A journey has ended.

It may be hard to let go.

But all good things must come to an end.

Zhang Sheng's car may not have ended yet, and there are still stories to tell...

But we...

It's time to get off.

Report the results...

Well, there's nothing to report, and there's still a long way to go before the average subscription of 20,000...

It's not the best book.

But both the follow-up reading and the cohesion of readers are stronger than any of my previous books.


Bow and thank you.

Some people may say that this is a bad ending.


I have tried my best to write it.

Unfortunately, my ability is limited, and I don't know how to write other things for a while...

It may not be written well enough, and it can't be perfect...

Some people don't like movies, and some people don't like the heroine...

I have been adjusting, but I really can't do everything well...

With this book, my overall writing ability has improved a lot, as if I have opened up the acupoints of more than ten years in an instant...

Of course, my ability is limited...

Next book, continue to improve.

However, for the next book, I guess there won't be many readers who will travel with me.

After all, I will take a long break!

In order not to be eliminated by this era, I have to collect stories, accumulate experience, and practice my writing skills...

I don't have much in my mind. Even if I have an outline, I will probably fail if I write rashly...

In addition, there are some restrictions in the city. I almost ask the editor to help me release some subsequent chapters every once in a while. I dare not change some typos. If I change the chapters, they will be reviewed again...

So, maybe I will continue to write about urban entrepreneurship. Ahem, a story that starts with a foot bath...

The editor read it and thought it was okay and OK...

Of course, maybe, I will completely transform into a fairy tale or fantasy.

In short...

Transformation means starting over...

Here, I bow to you readers first.

Dear readers...

See you again if we are lucky!

As for the reader group...

There used to be one, but now there is no more, and I don't plan to build a reader group.

Be pure.

If the plot of a book is good, there will naturally be many readers. If the plot is badly written, no matter how many readers there are, they will leave.


Next is thanks.

First of all, I want to thank my wife, who reads every chapter for me and helps me correct typos.

I am extremely grateful.

Secondly, it is our leaders of China Literature Group and Qidian Chinese Network, who have given me, an ordinary rural guy, a platform to make a living.

There are also editors Qilin Ju and Winnie Ju. From the beginning of this book to the end of the new book, we have been in communication, and they have also given me a lot of support in terms of recommendations.

Of course, there are also Gargamel and Sis...

From the beginning of the book, they have been helping me, a coward who dares not read reviews, to manage the book review area...

It has been nearly a year, and it has been hard work!


In addition...

The most important thing to thank is the nearly 20,000 readers and the alliance leaders...

China Literature Group allows me to have a meal, you let me eat this meal warm, let me eat with dignity, let me go to the top 100 and top 50 monthly ticket list to go shopping...


Thousands of words, I don’t know how to say it...

In short!

Along the way, thank you for your support.


The road ahead is long...

See you again...


I'm going to soak my feet!

Let's make a more expensive set meal.

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