I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 333 Strategic Cooperation!

There is a special office for Zhang Sheng in [Sailu Cinema].

Except for Zhang Sheng, even Yi Lian would not come in and out at will on weekdays.

The office is still very simple...

A table, a few computers, a few books like the "French Constitution", "Copyright Law", "Property Rights Law", etc., and the rest are some tea sets, coffee cups and other gadgets.

Leo John sat opposite Zhang Sheng and looked at the young man who was meticulously making tea.

This young Chinese man has a natural ability to control situations. The moment he walked into the office, he felt that he had entered a strange field.

He even smelled a faint, deeply hidden smell of bloodlust in this area.

That was his sixth sense of surviving the constant fighting at the bottom of Brazil in the early years. Although not all of them were accurate, he had a good evaluation of Zhang Sheng in his heart.


His cooperation with Zhang Sheng was quite pleasant, and this happiness gave him the idea of ​​being bound to Zhang Sheng on a higher level.

After the [Southern California International Film Awards], the income of that barren slum has increased several times. Even though the [Southern California International Film Awards] has been over for so long, the influence is still flowing. As a matter of fact, last month alone, the amount of taxes collected was more than what we had received in a year.

Leo John rarely drinks Chinese tea...

Before meeting Zhang Sheng, he was not interested in Chinese tea ceremony culture.

How could a rough guy who had worked his way up from the bottom of society and had little education be interested in these things?

"Mr. Leo John, try the tea I made..."

The translator translated Zhang Sheng's words to Leo John, who nodded and drank a drink subconsciously.

The fragrance overflowed, and whether it was Zhang Sheng's gentle expression or the atmosphere created here, Leo John's irritable heart gradually calmed down.

Zhang Sheng did not talk to him about things, but just like an old friend he had known for a long time, he followed Ou John and talked about the history of Chinese tea ceremony.

He tells stories at a very high level...

Rough people like Leo John were unknowingly attracted by Zhang Sheng's story.

The afternoon sun shines into the office through the window.

Leo John's body began to relax unconsciously, and he even sat leisurely on the chair. He also followed Zhang Sheng's example and began to drink this light tea.

When he first drank it, he really didn't feel anything, but he didn't know whether it was a change in his mood or something else. When he drank the second brew, he actually felt that the tea was very delicious.

"Mr. Leo John, I am very happy to build a factory in our Brazil, um, in our Rocinha... My idea is very simple. We will provide the funds, technology, and some personnel to build the factory, and be responsible for the training of local personnel. , employment, you only need to provide the venue, and of course, we will also give you rent and taxes. In addition, Mr. Leo John, you still hold 20% of the shares."

Cup after cup of tea.

When both parties were immersed in the leisurely feeling of the afternoon, Zhang Sheng began to chat with Leo John about work.

There are no too many tricks or any sneaky tricks. The expression on Zhang Sheng's face is always the most sincere.

Leo John did not respond, but asked the translator and financial controller next to him to do some calculations...

Zhang Sheng looked outside the window at the people coming and going in France, as well as the direction of the [Cannes International Film Festival] in the distance. There was no longing or yearning in his eyes, only an undisguised ambition.

About half an hour later, Leo John smiled and then nodded: "Where's Mexico?"

"Mr. Leo John, as for the products exported to Mexico, I hope you can be the person in charge, and we will split it 50-50..."

"Fifty-five?" When Leo John heard this number, he was a little surprised.

"Yes, I don't have any contact with them. I only provide products and the corresponding end. As for how to sell them and how much they cost, everything is in your hands. Of course, if there is a need to provide financial services, or As for technical services, we will also provide..."

Leo John did not respond, but turned his head and chatted with the translator behind him.

More than ten minutes later, Zhang Sheng saw two people nodding at the same time.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, I'm actually quite curious. I originally thought that our business would involve a lot of negotiations..."

"Mr. Leo John, if it were anyone else, I would always choose to negotiate with them to strive for greater interests, but for you, I have always been grateful..."

"Grateful?" Leo John was stunned.

"I once struggled in the abyss and tasted all kinds of bitterness and humiliation. Later, by chance, I met you. You gave me a chance to show my talents outside of China. At the same time, I I also feel the sincerity, kindness, and wisdom in your heart that keep pace with the times and are different from others... You are like an elder, and I am a younger generation who is helped and helped..."


"We in China have a saying that a drop of kindness must be repaid by a spring. I think I would rather make friends with you than money. At the same time, I also hope that I can represent China in the future and you can represent Brazil in the future. We We can enter into a deeper and more friendly cooperation!”


"Mr. Leo John, for the sake of the future, I will give you a toast with tea instead of wine!"


Under the afternoon sun.

Leo John saw Zhang Sheng's grateful and sincere expression.

When the translator translated Zhang Sheng's words to Leo John, he felt a slight tremor deep in his heart!

Leo John, who had worked his way up from the bottom and was used to all kinds of betrayals, saw only sincerity in Zhang Sheng's eyes...

A liar cannot be hidden from his eyes.

And he was not lying, he was truly grateful to himself!

He also stood up subconsciously and drank a cup of tea.

When I first drank this cup of tea, I felt bitter, but after drinking it, I felt a refreshing fragrance and coolness...

After drinking the cup of tea, the two sat down separately.

The translator next to him had already prepared the contract and handed it to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng took a look and saw that the contract was specially written in Chinese. It was obvious that Leo John was also very sincere.

Zhang Sheng read it carefully, finally filled in the numbers and signed his name.

After signing this agreement, Zhang Sheng pulled out another contract from his drawer.

"Mr. Leo John, we also sign this contract..."

Leo John nodded and took the contract.

It was a "Strategic Cooperation Agreement" written in Portuguese, and he could naturally understand it.

Half an hour later...

Leo John walked out of the office with a smile on his face.

Zhang Sheng sent the sample agreement to Chen Mengting who was far away in China...

When Chen Mengting saw the agreement, she was shocked.

"Mr. Zhang...if we pay rent, site fees, and taxes to Brazil according to this agreement, the profits we make cannot be maximized. Moreover, although we are 50/50 in Mexico, if we include taxes, We probably make less money than Leo John…”

On the phone.

Chen Mengting was obviously shocked that Zhang Sheng, who never suffered any loss in anything he did, actually signed such several agreements.

"When you cooperate with others, sometimes you are at a disadvantage, but it is a blessing..." Zhang Sheng responded with this sentence.

"But, Mr. Zhang, if future agreements are signed like this, then..."

"Three days later, there will be an election in the Rocinha area of ​​Brazil. Leo John is only using force to occupy half of the Rocinha area..."


"I'm investing, and so far, I've never lost money on my investments. And, even if I lose money, it doesn't matter to me. It's just about making more or less..."

Chen Mengting was silent on the other end of the phone.

After talking on the phone with Chen Mengting, Zhang Sheng looked out the window again.

Outside the window...

Under the protection of bodyguards, Leo John had already got into the car, and then drove away into the distance.

From the first time he met Leo John, Zhang Sheng understood that this chubby middle-aged man had an ambition for "rights" in his eyes.

he is very smart!

We know that force is only temporary and that in disputes over power, force is ultimately the inferior.

This time he came to see Zhang Sheng. On the surface, everyone was here to discuss cooperation. He helped Zhang Sheng open up relationships in Mexico and make more money.

But behind the scenes...

When Zhang Sheng realized that Brazil was about to hold an election, he understood that Leo John was seeking more chips for his own election.

He knew that he wanted to control the entire Rociniya and truly control everything legally and compliantly!

Zhang Sheng looked out the window again...

After looking at it for a long time, he silently put the contract away in the drawer.

Then he made a few phone calls.

A few minutes later, the [Huaxing] mobile phone team headed by Yang Hongwei knocked on Zhang Sheng's office.

"How are the inquiries about Brazil's appearance patents and various patents going?"

"The mobile phone [IPO] company you mentioned is not registered..."

"Oh, okay, where is the phone appearance sample? Is it finished?"

"Already done……"

Yang Hongwei took out various mobile phone models from the bag he carried with him.

These phone models are similar to the iPhone 4, but seem to be slightly longer than the iPhone 4, and there are even MAX versions.

Anyone who has come from the original world will definitely be surprised when they see these models.

Isn’t this all phone models from iPhone5 to iPhone10 Pro MAX?

Zhang Sheng looked at these mobile phone models carefully and then nodded.

"After the factory is built in Brazil, we will start using the 5th generation model for production... However, I have to trouble you to make a few more trips in the past two days to get the French appearance patent first, focusing on the old and American side..."

"Okay! Let's try!"


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