All members were equipped, and the warrior car galloped all the way to the north of the city.

"Puyi Commercial Bank is one of the many small commercial banks in Mengka. It deals in various types of guns, ammunition, daily necessities, clothing, and also sells nuts."

"They used to have a relationship with Captain Li of the 14th Company of the 7th Brigade, but they were abandoned after they started selling nuts. So now they are isolated and helpless and desperately need a chance to turn themselves around."

"That's why they insist on insisting on us. The interests of Tachilei's affairs must be huge, so big that even they can get involved."

"Kill them and Wan Henai's matter will be completely over."

While Chen Chen was looking at the information, he was giving a briefing to other members of the Dongfeng Corps.

The background of the task is very important. In an operation, clearly explaining the background can make the executor more determined to carry out the task and have less psychological fluctuations.

"They occupy a three-story building next to Chengyi Street on the northwest side of Mengkha. The surrounding terrain is narrow and the streets are crowded."

"The west side, that is, the back side of the business building, is close to the Mekong River. The north side is separated by two buildings and is farmland. However, there is no angle to cover the shooting, whether from the farmland or from the Mekong River."

"So, we can only break through head-on."

"The good news is that there are only 14 of them, and their weapons are only rifles, submachine guns and pistols."

"The better news is that we have received permission from the management committee to use explosives."

"So, the offensive task this time is very simple."

Next, it’s time to officially start assigning tasks.

The Warrior car stopped at a street corner, and everyone pricked up their ears, waiting for Chen Chen's arrangements.

"No. 1, you are responsible for firing the gun to evacuate the crowd and indicate your intention to the people inside Puyi Trading Bank. Remember, the content of the shouting is: We are going to blow up Puyi Trading Bank and destroy all the inventory. If you don't want to die, take off your shirt and raise your hands immediately." run out."

"It is now 11:40 in the morning, and we will launch the attack on time at 12 o'clock. According to Peng Xucheng's information, they should be the only ones in Puyi Commercial Bank at this time. Even if there are customers, they will leave immediately after hearing our call. "

"Attention, as long as you find someone going out with a gun in his hand, shoot him without mercy. If you find someone trying to close the door, knock him down immediately."

"After the irrelevant personnel are cleared, we need a two-minute confirmation time. I will negotiate with Puyi Commercial Bank. On the 1st, prepare a shock bomb and an offensive grenade. After I make a fist, I immediately throw a shock bomb to the first floor. Bomb, throw grenades from the 2nd floor, the order must not be mistaken."

"After that, you have to quickly go around the building and block the possible escape routes behind the building, do you understand?"


Li Bang answered immediately.

Then, Chen Chen turned to Bao Qi.

"No. 2, after arriving, you immediately used the vehicle as a cover to block the entrance to the first floor of the building and create negotiation conditions for me."

"Before the shock bomb No. 1 is thrown, you do not need to fire; after it is thrown and before it explodes, perform suppressive fire. If anyone tries to rush out of the building, knock him down immediately."

"Pay attention to my gestures. If I raise my hands with my five fingers together, it's a ceasefire. You need to cease fire immediately and let me break into the room."

"Then, after I enter the room on the first floor, you and No. 1 go around to seal it off. Is that clear?"


Immediately afterwards, there was Shi Dakai.

"On the 3rd, go to the building opposite Puyi Commercial Bank, use rifle cover, and block the windows on the second and third floors, as well as the top floor platform."

"Opposite Puyi Commercial Bank is a five-story private house. From the roof, you can see the back and side of the commercial bank. If you find someone jumping out of the window and escaping toward the Mekong River or farmland, use SVD to kill them."

"Remember, no one can let go!"


The three of them answered immediately.

All operations were arranged, and Chen Chen's combat instructions were as detailed as ever.

But after reviewing Chen Chen's arrangements one by one, all three of them discovered a problem.

"No. 4, do you plan to enter the building alone?"

Bao Qilue asked uneasily.

"That's right, the internal structure of this three-story building is too complicated. You have no real experience in playing CQB. Letting you enter will only cause more trouble for me, so just provide perimeter cover."

"It's difficult for them to fight back if they can use explosives. Don't worry, I'm safe."

"Do you need me to come with you? My responsibilities overlap with those of No. 1, so he can actually guard the retreat alone."

When Bao Qi said these words, Chen Chen was surprised.

Good guy, you are growing up very fast!

You can actually see that the areas of responsibility overlap!

However, of course he would not adopt Bao Qi's suggestion, because their personal abilities were too weak, and the overlap was just to be more safe.

"Follow my plan."

Chen Chen said firmly.


The trio has obviously not learned to carry out the commander's orders without questioning, but on the other hand, their willingness to enter dangerous indoors with Chen Chen is also a reflection of the cohesion of this team that is beginning to take shape.

Therefore, Chen Chen did not blame them.

Precise and determined execution is of course important, but so is trust and sacrifice among teammates.

After everything was arranged, the final equipment inspection began. Chen Chen skillfully checked the guns and ammunition, and then directed the other three people to adjust the carrying equipment to the best position.

After putting on all the equipment, these few people have become replicas of Chaisili's team. Of course, they are low-end versions without electronics.

Looking at the heavily armed people, Chen Chen couldn't help but sigh:

Damn it, we are just fighting a few minions, but we still have such a big battle.

This is the first time in my life that I have fought this kind of battle of wealth.


Well, I actually fought a lot in my last life. After all, the team I was in was able to bomb a thatched house with 122 fire.

The Warriors continued to move forward, and at 11:50, the car arrived at the scheduled waiting position two streets away from the target building.

There were no drones and no extra personnel to observe the situation, so Chen Chen had no choice but to take a gamble.

The streets of Beichengyi are smooth and can allow vehicles to pass smoothly.

If that doesn't work, they can only get out of the car and run quickly after entering Chengyi Street and entering the enemy's observation range.

But fortunately, the distance was not too far, and people from Puyi Commercial Bank did not dare to shoot casually in Mengka. The difference of more than ten seconds would not have much impact on the overall plan.

"Countdown, we will enter Chengyi Street in 5 minutes."

Chen Chen said.

"Understood, let's start pushing forward."

The vehicle started and Chen Chen put his right hand on the door handle.

But at this moment, the mobile phone he just bought suddenly rang at an inappropriate time.

"Hello. Who is this?"

Chen Chen answered the phone immediately - his number was only given to a few people, and he was worried about missing important information.

"Hello, shipwreck, it's me, Jackal."

"Hey, it's already 11:50 now. Did you forget that you're going to have dinner with us today?"

"We have arrived at Ei thander myo restaurant, what are you doing? How long will it take to get there?"

Good guy, I completely forgot about this one!

Chen Chen paused for a few seconds and then replied:

"Well, I'm doing some cleaning. I'll be there in about 30 minutes."

"Okay, then I'll order first and wait for you!"

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