I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 746 Final Chapter

"What should we do next?"

[Jitu Video] freezes in the wave of applause.

Even after Zhang Sheng left...

Those bursts of passionate roars were as long-lasting as those of wolf cubs.

Those red eyes, the fierce fighting spirit can be felt through the computer screen...

That's a bunch of bloodthirsty wolf cubs.

Ma Yunhua watched the whole process expressionlessly, but did not say too many words...

Facing the inquiry from a person next to him, Ma Yunhua looked at the capital silently.

Li Zongyao of [Hongtian Capital] fell into deep thought...

Pang Lei from [Hongsen Capital] looked very ugly, especially after seeing that the project of [Jiangyue Hupan University] was stopped...

Guo Jiasheng, the Chinese agent of Japan’s [Silver Red Capital], looked fierce…

One person finally turned his attention to Ma Yunhua, waiting for Ma Yunhua to make a decision.

Ma Yunhua remained silent, but silently turned off the computer and sat quietly on the chair.

Since starting his business in 2004, he has never encountered an opponent as difficult as Zhang Sheng.

He once had the feeling that the other party was standing in a higher dimension, overlooking him...

No matter how hard he tried and how he used capital means to suppress it, it seemed all in vain, and he fell into the hole he had already dug.

Ma Yunhua turned her head and looked out the window.

Outside the window, there is a lot of traffic and a constant stream of traffic.

There is anger, unwillingness, and temporary confusion.

Over the years, the success of [Taozhu.com] has made him ambitious...

He planned and waited for the listing of [Taozhu.com]. He even planned the listing. After obtaining a large amount of capital, he used capital leverage to leverage China's greater capital leverage.

In the end, a huge capital circle was formed!

[Yu Li Bao], which he is proud of, is the most wonderful move. He borrows the greed and economic distress of ordinary people to finance, lend, and monopolize the entire Chinese financial market...

This is a capital game worthy of being recorded in history, and it is also an investment in the West and those capital families that have been prosperous for a long time in the long history...

After [Yu Libao], [Jiangyue Lakeside University] made another move...

It is a university in name, but in fact, it is to transport elites and talents from all walks of life for the future of the entire [Jiahu Technology] and the future of the entire [Jiahu Family] alliance, so that they can completely unite with themselves. …

This is another wonderful chess move!

When giants in every field join the "Jiahu Family", when a body expands to monopolize all walks of life and controls the clothing, food, housing and transportation of countless people, everyone will be prosperous and everyone will suffer losses. Even if it is a state machine, it will Must be treated with caution...

However, every step of the layout of [Jiahu Technology] completely collapsed after meeting Zhang Sheng.

They are still the largest e-commerce group in China...

Their capital power is still very strong, and they can still control life and death in a certain field...

However, what's the point?

Their path to further expansion has been completely blocked. Unless they leave China, they will always be stuck within the rules that have been set and unable to move forward.

What can he do if he leaves China?

His roots are in China, and his size is in China. There are countless capitals in the West, and the most important thing is the Chinese market.

This is his biggest reliance on being able to stand in front of every capitalist in the West and negotiate, and it is also the basis for countless capital to support him step by step!

Waves of wind from afar blew Ma Yunhua's cheeks.

Ma Yunhua lowered her head silently.

The roars of wolf cubs below when Zhang Sheng was delivering his speech echoed in his mind...

How should we fight the next battle?

Can you win the fight?

He didn't have any answers.

While he was silent, Li Zongyao stood up.

"We previously misjudged the country's emphasis on new energy and [photovoltaics]. I have to admit that Zhang Sheng made the right bet again this time..."

"Maybe this track is just a sinkhole..."

"But, we have to follow..."

"Otherwise, he will take the initiative in the Ganggao field, and we will be more passive..."

"The higher-ups' decision to suspend [Jiangyue Hupan University] is already an important signal..."


"From the group buying field to the food delivery field, from the [sharing economy] to the e-commerce field..."

"We blindly believe that our analysis team is absolutely right, but we have ignored the higher-level overall thinking..."

"In fact, from the group buying field, we should realize that China is not a Western capital market..."


"It's okay now! We were all taught a hard lesson by Zhang Sheng..."


After Li Zongyao finished saying this, he left the office minding his own business.

After Li Zongyao left, Pang Lei and others also left quietly...

Not long after...

Ma Yunhua was the only one left alone in the entire office.

this moment……

He suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of loneliness...

He looked out the window in confusion, just like that, for a long time...


"Fat man, the [Photovoltaic Energy] sector has surged, you are going to make a fortune!"


"Fat man, are you listening?"


"Yingli, Suzhou Deshang, and Tianhe Photovoltaics, three stocks have soared. You can buy them with your eyes closed. The country is determined to complete the entire photovoltaic industry!"


"You haven't thrown away those stocks yet, have you? Now that you've become prosperous, just sit back and wait to make money!"


August 1st.

Fatty Wang returned to the Internet cafe named [Yubo] again.

At the beginning of the year, the surge in new energy prices made him make some money.

He thought that the time had come for him to make a lot of money, so he put all the money he earned into [photovoltaic companies].

Then, the United States announced sanctions, and the European Union announced sanctions, and each company collapsed visibly to the naked eye, and the stocks he bought...

Some were delisted, some dropped to the limit and could no longer fall, and became ST stocks...


In the past six months, all the money I earned has been lost.

After finally unwinding the situation, he sold all the stocks at once.

Then came the skyrocketing...

On the phone, the voice told Fatty Wang excitedly that the stud time had come.

In the news, almost all experts have stood up and said that the [photovoltaic] sector will usher in a surge in the future, and will even break through the shackles of the past and reach a higher peak...

In the economic sector, [China New Energy], [China Energy Group], [China Electric Power] and other important players in the country are all rushing to the [photovoltaic] field...

In addition, [Tianhong], [Hongsen], [Eps Capital] and other capitals all started to enter the market through various channels in the name of responding to the national call...

In just a few days...

China's photovoltaic industry, which was already on the verge of collapse, has actually ushered in waves of vitality...

At a glance, everything is full of good news...

Although the overseas market is still chilly and extremely cold, winter is coming and spring is no longer far away...


For Fatty Wang, it was filled with endless frustration.

at this moment.

He suddenly realized that he was just an ordinary person, an ordinary person who was affected by the slightest hint of trouble, got carried away by experts, couldn't distinguish the general trend, and didn't have his own thinking.

He sat in the Internet cafe, turned on a computer, glanced at the stocks, and then looked around in confusion...

The Internet cafe is still the same Internet cafe...

There are still a lot of disheveled all-nighters, and an environment that smells musty and smelly...

Late July.

[Honeycomb Jisong] carried out a thorough reform. Zhang Sheng took out most of the shares and threw them into the market to encourage all young people under the system.

Every rider can be promoted as long as he does well and completes the targets. Starting from the shareholders in the street area, step by step to the county, to the city, to the province...

Vocational colleges across the country, based on [Yan Petrochemical]'s cooperation channels, successively signed training agreements with every company under Zhang Sheng's system in July...

Everyone is rushing forward.

They all saw a particularly clear path, on which everyone can be treated fairly...

But, for some reason, Fatty Wang hates this atmosphere very much. It seems that everyone is involved in it. Everyone is trying their best to grab the market. The pressure visible to the naked eye is constantly pressing...

Fatty Wang wanted to escape from this crazy environment.

Just at this time……

There was a burst of noise in the Internet cafe.

It’s the news that [Yubo Internet Cafe] has opened a branch. [Yubo Internet Cafe] opened two branches in August. I heard that the investment is in the millions...

The concept of [Internet cafe] also appeared...

Fatty Wang shook his head...

Stop thinking about these messy things.

He was a little tired, so he lay down on the chair in the Internet cafe and closed his eyes.

He had a dream...

"Could it be that this is all we can do in this life?"

"Are we destined to be like this in our lives?"

"Zhang Sheng, tell me, do you think this world will allow people to live?"

"Are we just like leeks at the bottom? I really don't want to work for this broken network administrator!


In a dream.

He seemed to be sitting in a barbecue stall making skewers.

Opposite Zhang Sheng was sitting with a blank look on his face, listening to him angrily venting his anger and unwillingness...

In the ear...

The sound is getting louder and louder.

It seems like someone is pushing himself...

"Don't push!"


However, the person who pushed himself did not stop.

He opened his eyes, turned his head angrily, and even wanted to pick up the mouse and keyboard and hit the man on the head.


When he saw clearly who was coming, he stood up from his chair!

Just feel...

My head was buzzing.

"Fat man..."

"Zhang, Zhang Sheng..."


Fatty Wang's eyes widened.

He saw the man sitting on the chair next to him with a familiar smile.


"I said... when I become rich in the future, I will give you some Internet cafes!"


"I said, this is the best investment in your life!"




"The Internet cafe is here."


He saw an agreement handed to him.

He looked at the "Share Transfer Agreement of [Yubo Internet Cafe]" in shock...

He was shaking so much that he couldn't speak.

My vision seemed to be blurred instantly!

"In the future, speculate less in stocks and don't focus on making money lying around. If you don't want to be a leek, who will be a leek..."


"Fat man, I will leave Yanjing tomorrow... Let's have a barbecue together tonight..."


[No updates added today...]

【So far...】

[The text is finally over...]

[But this is not the complete book. There are still many extra chapters that are not suitable to be written in the main text. It would be better to write them independently...]

[The extra is about the future and some supplements to the follow-up...]

[After finishing this book, I will write it later, please let me take it easy, it’s very hard to let go, but I don’t want to be scolded for being the same...]

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