department is located in an old factory building outside Kowloon Walled City. The department only occupies a few rooms on the first floor.

Shabby, messy...

With an awkward smile on his face, Li Guoqiang led Chen Chu around all kinds of debris and chatted awkwardly: "Even though it's very crowded here, there is a little delivery girl who can ride her bicycle directly to our office... It's very interesting." "

Speaking of this, Chen Chu was a little confused when he watched the movie. There were steps outside the house and it was so crowded inside. Huang Yaozu was lying on the sofa sleeping, and the girl was standing next to him on a bicycle.

If she hadn't died later, everyone would have thought it was a ghost.

Soon he saw a double door with the words "Miscellaneous Department" printed on the glass. Li Guoqiang pushed the door in and respectfully made way for Chen Chu: "Mr. Chen, please come this way...it's a bit random." Forgive me."

There were several wooden tables and a sofa in the house, as well as various newspaper clippings on the walls. The air was filled with a strong smell of tobacco and alcohol, and there was a sense of depression when you walked in under the dim light.

There was a young man with glasses placing building blocks on the table, paying no attention to the two people who came in.

Li Guoqiang walked over and pushed a middle-aged man who was sleeping on the table: "Boss, do you think who I brought here?"

The snoring man raised his head, rubbed his sleepy eyes, lit a cigarette for himself, glanced lazily at Li Guoqiang and then at Chen Chu, and asked, "Are you a relative?"

Li Guoqiang: "No."

Huang Yaozu: "Friend?"

Li Guoqiang: "No"

Huang Yaozu slapped the table with his palm, and the loud bang frightened the four-eyed guy who was stacking blocks next to him. Seven or eight layers of blocks fell all over the table...

There was a cigarette in his mouth, and his brows were furrowed into a "Chuan" shape: "It's not like you just joined the miscellaneous department these two days. Even your colleagues can't know what we are really doing. Why don't you ask an outsider to come in now and mess with me? You don't know what to do." As soon as you get one...that thing comes in, the miscellaneous department will be finished immediately..."

Li Guoqiang did not expect that Huang Yaozu would be so angry when he woke up.

He bit the bullet and said, "Boss, let me explain, this Mr. Chen is not an ordinary person..."

Li Guoqiang did a good job in introducing and explaining this process, and it was clear and logical. Huang Yaozu's frown slowly relaxed, and he carefully looked at Chen Chu, who had pushed the four-eyed boy aside and stacked blocks on the table.

End of explanation.

Huang Yaozu took a deep sip of wine.

His expression was a bit complicated. To be honest, he knew about ghosts when he entered the miscellaneous department 19 years ago.

How to deal with ghosts, he summed up the experience of the seniors in the miscellaneous department and his own, and still only killed the possessed person. The so-called spells, magic weapons, praying to gods and Buddhas were all nonsense. Worshiping with the gun in your hand was more reliable. Spectrum...

Now there is a person from the mainland who claims to be the heir of the Chen family in the south to exorcise evil spirits. He felt very unsure, fearing that this person was an unlucky fool who came all the way to Hong Kong Island and lost his life...

Just then, the phone in the miscellaneous department rang.

It was a call from the police station, saying that two idiots appeared at a bus stop, acting like a vegetative state. They wanted the miscellaneous department to go over and see what was going on...

Idiot, vegetable!

Huang Yaozu and Li Guoqiang looked at each other, they were the bodies possessed by ghosts!

They pulled out their pistols, checked the magazines, and told the four men to keep an eye on the miscellaneous department before dispatching the police. Li Guoqiang reminded Huang Yaozu: "Boss... I think you can try to trust Mr. Chen."

Huang Yaozu was silent for a moment and looked at Chen Chu: "I have to try to trust you. Your life may be in danger. Ghosts are a matter of the miscellaneous department. There is no need to let ordinary people take risks..."

The blocks in Chen Chu's hand were stacked more than fifty layers, and the four boys next to him were stunned.

He stood up and said, "Officer Huang is a good police officer if he has concerns. Let's go."

The van went straight to the site of the incident, which was an old bus center that was about to be retired. When it arrived, there were two young men and women slumped on the ground drooling. Their eyes were empty, and only the instinct of the body's heartbeat and breathing was left...

Huang Yaozu asked the staff and learned that the last person he came into contact with was a woman, who got on the bus and walked towards the department store...

I suddenly became anxious.

Quickly getting on the bus, the three of them crowded into a van and chased along the route of the bus.

Huang Yaozu was unfit to drive after drinking. Looking at the passing scenery outside the window, he turned to look at Chen Chu who was sitting in the back seat: "Mr. Chen should know that catching ghosts is a very dangerous thing."

Chen Chu: "Yeah."

Huang Yaozu: "Then why are you working so hard?"

Chen Chu: "If you don't do something, someone has to do it, right?"

Huang Yaozu chuckled and showed an expression that didn't know whether to laugh or not: "It seems that Mr. Chen is also a temperamental person, which is very similar to me before... It's a pity that after nineteen years in this industry, no matter how good-tempered he is, he can't tired.

You know, there used to be more than a dozen people in the miscellaneous department, and they were all walking behind, and they were dying. Now there are only four eyes, me, and this new officer Li..."

There was deep exhaustion in his eyes, and the wine bottle in his hand rattled: "Damn it, I can't kill all these ghosts. In nineteen years, I shot at least more than thirty people. The first Tiao was a little boy! He was squatting there crying, with a look of helplessness on his face that was as pitiable as possible!

But I still shot him!

I can use these more than 30 lives to join the society, and at least I can be a leader in Causeway Bay! Damn, this profession is thankless. Outsiders can’t understand it, and even our own people can’t understand it. If we kill a possessed person, we don’t run fast enough and are caught by our colleagues in the crime team, we can only be sentenced for intentional homicide. !

You tell me, is this kind of thing fucking fun? Anyway, I feel like I can’t play any more. There’s no end in sight! "

The more Huang Yaozu talked, the more excited he became. Maybe he was drunk, his face was red, and he unconsciously brought with him the grievances and anger of these years. The wine bottle in his hand kept shaking, and he gave the driver Li Guoqiang a look...

Get up close and look at his appearance.

Chen Chu remained silent, sighing secretly.

Judging from the entrusted tasks, Huang Yaozu is really a person who is willing to sacrifice himself.

It’s just that the water in this world is too deep, and the pattern is too big. There are endless ghosts to kill, and they will possess you when you touch them. It’s like a virus. It’s so hopeless.

He reached out and patted Huang Yaozu's shoulder gently and said: "I understand you, our Chen family still has a say in exorcising evil spirits and catching ghosts!

But think about it, if no one is willing to carry the burden forward, how can we bring light to this world? In a world full of ghosts, how long can you and the one you love last? "

Huang Yaozu had never complained so happily as before, and the depression in his heart was relieved a lot. Suddenly there is a like-minded person, and I feel that this road is not so lonely.

At this moment, Li Guoqiang rolled down the window and said that he had caught the bus!

Sure enough, the van caught up with a bus. Li Guoqiang throttled to the end and the speed increased.

The car overtook the bus cab, showed its ID to the driver, and shouted: "Handle the case, stop for inspection, or I will sue you for obstructing official duties! Stop the car quickly!"

This is the second update. I will update at least the second update every day from now on. Please support me.

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