Sif looked down at the shield in surprise, this was repaired by the Time Gem? "You said just now that Thor, Loki, and Hela have not become the kings of Asgard. Hela is still one of the reasons for Ragnarok. Could it be that... Asgard is as inescapable as the legends say. The fate of Ragnarok?"

"It's useless for you to know some things now. Do you think Odin and Frigga really don't know anything? Especially Frigga, she was raised by a witch and has extremely strong magical abilities, even if she doesn't have the Time Stone. Not necessarily a glimpse into the future.”

Chapter 0189 Odin thinking of a way out

In Avengers 4, the ancient master saw Bruce Banner and said: You came five years early.

Frigga saw Saul and said: You will suffer in the future.

The US captain saw his future self and said: I found Loki...

Not to mention Gu Yi, who can predict the future, is like a club-like captain of the United States. Let’s talk about Odin’s wife, Thor’s mother, and the goddess Frigga. She is not an ordinary person. In the comics, she was originally a Warner Protoss of Warnerheim. Member, married Odin and came to Asgard, with strong magical ability. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Frigga is very good to his biological son Thor and his adopted Loki. Loki can not care about his brother Thor or his father Odin, but only care about this mother.

In Thor 2, the Dark Elves invaded, and Frigg was killed to protect Jane Fortes. In Avengers 4, Thor returned to the timeline of Thor 2 and borrowed the ether particles from Jane Fortes together with Rocket Raccoon. Sol was timid and dared not act. Rocket Raccoon borrowed the ether particles alone, but he met his mother, Fury. Jia, although Saul was a big belly at the time and his appearance changed greatly, ordinary people may not really realize that he is from the future. As a result, Frigga realized that he was from the future almost instantly, and vaguely guessed what happened in the future. Saul tried to tell his mother to prepare for the imminent death, but Frigga refused to listen, saying that he would accept his future, and persuaded Saul that he should focus on his actions.

Su Yue was thinking if Frigg hadn't met the future Sol and guessed the news of his death, would it not have been so easy for him to be killed by the dark elves?

In addition, the present is the present, and the future is the future. Is the timeline that the future Sol traveled back through, the timeline that has been changed now, or another timeline? Although the general situation has not changed so far, the butterfly effect caused by many small things has also caused a lot of changes, and more changes will occur when the Thor 2 plot unfolds.

If the future Thor and Rocket Raccoon traveled to Asgard and found out that Jane Fortes was not in Asgard at all, nor his girlfriend, nor had any ether particles, what would his expression be?

"I'm going to take someone out for a trip. It may take some time to come back. Can you come to Earth normally after returning to Asgard?" Su Yue asked Sif.

Sif shook her head: "The Rainbow Bridge could not be opened easily without the order of the God-king Odin."

"That's it... It seems that we will have a chance to meet next time only when Sol comes to Earth." Su Yue said regretfully.

"Saul will come to Earth?" Sif asked.

Su Yue nodded: "The earth will become his second home. Let's go, I'll take you back."

Sif nodded and got up, followed Su Yue out of the room and left the Dimension Inn.

In the open space in front of the inn, Sif was ready to look up at the sky. "Heimdall, take me back."


The clear sky was suddenly covered with rain, and a huge beam of energy light fell from the sky and landed... outside Dimension Street.

"Deviated again?"

Sif looked at the deviated Rainbow Bridge in disbelief. It was like this when it came, and it is like this now.

Su Yue shook his head thoughtfully. Heimdall has the ability to see into the Nine Realms, comparable to the clairvoyance in myths and legends, and has been in control of the Rainbow Bridge for many years. Nine times out of ten, Asgard's Rainbow Bridge should not be able to be placed on Dimension Street, so it can only fall outside Dimension Street.

"I'll take you there." Su Yue said to Sif.

The Rainbow Bridge has been opened to prevent anyone from entering the Rainbow Bridge by mistake. Sif nodded and followed Su Yue quickly out of the Dimension Street, towards the drop point of the Rainbow Bridge.

In front of the Rainbow Bridge, Sif turned to look at Su Yue.

Su Yue smiled and waved: "See you next time."

Sif felt that she should say something, but she couldn't remember what she should say. After a moment of silence, she nodded slightly to Su Yue, turned and walked into the Rainbow Bridge.


The Rainbow Bridge disappeared, and Sif returned to Asgard.



Sif complained to the bridgekeeper Heldam that the rainbow bridge was inaccurately placed, and then went to Asgard without waiting for Heldham to explain. ...the words Su Yue said about Asgard before coming back. Wait...about Asgard?

Sif's expression suddenly changed, and she finally realized what she wanted to say before coming back.

It was clear that Su Yue despised Asgard, and it was clear that the two of them were tit-for-tat and almost went to war. What happened? Su Yue didn't apologize or take back those words. Instead, he used Asgard's 'future' to change the subject, but he didn't even react.


Sif cursed helplessly in a low voice, entered Asgard with permission, and met the god-king Odin.

Bowing her head to salute, Sif will report everything that happened in Midgard.

The mysterious novelty and power of Dimension Street, the Kree who were crushed and killed, his defeat and his relationship with Su Yue, Su Yue's admonition to himself and contempt for Asgard, and even Asgard The 'future', Sif did not hide it, and reported to the **** king Odin on the throne.

After a long while, Odin said slowly: "It's hard work, go down and rest."


Sif nodded slightly, turned and left the Asgard Palace.

"Ragnarok...isn't it really possible to survive? Since you said that the future is not static, I can change the future and the future of Asgard. Earth...maybe it can make Thor different. ?!" Odin murmured to himself and secretly made a decision, if Thor can't avoid Ragnarok as he expected, save Asgard, and become a qualified king, then he will serve Asgar himself The people of Germany seek a way out.

Dimension Street, Suyue, is a good retreat.

Dimension Street is an independent dimensional space and is exclusive to Suyue. According to the rules of Dimension Street, once you enter Dimension Street, you can get a good shelter. At the same time, the combat power of Su Yue and Dimension Street is very strong. Although he doesn't want to admit it, Odin agrees with what Su Yue said. He really can't fight Dimension Street now. Besides... Su Yue still has time in the Infinity Stones in his hands. Jewel, even if his eldest daughter Hela escaped from the predicament, she should be no match for Su Yue and his Dimension Street.

Chapter 0190 The first meeting of Tony Stark and Su Yue!

Boom! boom! boom!

The explosion of the artillery fire sounded, and a missile produced by Stark Industries fell to the ground, followed by a bang, and the flames and shocks of the explosion swept over—Tony Stark suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's a dream..." Tony Stark thought faintly, his eyes suddenly froze.

Dark cave, dim environment, where is this?

Tony Stark groaned in pain, reached out tremblingly and touched the nasal tube stuffed into his nose, and endured the discomfort and discomfort and pulled it out.

Wiping his nose, Tony Stark could feel that he was injured, and the injury was very serious. He had no strength to get up at all. He turned his head and found a water glass on the table next to him. He was thirsty and reached out to want He went to get it, but the weak feeling of powerlessness made him unable to do such a small movement. The water glass overturned and fell off the table.


Tony Stark saw a man shaving his beard with his back turned to him and looking at a mirror hanging on a pillar. He was stunned and tried to get up. As soon as he moved, he felt as if something was connected to him. The same, let his movements stop for a while.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that." The shaved man said casually when he saw Tony Stark's actions in the mirror.

Only then did Tony Stark realize that he was actually connected to two wires, one end of which was a battery and the other end was on his body. He tore off the gauze wrapped around his body in horror, and soon found a simple circular machine inlaid on his chest, which made his breathing suddenly quicken.

After a long time, Tony Stark, who had calmed down, asked, "What did you do to me?"

"What did I do? I saved your life. I took out the shrapnel as best I could, but there's still a lot left, they'll get into the diaphragm of your heart, want to see this? Keep it as a souvenir." Man Akira He shook a glass bottle next to it, which contained many fragments of bullet casings.

"What is this?" Tony Stark asked, pointing to something on his body.

"Electromagnets, powered by car batteries, are used to prevent shrapnel from entering your heart," the man explained.

Tony Stark put on the zipper of his clothes, glanced at the surveillance camera on the top of the cave, and asked in a deep voice, "Where is this?"

Before the man could answer, an incomprehensible voice suddenly came from outside the iron gate of the cave.

"Get up, get up, get up." The man urged Tony Stark in a panic and pulled him up. "Follow me, come on, follow me, put your hands up."

The man pulled Tony Stark, who was still a little confused, and raised his hands.

The door opened, and a group of armed terrorists walked in.

The leader at the head was a bearded man. As soon as he came in, he arrogantly said something Tony Stark couldn't understand at all.

"He said, welcome to Tony Stark, the most famous murderer in American history."

"He wants you to build a missile, the kind of missile you showed earlier."

While translating Beard's words, the man took a photo from Beard's hand. The content of the photo was exactly the kind of missile that Tony Stark showed before the accident.

"I... Reject?" Tony Stark looked at the man who translated and the bearded man waiting for the answer and was about to refuse, but found that the bearded man and the terrorists with guns suddenly turned and walked to the side, and then knelt down. down.

That kind of feeling is as if some big man is coming, neatly giving people an indescribable shock.

"Da da da……"

The sound of high-heeled shoes was very clear in the empty cave. A blond woman in a pure white tight leather jacket slowly appeared in Tony Stark's line of sight, accompanied by the terrorists kneeling on the ground, making her look like Like a queen on a high.

What a hot blonde, is she the mastermind behind the scenes?

Tony Stark thought so, but this queen-like woman lowered her head slightly, turned sideways, and then... an unexpected person appeared in his sight.

"Su Yue?" Tony Stark called out in disbelief.

He never expected to see Su Yue here, yes, although this is their first time meeting, Tony Stark will never forget this face. It was he who poached his assistant and made him ridiculed by the news media for a long time; it was he who stole his limelight and made the rich, genius, philanthropist, and scientist who should have been high-profile in his background. Walls, or the kind that are put together and devalued.


Su Yue greeted Tony Stark with a smile, looked around, shook his head slightly and said, "The environment doesn't seem to be very good, do you want me to help you improve it?"

"Why are you here?!" Tony Stark glanced at the terrorists who were quietly kneeling on the ground. "You instructed them to kidnap me?"

Su Yue clicked his tongue twice: "Kidnap you? Don't worry, I will never kidnap you in my life. If you offend me, I will kill you directly. Kidnapping? There's no need for that."

Tony Stark hummed, "Then you'd better explain why they are all kneeling on the ground."

"Explain to him." Su Yue said with a smile.

The White Queen smiled lightly, and Tony Stark knelt on the ground with a thud.

"Fak, you... how did I... what did you do to me?" Tony Stark's expression suddenly changed, then he stood up suddenly and asked the White Queen.

The White Queen said lightly, "This is the explanation."

"Damn superpower." Tony Stark cursed in a low voice. He didn't know anything about the situation of Dimension Street. The matter of superpowers was not a secret to him at all, let alone he was concerned about it. Even if there is no situation in Dimension Street, those in the military will 'remind' him.

The military has approached him several times, hoping to manufacture weapons against Dimension Street, but he is proud of his disdain to use this method to prove that he is better than Su Yue.

"Do you want to leave here?" Su Yue asked Tony Stark with a smile.

Tony Stark snorted. "You want me to beg you? Bow down to you? I tell you, in a dream, I'll find a way to get out of here, on my own!"

Su Yue knew why Tony Stark was hostile to him. After all, he had dug up his assistant. Well, in a way, it was an assistant before, then a wife, and then a **** kid...

Chapter 0191 See the death do not help? Well, I'm waiting for the day you beg me!

Su Yue knew Tony Stark's identity and character, and what kind of sacrifices he made to save the world in the future, but... the White Queen didn't know, she used telepathy to control him and knelt down, although she controlled him The time was short, but this kneeling was enough to make the proud Tony Stark hostile to the White Queen and the White Queen's master Su Yue.

Besides, there was Liangzi before the two of them!

"You're thinking too much... I just asked if you wanted to leave here, but I didn't say I'd take you out of here." Tony Stark, who had a face of seven dissatisfaction and eight dissatisfaction, shook his head slightly and looked at Su Yuexiang. His face became more and more livid, and he raised his hand to point at his chest. "There will be times when you beg me, I don't have to rush now."

Tony Stark said angrily: "You think I can't afford the best surgeon?"

"Yes, you can't afford it." Su Yue replied with a smile. "There are many excellent surgeons, but there is only one who can guarantee a 100% success rate. Even if there is one, you can't believe it! If you have a chance, you can inquire carefully. There is only one best surgeon, and that's me!"

"You?" Tony Stark scoffed.

Su Yue shrugged: "As long as I can guarantee no injury, no life-threatening, no side effects, or even recuperation, I can 100% take out that gadget on your body and the tiny shrapnel in your body. Of course, you You don't have to believe what I say, but you should believe what Jarvis said, so I'm waiting for the day you ask me."

Tony Stark snorted suspiciously: "If you came here on purpose, you can leave now."

Tony Stark... what a vicious tongue!

Su Yue clicked his tongue a few times, turned his head and instructed the White Queen to look up information about the Ten Rings Gang from the memories of these terrorists, and then took out his mobile phone and took pictures of Tony Stark.

Although Tony Stark is used to being photographed, at this moment, how can this place and this scene be photographed as calmly as usual? He hurriedly shouted loudly to stop Su Yue's behavior.

"You are Tony Stark, what are you hiding, show your face and let me take a few pictures. Tony Stark Passion, if you say these pictures are sold to newspapers or TV stations, how much would they be willing to pay? Hundreds of thousands? Too little, after all, it's the first-hand information about Tony Stark after he was kidnapped, and if you don't have two or three million, you can't buy it."

"five million!"

"I'll give you five million, delete these photos."

Tony Stark was powerless and could not stop it at this time. When he thought of these photos being published in the world, news reports made headlines one after another... No matter how angry he was, he had to give in at this time.

Su Yue put away the phone, looked at Tony Stark, who was obviously relieved, and smiled brightly: "Not for sale!"

"You..." Tony Stark was so angry that he almost didn't catch his breath, his body swayed a few times, and said sternly: "No matter how much money you ask, I will never pay back, just treat me as me Charity."

"It's really not easy to make you, Tony Stark, bow his head. Well, I won't make it difficult for you. I don't want any money for these photos... I'll give them to the newspaper office for nothing. They should be used as building blocks for the people's entertainment activities."

The first half of Su Yue's words lightened Tony Stark's face a little, but the second half of the sentence made him faint.

Um... I really fainted.

The translator who had been playing soy sauce for a long time was startled and hurriedly checked Tony Stark's condition. Fortunately, he fainted only because of his physical weakness and mental bullying, and his life was not in danger. He breathed a sigh of relief, he was just about to ask Su Yue to take Tony Stark away with him. Life was at stake. Even if there was something wrong with Tony Stark and Su Yue, Su Yue could come here. Dead or not?

As soon as he turned his head, he saw that Su Yue picked up the phone again and took a picture, er... It was a lot of fun.

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