At this point, the only game.

Meng Shu sat on his office chair, and a data panel appeared in his mind.

Planning: 60+5 (General)

Program: 60+12 (general)

Fine Arts: 60+4 (General)

Music: 60+1 (General)

Seeing this, Meng Shu nodded inwardly.

The planning added 2 points, it seems that the modification of the game worked, so I added a new value for him again.

The program adds 4 points, which feels a bit less. After all, the entire game is played by myself, and the result is not even 5 points?

The art has added 2 points, which is understandable, after all, the picture texture and all aspects of the scene are far better than the original version.

The music also added 1 point, which was somewhat beyond his expectation.

He originally thought that this time it would remain the same as the last "Blackjack", because he didn't put much effort into music.

This time, I just added 2 points to the sound effect composition in the concept design, which is interesting.

In this case, the next game may have to work hard on music.

After reading the data panel, Meng Shu looked down and looked at the scare value panel.

"Dark Forest": 2.17W people have been frightened (70,000 people added)

"Blackjack": 4.2 million people have been frightened (100,000 people added)

"Face": 280,000 people have been frightened

Total scare value: 5198000

"Isn't it? I didn't reply at all!?"

Meng Shu's closed eyes opened subconsciously.

The shock value of 5.19 million made him a little surprised.

Because this... is not up to the purchase price of "Face" itself.

When I bought "Face", I spent a full 6.9 million scare value!

Meng Shu picked up the water glass and took a big gulp to calm himself down a bit.

"Okay, the price of 99 yuan and 70 yuan, including the new data of the two old games, there are 5.19 million on the first day, which is not a loss. After that, the scare value will definitely increase slowly. No problem."


Meng Shu looked at "Dark Forest" and "Blackjack".

The growth of these two games has been somewhat slow.

Sure enough, the game is only released in China, obviously there is a threshold.

I have to talk to the publisher, the next game must be made in multiple languages ​​and released globally.

Although it has been on the cyber platform, because it has not been promoted and localized abroad, not many people know about it.

At the same time, in order to increase the exposure of the game, it is necessary to send the finished product to the media evaluation agency for scoring.

Finally, there is the issue of political correctness.

Meng Shu frowned in silence, folded his arms and lay down on the chair.

This parallel world is somewhat similar to the original world.

Even the West is still deceiving itself.

In order to be able to release the game smoothly, they will add some politically correct elements to block the mouths of some groups.

But this kind of thing happened in the original world, and Meng Shu was no stranger to it.

There is a well-known western producer who deviates from the essence of making games. He is well aware of the scoring bias of the western game media and concentrates on serving political correctness. He superimposes various rare BUFFs in the game that make players sweat.

Sure enough, with the blessing of multiple politically correct BUFFs, the game is deeply loved by the Western media and has become a miracle that players say is highly polarized.

As a result, many games have stepped up their efforts and stopped acting.

For example, the face of Aunt Horizon.

Another example is the heroine incident in Extinction 2. The production team temporarily replaced the heroine with a black woman, which is completely different from the original demonstration.

In fact, it is not unacceptable to change to a black woman, but what is too much is that the production team turned the face model actor who is not ugly into an ape appearance that players can't bear to look directly at.

You must know that this facial model actor was even a beautiful woman in "Men in Black 2".

Therefore, the Chinese players who could not accept this kind of aesthetics used MOD to replace the heroine model with the heroine of the original early demonstration.

As a result, this kind of behavior was resisted by Western players, who believed that Chinese players were engaging in racial discrimination, so they banned the use of this MOD in various forums, asking Western players to enjoy the game as it is.

Of course, Chinese players don’t care about this kind of behavior. We can’t help but love it. Anyway, we use it, as long as it’s comfortable to watch, no matter what you say.

Of course, the tough attitude of the Western player group has also caused dissatisfaction within themselves.

So, 'Some people can fool their own brains, but they can't fool their dick', this more classic sentence was highly praised by a MOD website.

In the final analysis, it is still the pot of political correctness.

Meng Shu thought for a while, then shook his head.

He is a Chinese, and there is no need to imitate the political correctness of foreign countries.

If the game is to be localized on global console platforms or abroad, he will only do what he wants to do, instead of blindly catering to the game media, which is putting the cart before the horse.

In Meng Shu's view, games should try to avoid politics and bring players a good gaming experience.

But with the development of the times, the monopoly of capital.

These politics have also begun to take the initiative to move closer to the game and intervene in it.

Then carry private goods in the game, criticize other countries, and promote themselves.

Meng Shu would avoid such things.

He will not do such a low-level behavior of instilling fallacies into players through the game.

Now, he looked at a game he had already decided on.

"Mountain in the Sky".

This is a 2D horizontal version of the vertical downward game.

Because of the problem of development funds, the game is full of poverty and simplicity visible to the naked eye.

But the gameplay is not bad, and the gameplay is quite interesting.

Let it catch fire after it came out.

The background of this game is about the west of the overhead world, where the Civil War is going on.

Among them, the Confederate (Southern Alliance) was somewhat invincible and showed signs of retreat.

In desperation, the Alliance launched a bioweapon capable of blasting a mushroom cloud into New Europe.

So under such circumstances, the protagonist of the game appeared.

In the game, it is introduced that he went on a business trip to other cities. In order to enjoy life, he stayed in a luxury hotel called "Sky Mountain" and chose the presidential suite on the 100th floor on the top floor.

The feature of this suite is that it has a good view and a long view, and the entire floor belongs to the suite, and it also has a direct elevator leading to the whole floor.

So in such a life, he saw a green mushroom cloud exploding not far away on the top floor of the 100th floor with a wide view.

At this moment, the world changed.

In order to prevent radiation, the protagonist turned on biological protection and locked himself on the 100th floor, not daring to go out easily.

The elevator broke down untimely, and there was no food or water in the house, which made him hungry day by day.

At the same time, roaring and chewing sounds are heard outside the house, making the protagonist feel that things seem to be far beyond his imagination.

Finally, under an instinctive outburst, he decided to go out, go down to the first floor, and escape from here.

The gameplay of the game is very simple, that is, go downstairs, collect food and items on each floor, and then return to the 100th floor before the hunger value bottoms out, spend the night, build items, and strengthen yourself.

Then go downstairs again, and repeat.

During this period, you can use the collected items to make materials for repairing the elevator, so that you can return to the top floor faster, and you can also start exploring directly from this floor, without having to walk from the 99th floor again, wasting hunger points.

Because players go downstairs, they need to consume hunger points.

Each floor, each room will consume a little after entering.

After the hunger value is used up, the life value will be deducted until death.

Players have a total of 100 hunger points and health points, corresponding to 100 floors and 200 rooms.

Therefore, it is not advisable to go downstairs without thinking. Reasonable use of resources, timely replenishment of status, and persistent efforts have become the top priorities of players.

There is also a skill system in the game, but it is all locked at the beginning and cannot be used.

Only the lower the floor you go down, will you gradually unlock these skills.

Moreover, there are many mutant creatures in the building, and the protagonist needs to avoid these monsters when exploring down.

If it is really unavoidable, it will enter the battle.

However, since the direction of the game is to explore and survive, the combat part is very simple. It is a turn-based type in which you fight and I fight, and there is a chance of Miss.

What Meng Shu has to do is to buy this game and change the horizontal version of 2D to 3D version of VR.

This is equivalent to remaking the game. While retaining the gameplay and concept settings, the game's 100-story building, art resources, monster models, plot tasks, etc. are all refurbished.

Change it into a horror game that is really in the building, free to survive and explore.

The boss was away in the morning, so I coded secretly.

Thank you for the 1500 reward from 'A Lai', thank you for your support!

Thanks for the support of the 2 monthly tickets of 'Mexican Chicken Taco'! Thank you for the monthly ticket support of "A Lai"! thank you all!

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