I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 33 Angry Chen Fulai

The pace of life on Hong Kong Island is very fast, leaving early and returning late is the normal life of many people. Only students can enjoy a bit of lightness in this kind of life...

In Kowloon Walled City, a fat girl walked into a residential building with a smile.

The aunt passing by poured water and saw her: "Huh? Shaoyu, shouldn't you be in school at this time? Did you skip class again?"

The girl named Shaoyu glanced at her aunt and said, "You are old and ugly. Stop meddling in your own business and get out of here!" She had a babyish voice, but her words made people inexplicably hairy...

The aunt was stunned. Lin Shaoyu was usually playful and skipped classes, but he never talked like this. He must have been heartbroken. I heard that middle school students in schools nowadays are engaged in puppy love, do not study hard, and seek death after being dumped...

Lin Shaoyu ignored it.

Slowly climb up the stairs of the residential building and reach the rooftop.

She took a deep breath of air, leaned on the railing and looked down. It was more than ten stories high. If she fell from here, she would be shattered to pieces!

This is not good, you cannot experience the feeling of slowly approaching death! Change it to something fun!

His eyes swept around and when he saw a pile of ropes on the ground, a smile suddenly appeared on his face: "Yes, this is definitely exciting and fun..."

Lin Shaoyu picked up the pile of ropes and hung them on the clothes drying pole.

She was short and stood upright under the clothes drying pole. She slowly wrapped the remaining rope around her neck and felt that her breathing gradually became difficult.

A painful and weird smile appeared on his face: "It's fun, it's fun!"

After wrapping all the ropes, she clapped her hands gently and smiled even more wildly: "It's so fun, this is how it should be played! I can think of more fun ways to play..."

Her legs slowly bent, and all the weight of her body was concentrated on her neck. The rope suddenly cut into her skin, and her whole face instantly turned the color of pig liver. It was painful!

Feeling that death was coming, Lin Shaoyu's eyes slowly moved down, and she saw a plastic postcard stuck under the clothes drying pole. There was a row of words on it, which made her pupils shrink violently. It was clearly under the sun, but it felt like she was in an ice cellar. Average inside!

This is a simple postcard.

Draw a small yellow smiling face.

Here is a sentence:

Teacher, is it fun? Guess who I am, wrong, I will give you a ticket and treat you to eating peanuts on your head!

Lin Shaoyu immediately put down his feet to support his body.

She quickly untied the rope around her neck and coughed violently. It took a while before she recovered.

See the words ticket and peanuts.

Her face was gloomy to the extreme, and a policeman in police uniform appeared in her mind, the policeman who patrolled the streets to the underground garage!

Son of a bitch!

Nosy patrolman!

Lin Shaoyu is not the real Lin Shaoyu.

Because a ghost of a serial killer with a twisted personality and cruel methods broke into her body, Chen Fulai!

Chen Fulai's thoughts were racing rapidly. The first person he possessed was a nurse in the hospital. At that time, he happened to see patrolman Li Guoqiang who was in a coma and needed to be wrapped in a plaster!

He resisted the urge to take revenge and wanted to wait until Li Guoqiang woke up before slowly torturing him.

So he carved his own tattoo pattern and ticket number on his arm. Could it be that the ticket and pattern revealed his "rebirth"?

No, it's impossible!

If he was so smart and powerful, could he still be a patrolman?

Chen Fulai tried hard to recall all the information about Li Guoqiang. The underground garage at that time flashed through his mind. He had seen Li Guoqiang's ID, which detailed his home address...

Regardless of whether the postcard was tampered with by Li Guoqiang or not, he must be sent on his way in advance!

He took two quick steps, glanced at the bottom of the rooftop, and gave up on killing the body. Uncontrollable factors appeared in the matter. He must try to attract as little attention from the public as possible...

the following few days.

Chen Fulai has been lurking secretly, trying to see who would come to check the postcard. He was disappointed. After squatting for a few days, except for people drying clothes, there were no other suspicious people on the rooftop.

Became a ghost.

He really enjoys possessing girls and brutally torturing them.

But to be on the safe side, he endured his nausea this time and possessed the aunt who had greeted her a few days ago.

He used the body of this aunt to call a taxi, and then went to the bachelor's apartment based on the address on Li Guoqing's ID card in his memory. The management staff of the apartment building were much more professional than the Kowloon Walled City. If he hadn't accurately said With Li Guoqiang's name and room number, he might not be able to get in.

He took out the wire and tied it in the keyhole.

The lock cylinder of this era was not difficult to open. You only need to press down the raised point in the keyhole to open it.

open the door.

Walk into Li Guoqiang's house.

Everything is as usual here, as if there were people living here yesterday.

Soon, he saw some newspapers scattered on the ground. They were newspaper clippings, which recorded news information about the same person.

The title is, the shocking serial murderer Chen Fulai has been killed!

Chen Fulai's chest kept rising and falling. He was so angry that he stepped hard on the newspaper.

Opened the bedroom door and walked in! He was stunned as soon as he entered the door. There were so many things outside, but there was nothing in the bedroom, not even a bed. The windows were sealed with bricks and cement. Apart from that, there were only newspapers on the floor!

what the hell!

He gently smeared the bricks and cement filling the windows with his fingers. They dried and became very hard!

Chen Fulai had a bad feeling in his heart. This place was too weird, not like a place where normal people would live. He had to leave here first and then plan his revenge again...

He reached out to pull the bedroom door, but it didn't move, and his heart sank.

As soon as I came in, the bedroom door that I pushed open slowly closed automatically.

This kind of design is usually used on doors. Of course, a small number of families also use this kind of door. He didn't pay much attention to it, but now, it can't be opened!

Sweat broke out on his forehead. He raised his foot and kicked hard. The door was unusually strong and made his ankles extremely sore.

It's a trap!

damn it!

No matter how stupid Chen Fulai is, he still knows!

He raised his fist and punched the door wildly. The skin of the joints was broken and bleeding. After banging wildly for a while, he collapsed on the ground panting. There were only a few scratches and blood stains on the door, but the damage was negligible. .

This body was too weak, and now it was exhausted, and the pain in my ankle was even worse.

At this time, he saw a mobile phone stuck to the corner of the back panel of the door. He picked it up and saw that there was only one dial-out button on the mobile phone, and all other keys were completely destroyed.

What does mobile phone mean?

He pressed the dial button, and a row of call records appeared on the screen, with only one number!

Chen Fulai understood that this phone was for him. The keys were broken to prevent him from calling others. Now the dialing key can only dial the number in the call history...

Grit your teeth and broadcast.

The receiver beeped for a while, and I dialed several times before getting through.

A polite voice came from inside: "Sorry, sorry, I was busy watching TV to kill the boring time, and I didn't notice the ringing of the phone! Thank you very much, Mr. Chen Fulai, for coming to support my career despite his busy schedule..."

This is the second update. If you don’t comment, I’m scared. Please comment quickly.

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