I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 161 Contradiction (Part 1)

The orange-red sunset illuminated half of the sky.


You can still vaguely see the charred blackness after the fire.

Millions were reduced to ruins overnight.


The person who thought he had fallen did not fall.

Meng Shurong was shocked.

Then came the surprise.

He nodded and silently took the fifty thousand yuan.

Fifty thousand yuan is not a big amount, and it can't even buy a decent machine.


It's an attitude.

As if, a light in the darkness.

Warm and gentle.

He turned his head and looked at Zhang Sheng next to him.

Zhang Sheng nodded towards him with a smile on his face.

Meng Shurong nodded heavily.

He looked at Li Bin again.

His eyes became wet unconsciously, and he said many words of thanks.

Vaguely, he heard countless discussions around him.

Talking about his products going international, talking about the export support of the Ministry of Commerce, and talking about [Oubang Integrated Ceiling] being the first batch of products exported by the Ministry of Commerce in December...


He didn't know.

In fact, when Li Bin and Zhang Sheng suddenly came over and a group of people suddenly surrounded the entire store, he was completely confused.

But after seeing the look in Zhang Sheng's eyes, he knew that everything was settled, and these were most likely true.

Zhang Sheng really did it!

After saying various words of thanks...

He saw some colleagues in the crowd mixing in.

Among peers.

Some people have a blank look in their eyes, some are gloomy as if they are thinking about something, and some people have twinkling eyes...

That night.

The flames did not destroy him, but allowed him to stand in the flames and be reborn.

His heart was excited and he felt so proud. Standing under the signboard of [Oubang International], he was thinking about the infinite future.


Night falls.

The hustle and bustle gradually dissipated.

But the discussion has not stopped. Many colleagues and many non-peers are discussing this matter.

When discussing this matter...

There was jealousy and envy in their eyes.

The whole street knows that [Obang International] has taken the protection of the commerce department and is preparing to export.

【Oubang International】In the store.

Meng Shurong asked Zhang Sheng and Li Bin to sit down, while his wife Li Aifeng hurriedly went out to get fruits and tea and water.

But Zhang Sheng shook his head and looked at Li Aifeng with a smile.

"Don't engage in this kind of battle now. The more lively the battle is, the harder it will be for some people hiding in the dark to come over. Li Bin, don't you have to be busy? Yingying has been waiting outside for so long. There are things that should be dealt with. You go take care of it..."


After Li Bin took a few sips of tea, he glanced at the honest Liu Yingying standing at the door.

He nodded towards Liu Yingying.

A burst of surprise flashed across Liu Yingying's face. When she saw Li Bin walking out, her eyes were full of stars.

That day...

A down-and-out network administrator came to [Senran Integrated Stove], and under the leadership of the teacher, took the first step in running a business.

Running business is boring and tiring, and sometimes you have to face many difficulties from customers...

It was difficult to survive those days.


The boss's daughter also started running the business with him.

A few months ago, Li Bin would inevitably feel a little uneasy. He was a network administrator, the daughter of a boss, and the daughter of someone like Liu Kaili...

But as time went by, he discovered that Liu Yingying did not suffer from Liu Kaili's problems, but was more like her mother Chen Aiju...

Kind, gentle, and serious about everything he does.

In just a few months, the two of them suffered a lot together. Every time he was wronged by Liu Kaili, Li Bin immediately called Zhang Sheng and told him that he no longer wanted to do it.

After the phone call...

He would follow Liu Yingying and talk about all the things wrong with Liu Kaili!

She doesn't refute, but feels the same way!

I even cried many times and comforted Li Bin, saying that if you really can't do it here, just leave...

that period of time……

This is the most painful time for Li Bin.

He obviously felt that he had certain abilities, but he still had to work under a narrow-minded person like Liu Kaili.

But it was also his happiest time.

He used to be just a low-level network administrator.

There is no day, no night, three meals a day are irregular, I was born in front of the computer, but even if I die in front of the computer, the most I can do is sigh.

Just a bad life.

Liu Yingying appeared in his life...

When it was lunch time, she would call her. Knowing that he didn't like eating with Liu Kaili, she bought a thermos box and brought it to him.

Whether it's windy, rainy, or scorching afternoon, she will carry it.

Liu Kaili sometimes deliberately made miscalculations, and she would correct them...

Several times, Li Bin was nearby and listened to Liu Yingying and Liu Kaili quarreling.


Most of the time Liu Kaili was talking about Liu Yingying, while Liu Yingying wiped her tears and said in a crying voice not to do this...

I don't know when their relationship started to get closer.

On the day he left [Senran Integrated Kitchen], Liu Kaili called Li Bin like crazy...

Liu Yingying did not say anything to persuade him to stay, but gave Li Bin a mobile phone and seriously told Li Bin that she would support him no matter what decision he made.

Li Bin vaguely remembered...

That day...

It happened to be such a day.

"Teacher, Mr. Meng, I'll leave first."

"Well, let's go. Remember, no matter what happens to Liu Kaili, you still have to follow the proper etiquette and deliver cereal and milk... right..."

"It's okay, teacher. If he can accept it, everyone can talk. If he doesn't accept it..." Li Bin paused for a while: "Then don't accept it!"


Li Bin said hello to Zhang Sheng, and then left with a box of milk.

Zhang Sheng looked at Li Bin's back.

There was a brief moment of silence.

In just three or four months, Li Bin has transformed a lot.

But the edges and corners of the body have not become rounded due to such a long period of tempering, but have become sharper and sharper.

At this moment, Li Bin felt like a sword that had been unsheathed.

The sword is sharp and full of vigor.

But for people like Liu Kaili...

Zhang Sheng did not think any further.


"Have you really decided?"

"Well, I've decided!"

"No regrets?"

"I won't regret it when I call you."

The evening breeze carried a chilly feeling.

Merchants along the way poked their heads out and watched Liu Yingying and Li Bin holding hands.

Li Bin heard someone familiar greeting him...

He responded with a smile. After facing inquiries from some merchants, he did not shy away. He just held the milk and cereal in his hand tighter.

Liu Yingying held Li Bin's arm.

She felt safer than ever before.

Seeing some merchants along the way calling "Mr. Li" and "Mr. Li", she couldn't help but feel happy in her heart.

This is the man he likes!

Ability, character, and responsibility...

Women in love generally have slightly lower IQs...

Liu Yingying also seemed to have made the mistake of turning her elbows outward, but she didn't care about this mistake.

In this life, you have to live for yourself.

From small to large……

She only listened to Liu Kaili's words.

Go to a university you don’t want to go to, study a major you don’t want to study, and after graduation, you have to give up your dream of comics and run a business, and be looked down upon by others...

After Li Bin left...

She has been keeping in touch with Li Bin.

She would talk about life at [Senran Integrated Kitchen], and Li Bin would also talk about his work at [Hongyuan Decoration].

She heard from Li Bin that he was very fulfilled, but also very tired...

He said that since he jumped out, he has realized that being a boss is not that simple. The things he has to consider are completely different from those of employees, and the pressure he has to bear is as great as a mountain.

He said that in a few days, he learned more than [Senran Integrated Kitchen]...

They talked a lot on the phone, but all she heard was him saying he was tired.


After several days of struggle, she finally made a decision.

Along the way.

Liu Yingying and Li Bin did not speak.

They took a detour and arrived at the entrance of [Senran Integrated Stove] store...

They saw Liu Kaili standing at the entrance of the store.

His eyes were stunned, as if something had been provoked, and then his face gradually darkened again.

But he still showed a smile after all.

But the smile was extremely forced, as if the muscles were squeezed together into an emotionless arc.

"Li Bin...are you here?"

"Uncle Liu..."

"It's all here..."

With this smile on his face, he greeted Li Bin into the room.

After entering the house, the smile disappeared from his face.

He wants Li Bin to return to [Senran Integrated Kitchen].


He never wanted Li Bin to step into the door of [Senran Integrated Kitchen] like this.

From the moment he saw Li Bin, he felt that his majesty had been challenged.

In the room, Chen Aiju was smiling brightly. She asked Li Bin to sit down, served tea and water, and asked about the welfare...

When Li Bin faced Chen Aiju, his face was full of smiles and he was talking about something at [Hongyuan Decoration].

Liu Kaili was smoking.

Listened in silence.

He didn't hear from Li Bin how bad [Hongyuan Decoration] was, nor did he hear how harsh Zhang Sheng was on him as he imagined.

His heart suddenly felt like a fire, and he couldn't help but tremble.

He put out his cigarette butt.

Staring at Li Bin closely.

"Li Bin, listen, you came here today to do something big?"

Liu Kaili took a deep breath without any smile on his face.

After he said this, the atmosphere in the whole room suddenly became slightly stiff.

Li Bin and Chen Aiju lost their smiles at the same time.

Li Bin looked at Liu Kaili. After a brief moment of silence, he forced out a smile: "Uncle, I'm here to take Yingying away! Our company needs Yingying..."

When Li Bin said this...

Liu Yingying shivered slightly, and she no longer dared to look at Liu Kaili.

However, she still stood firmly next to Liu Kaili, motionless.


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