I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 50: A Knife on Dice's Head!

Meng Tian's eyes were solemn, his whole body was like a sword, at this moment, without the scabbard to cover it, he became sharp.

Meng Tian is the confidant of Qin Wangzheng, this point, the government and the public know it well, so when Meng Tian came out, everyone fell silent.

Being in the officialdom, he is extremely sensitive to murderous intentions and changes in the atmosphere.

At this moment, everyone could feel that Meng Tian was like a peerless sharp blade, about to unleash the most severe blow. At this moment, everyone was silent.

Maybe they knew that there was a god behind Meng Tian, ​​they couldn't afford to mess with it, or maybe they knew that a fire at the city gate would affect the fish in the pond.

A storm suddenly broke out. At this moment, Ying Gao heard the violent sound of war drums. The drums rumbled with peerless power.

It's just that, with Meng Tian as the early bird, Ying Gao plans to stay in the nest forever, being an ostrich is enough.

Familiar with the history of Great Qin, he is naturally aware of Lu Buwei's power in the Central Plains, and even more aware of Lu Buwei's troubles behind him.

Once contaminated, it must be completely resolved. At this moment, Ying Gao didn't have that thought.

Watch a play!

This big show of jealousy is not common, especially now that Qin Wangzheng is young and lacks prestige, there is still a good show to watch at this moment.

Once Qin Wangzheng showed his sharpness and suppressed the entire Great Qin Empire with the power of one person, at that time, the entire Great Qin court was basically Qin Wangzheng's one word.

At that time, even if you want to watch a show, you won't have it.

At this moment, the historian who recorded the record had already nodded, Meng Tian turned around solemnly, bowed his hands to Qin Wangzheng, and said loudly: "I have participated in the suppression of chaos, and even personally found out some evidence of Lai Ai's crimes in the secret room of Yongcheng."

"At the time of the seizure, I pre-examined dozens of Lai Ai's confidantes and accomplices, and obtained more than a hundred confessions. The chaos has subsided, and I have handed over all the evidence and confessions to the Tingwei Mansion for legal investigation."

"Today's court, this case is the final decision, but the many people involved in the case seized by the minister, Mr. Tingwei has not mentioned a word."

At this moment, Meng Tian's aura was like a sword, he wanted to cut through the sky, turned to look at Ting Wei solemnly, paused every word, and said: "Meng Tian dare to ask old Ting Wei: Does the Great Qin have laws outside the law?"

"The law of the country is the same." Old Ting Wei said coldly to Meng Tian with his expression unchanged.

After all, at the top of the court, being pressed so hard by a junior, the old Tingwei also felt a little angry.

"Since there is no other way, why avoid the perpetrators involved in the case?" It's a pity that Meng Tian is now determined to kill, and it is inevitable to confront the old Ting Wei.

And Ying Gao, who was lying on top of the long case, knew in his heart that Meng Tian never thought of obeying, he wanted to be here to avenge his overnight revenge.

"This matter is of great importance, and the Sixth Law Enforcement Department has decided that another case will be submitted to the king for decision." The old Tingwei's eyes flashed, and his tone became even more icy.

Hearing this, Meng Tian's tone also became cold, and he said to Ting Wei, "In Ting Wei's opinion, this matter has been submitted to the King by the Six Departments?"

"Not yet reported."

At this moment, even the old Ting Wei could see that Meng Tian was interested in Wen Xinhou Lu Buwei, but this matter involved too much, and he hesitated for a while.

After all, once it breaks out, it will affect the entire Great Qin!

Seeing the two people fighting each other, while Wen Xin Hou Lu Buwei sat calmly, Ying Gao's eyes were deep, and he felt that he should not continue watching at this time.

It is good to buy Mengtian, and the harvest may be different in the future.

With this in mind, Ying Gao solemnly stood up from behind the long case, and said to Qin Wangzheng and the Great Qin court, "Lao Tingwei, when the Shang monarch reformed, the crown prince was involved in the case, and the crown prince was punished!"

"What's more, the whole country in Great Qin is one with the same law. In Great Qin, no one can escape the sanctions of Qin Law, and they are all superior to Qin Law!"


Hearing Ying Gao's words, Meng Tian glanced at Ying Gao in surprise, but there was someone to help,

He was naturally happy to see it happen.

At this moment, Meng Tian's expression was extremely passionate, he turned around and bowed solemnly to Qin Wangzheng: "Your Majesty, at the time of King Zhaoxiang, there was a stone engraving of the guardian: the law is not noble, and the king will not break the law."

"The minister is the person involved in the court's public discussion."

Ying Gao's words were heartbreaking, and Meng Tian's words were the same. For a moment, Lao Tingwei's expression changed drastically, and he immediately bowed to Qin Wangzheng solemnly, saying.

"Since the Xianyang Order and the three young masters have objections, please ask the king to make a ruling!"

Hearing this, Qin Wangzheng sneered: "Lao Ai's crime involves the Empress Dowager, and at the request of Xianyang Order Meng Tian, ​​the old Ting Wei will publicize the evidence of the case!"


Now that the matter has come to this point, Ting Wei has nothing to do. First, Ying Gao pressed against each other, then Meng Tian made a move, and finally Qin Wangzheng made the final decision, directly finalizing everything.

As one of the nine ministers of the Great Qin Dynasty, Ting Wei had no choice at this moment.

As the Great Qin Tingwei, he can fight against anyone, but he can only fight against Qin Wangzheng and Qin Fa.

The old Tingwei's old and energetic voice sounded in the hall: "There are 363 letters and material evidence seized in the suppression of chaos, and 31 volumes of pre-trial testimony."

"All the evidence and testimonies are sufficient to prove that Wen Xinhou Lu Buwei's involvement in Lai Ai's crime is serious. The veteran will report the evidence and facts ascertained by the Sixth Department of Law Enforcement one by one, and ask the king to make a decision."


The old Tingwei narrated the case one by one in the hall, Lu Buwei's expression finally changed, he knew in his heart that this court meeting was aimed at him.

He and Qin Wangzheng finally meet each other!

But Ying Gao, who was listening to the story on the long case, was surprised in his heart. He knew in his heart why these things happened.

Lu Buwei's bold and reckless actions accounted for one, Zhao Ji's desire and dissatisfaction accounted for another, and Lai Ai's madness also accounted for one.

The real reason is Qin Wangzheng's domineering, Lu Buwei and Zhao Ji's various behaviors mean betrayal to Qin Wangzheng.

As a king, in fact, everything else can be tolerated, except betrayal.

At this moment, Ying Gao knew in his heart that Lu Buwei was finished.

Qin Wangzheng and Meng Tian won this move, which is a lore at all. After all, as long as Lu Buwei's reputation in the court is notorious, the power that Lu Buwei has painstakingly managed for decades will be shattered in an instant.

After all, in Daqin and in the world, Lai Ai was already notorious.

At this time, no matter who is connected with Lao Ai, he will have to peel off his skin if he is not dead. What's more, the instigator of all these things that shamed Daqin was Lu Buwei.

Not to mention, Qin Wangzheng has murderous intentions at this moment, and it is impossible to let Lu Buwei go. In addition, Ying Gao is well aware of Lu Buwei's high profile.

And a restless power minister will make Qin Wangzheng look like a thorn in his back. After all, he has been the prime minister of Qin for decades. Lu Buwei is not alone, but the leader of a power, the leader of a political power.

At this moment, Ying Gao's eyes were deep, and he was thinking about how to deal with Lu Buwei.

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