I, The Villain, Start with the Protagonist Saintess

Chapter 5 Solved by one punch? Wrong! It was solved by one punch!

What the "audience" said was actually wrong...

On the level of boundaries.

Dai Haoren at this time should be in the "mid-stage of duality"!

Because he was rewarded by the "Great Evil System", his cultivation has increased by ten years.

Ten years of cultivation!

It directly allowed him to break through the natural moat between "one qi" and "two yuan", and crossed a big realm!

"Dual" people...

One yuan is "qi", which is the essence of heaven and earth.

One yuan is "body", which is the physical body.

The realm of "duality" is "the fusion of gas, internal and external"!

reach this level.

"Original God cultivator" is truly on the right track on the way of cultivation.

It's like finishing the "kindergarten" and officially becoming a "student", and the long journey to school has just begun.

The road to becoming stronger as an "Original God Cultivator" has just begun!


Even if you have the cultivation base of the "Dual Middle Stage" realm.

Dai Haoren was still beaten by Ye Chenfeng's old punch...

This only shows one point: Ye Chenfeng's cultivation level is higher and his strength is stronger!

Dai Haoren was not particularly surprised by this.

Because he knew better than anyone what state Ye Chenfeng was in at this time.

Realm geometry?

Binary Dacheng! !

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, reaching the "Dual Achievement" is definitely a monstrosity.

Was he deliberately concealing his strength?


He also recently awakened the "Ninth Grade Original Venerable" before he "exploded thickly"!

Among them, those miraculous medicines and nourishing treasures "contributed" by Dai Haoren have great effects.

That is.

If Dai Haoren hadn't suddenly obtained "ten years of cultivation".

There is no doubt that he will be hanged and beaten by Ye Chenfeng.

Not to mention Ye Chenfeng also has a "Green Snake Saintess"...

Press "Original Storyline".

Dai Haoren will definitely lose in this competition, and he will definitely be humiliated by Ye Chenfeng—well, it is also self-inflicted humiliation!

After all, it is cool text.

If you don't write like this, which readers will read it?

Life is hard enough.

You can kneel even after playing "Glory"...

Reading a novel is just for entertainment and relaxation.

In the end, you let me watch the protagonist being abused?

dont see!

Delete the book and take it off the shelf!

But what?

Such a "plot" is very cool in Shuangwen.

But when you inexplicably become a "brainless cannon fodder villain" abused by the "true protagonist"...

See if you're having a good time - masochists aside!

The truth here.

Dai Haoren, the "author of the original work", knows best.

So he is very glad that he has the "big villain system"!

After all, we have a chance to fight, don't we?




In just three mouthfuls, 500 milliliters of "big medicine" was poured into Dai Haoren's stomach.

Not waiting for the effect of the "big potion" to be exerted.

Ye Chenfeng rushed in front of Dai Haoren, and punched him again!

Dai Haoren blocked this punch with his crossed arms.

There was a loud "bang" impact, solid and quite powerful.

But he was still knocked out and flew far away.

He also rolled a few times when he landed, and almost fell off the "fighting platform".

According to the unwritten rules of "Dai Zong Lecture Hall".

Leaving the "fighting platform" during the duel is a failure!

this moment.

The audience couldn't help shouting "Oh", "Oh", "Oh".


Dai Haoren almost lost!

"Fuck! That bastard Ye Chenfeng pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger!"

"It's over! I bought Dai Haoren for 10,000 yuan and won!"

"Haha, I bought Ye Chenfeng to win! Sure enough, reading novels is useful! I guessed that Ye Chenfeng wanted to pretend!"

The audience has everything to say...

It was at this time.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--

A loud roar resounded through the audience.


Dai Haoren suddenly swelled and became bigger!

Chi la!

Even the clothes were torn.

In the blink of an eye.

Dai Haoren, who was originally 1.8 meters tall, turned into a strong man over 4 meters tall? !

Strong muscles release a sense of explosive power.

"so big!"

"What the hell was he drinking just now..."

"How did it become so big..."

"Ye Chenfeng looks like a child..."

Someone was shocked.

Some people were too ashamed to go to see Dai Haoren.

Why don't you dare to watch?

Because Dai Haoren was exposed at this moment!

It seems that there is an elephant dangling on the "fighting platform"...

This is also something that Dai Haoren himself did not expect.

His "big face" couldn't help but blush.

"Pause! Pause!"

Dai Haoren waved his hand at Ye Chenfeng.


Ye Chenfeng's eyes twitched twice.

How can he not stop?

Dai Haoren looked left and right sweating profusely.

I saw a red banner saying "harmony first, victory and defeat second".

His eyes lit up and he rushed over.

Tear off the red banner and wrap it around your key parts.

What a coincidence.

The word "first" happened to be at the key part of Dai Haoren.

It can be described as unusually eye-catching and eye-catching!


"Let's continue!"

"But you have to be careful."

Relying on his absolute size advantage, Dai Haoren looked down at Ye Chenfeng and waved at him.

"I'm so old..."


"You may suffer a little."

Ye Chenfeng hummed, still brimming with confidence.

Does getting bigger make you stronger?

No matter how big you become, you are destined to be my defeat!

Ye Chenfeng slowly clenched his fists and made a pose.

The "Essence of Heaven and Earth" in the body gathered in the fist like a torrent.

He whispered secretly: "Watch me finish you with one punch!"

"Crack" sounded.

Ye Chenfeng's foothold was directly cracked by his kick.

The figure drags like a streamer.

Ye Chenfeng instantly appeared in front of Dai Haoren's "big head".

this moment.

His fist burst into light!

It's still this moment.

The audience present felt a strange feeling.

It seemed that something was pressing on my heart.

They all knew that Ye Chenfeng's punch must be extraordinary!

Nature is extraordinary.

Because what Ye Chenfeng used was the "Ye Family's" secret technique - "Wangbaquan"!

The sword of the Dai family...

Ye family's fist...

The Luo family's knife...

These three are the famous "Tianyuan Sanjue"!

How can it be idle?

Ye Chenfeng's self-confidence is not in vain.

At the moment when his fist was about to hit Dai Haoren...

boom! ! !

A much bigger fist hit Ye Chenfeng's body.

It was like being hit hard by a train speeding at high speed.

Ye Chenfeng flew out directly.

The trajectory of his flight is straight and straight, as if drawn with a ruler.

boom! ! !

Ye Chenfeng slammed into the steps of the auditorium of the "Yanwu Hall" firmly.

The steps seemed to have been hit by a shell, and a large sunken and cracked crater appeared.




The audience was silent.

Even those involved are dumb.

One was almost knocked out.


That is, Dai Haoren, also did not expect such a result.

I actually...

Win with one punch? ? ?

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