I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 43 Taoist Priest

The mountain is called Sanshan, so named because it has three peaks.

The Taoist temple is located on the top of the mountain in the middle, named after the mountain.

Sanshan Palace.

The three pure gods are enshrined in the temple, namely Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun and Taiqing Daode Tianzun.

The juxtaposition of the statues is quite impressive. In previous years, there was an endless stream of pilgrims going up the mountain, and the parking lot was full. The fireworks in the stove in front of the temple never stopped. But in recent years, for some reason, there have been fewer pilgrims coming to offer incense... …

Chen Chu walked into the hall carrying a basket of melons and fruit scented candles.

An old Taoist priest was using a feather duster to clean up the dust in the corners. When he saw the person coming clearly, he suddenly smiled and said, "It's not the time yet this year, why did you come here early?"

Chen Chu placed offerings on the table, lit three sticks of incense, placed them on the incense burner, and bowed three times. He responded to the old Taoist priest with a smile: "You don't expect me to come here early every year, and you don't welcome me when I come..."

The old Taoist priest moved a chair, picked up a fruit knife, peeled an apple, and handed it to him: "You are so pretentious, you child, I have almost watched you grow up year by year, how much do you still understand? In the past, every year The time for burning incense is never a minute earlier. It’s so much earlier this year. Tell me, what’s going on?”

Chen Chu took a bite of the apple and said with a smile, "I want to be a Taoist priest."

The old Taoist priest peeled an apple for himself and almost scratched his finger. He couldn't believe his ears. He looked Chen Chu up and down and said with emotion: "You are smart, you are a genius. I asked you to become a Taoist priest to enrich your life. It doesn't matter." Living in the mountains for a long time, you can go to school normally, marry a wife and have children, but you can run faster than anyone else...

Tell me honestly, what made you change your mind! "

When Chen Chu met the old Taoist Priest for the first time, he was already in his fifties. More than twenty years later, he is now close to eighty. As he gets older, his face is not as plump as before, his cheeks are sunken, and his wrinkles are like knife carvings... …

Every year when he comes to the Taoist temple to offer incense, he sometimes gets upset.

The old Taoist priest would always peel an apple for him and give him a bowl of chicken soup for the soul. Chen Chu had to admit that other people's chicken soup was easy to get tired of, but the old Taoist priest's chicken soup always had new twists...

He sat down on the chair and looked at the statue of the founder of Sanqing: "Do you believe there are ghosts in the world?"

The old Taoist priest was slightly stunned. He thought that Chen Chu wanted to be a Taoist priest, but he might have encountered unsatisfactory things in his life, so he had the idea of ​​becoming a monk. He did not expect such a problem...

He smiled slightly and said: "The two questions I have heard people ask the most since I became a Taoist priest are: 'Are there ghosts in the world?' and the other is, 'Can you catch ghosts?'

Since you also asked, I will answer you.

The first question is, ‘Are there ghosts in this world’?

I have never seen a ghost, nor have my master, grandmaster, or even those on the mountain...

But I cannot deny their existence, just like some extinct biological species. From their appearance to their extinction, they have never appeared in front of humans, as if they were "zero" from the beginning, but humans can always infer them through other creatures and the environment. Traces of their past existence...

The same goes for ghosts. There are related introductions in some of our old classics.

The human body has three souls and seven souls, which correspond to different functions. After the body dies, the seven souls dissipate, and the three souls wander. When they disperse, they will reincarnate, and when they gather, they will become ghosts...

I think maybe a long time ago, there might be ghosts or even gods in this world. But one day, the world suddenly became no longer suitable for ghosts and gods to live. The gods left forever, and ghosts could not form..."

The old Taoist priest's words reminded Chen Chu of the world of "The First Commandment". But the real world is more complete. There are no gods and no ghosts...

The old Taoist priest saw Chen Chu holding the apple core thoughtfully.

He cut a small piece of his apple and handed it over to answer the second question.

Can he catch ghosts?

The answer to this question is actually similar to the first question "Are there ghosts in this world?"

There are also many related books in Taoism, such as reciting incantations and drawing talismans, reaching up to heaven to hear them, reaching down to the Nine Netherworlds, restraining souls and catching ghosts, looking for dragons and tapping acupoints, and moving luck, there are countless...

Of course there are people who try such awesome things, but no matter how strictly implemented, there is no effect. However, if you practice those martial arts for ten or eight years, you can see the effects...

The old Taoist priest sighed. As for the ineffectiveness of those spells and spells, it is probably the same reason that ghosts and gods cannot survive.

If you want them to realize their original value, I'm afraid they have to be in a world with ghosts and gods..."

After the old Taoist master said this, he looked at Chen Chu: "I have finished answering. Now, why do you want to be a Taoist priest?"

Chen Chu looked at the incense in front of the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty. Only half of it was burned. He said: "People who walk on the road are called Taoist priests. Their body and mind are in order. They only follow the Tao and do things according to the Tao. They are Taoist priests...

It is difficult to cultivate Taoism, and it is also difficult to seek Taoism. I want to become a Taoist priest. To be honest, the main reason is to teach and gain orthodox recognition...

As for the reason for this, I can’t tell you for the time being, and I don’t want to deceive you. I can only say that the time has not come yet, but I promise you that I will never do anything wrong or insult the inheritance..."

Chen Chu seemed to have said nothing, but actually revealed a little bit of information...

The old Taoist priest, whose Taoist name is named after the mountain, is Sanshanzi. How could he not understand the meaning of Chen Chu's words after living all his life.

After being silent for a long time, he said: "Being a Taoist priest is basically anyone who wants to be a Taoist priest. However, being a Taoist priest is a bit more troublesome. To put it bluntly, those who enter the system need to be tested for their character and homework. They must at least be familiar with "" "Morning and Evening Work Sutra", "Laozi's Tao Te Ching", "The Sutra of Saving People" and basic Taoist etiquette...

There are also reciting a lot of names of ancestors and gods, because the practices of opening altars, drawing talismans and reciting mantras are all inseparable from these... The most common one, you should have heard of it, is that the Supreme Lord is as anxious as the law. "

Sanshan Lao Taoist could see that Chen Chu was a little anxious.

He stood up and said: "The ordination is what happens after you become a true Taoist priest. You can get the legal position by being ordained, and you can get the seventh or eighth rank after the first initiation... But before that, you need to become a Taoist boy and become a Taoist boy. After being taught to become a Taoist priest, in the last three years of assessment, you can apply to be consecrated in the main altar."

Chen Chu was stunned.

It takes three years to be conferred.

His vacation is seven days.

The old Taoist Sanshan seemed to be answering his concerns, saying that after becoming a Taoist disciple and converting to a Taoist disciple, you can be considered as entering this circle. If you are familiar with Taoist scriptures and learn to recite mantras and draw talismans, you will be recognized when you use these things seriously...

He counted with his fingers for a while and said: "When we do things, we rely on the right time and place. Even if the right place is not available, we still need the right time. It is an auspicious day. Today happens to be a good day. Let's get things done while the atmosphere is here!"

He was in a particularly good mood, looked at Chen Chu and said loudly: "Chen Chu, you and Pindao have a master-disciple relationship. Are you willing to take Pindao as your teacher?"

Monthly passes are really useful. . .

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