I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 50 Seriously make a fortune!

"This was an oversight on our part, we missed one and didn't refill the shot."

In Wanxi Village, Chen Chen said to Chen Shenhe beside him.

At this time, the entire Wanxi Village had been taken over by Chen Shenhe's soldiers. His people occupied all heavy machine gun firepower points and confiscated all weapons.

The enemy who was lucky enough to survive the bullet pierced his head caused a little trouble for the reception work - he woke up many villagers and caused some chaos, but fortunately it did not affect the overall situation.

"It's okay, it's okay, this is normal."

Chen Shenhe said with emotion, and then added:

"If we really come in and take over everything smoothly, then I will really question whether you are human."

"Now, it's not bad to keep him alive. There are some things you can pry out of his mouth."

"The Wanxi camp must have accumulated a lot of money and property. If you ask the villagers where it is hidden, you will definitely not be able to tell. You can just ask him."

"I understand, then thank you Captain Chen for your generosity."

Chen Chen replied without missing a beat.

"Thank you! You did such a beautiful job, I can't thank you enough!"

"I never thought that this battle could be fought like this. When we first got the news from Ruan Long, we planned to bring in artillery to bombard us if it didn't work."

"But on the one hand, the cost of shelling is too high; on the other hand, we can't just touch the villagers here."

"As you know, they also have their own difficulties. They are just growing some opium to survive. If they are killed without caring about it, we can't bear it in terms of public opinion."

"It's okay now. Anyone who doesn't hold a gun will die. No matter where you say it, it's our fault!"

Chen Shenhe was indeed very happy. Of course, he was happy not just because he had won Wanxi Camp, but more importantly, he felt that he had mastered a set of methods that would lead to victory.

poison gas!

Heck, if there is another battle in the future, if you burn this thing while the wind is in the right direction and blow it towards the enemy's position, won't the battle be devastating?

If everyone is already smoking marijuana, who will still hold a gun?


But of course, this strategy also has flaws.

On the one hand, the environmental requirements are too strict; on the other hand, the influence is limited on a real large-scale frontal battlefield.

You are busy letting off smoke here, and the enemy over there is bombarding you with two heavy artillery rounds. Should you let it go or not?

Even if it is successfully released, it is one thing if the position is too large and cannot be covered. It would be funny if the poisonous smoke is diluted too much and actually refreshes the opponent.

However, for things like tactics, it is always better to have more of the same than less of the same. Maybe one day, it will be used by me, and it will become the key to changing the situation of the battle.

The two of them walked and chatted, and soon they arrived at the door of the "fortress" in the village hall where the drug leader lived. Looking at the body that was dragged out and the three women standing trembling, Chen Shenhe laughed a little. asked:

"How about it? I gave these three to you?"

Chen Chen heard that he was just joking, so he replied in a relaxed tone:

"Captain Chen, please tell me, I'll take it for 100,000 dollars each."

"Hahahahahahaha, if you think it's dirty, you don't have to do it yourself. I heard that when you were spying on Pucheng Trading Company, didn't you go to the Pheasant Shop to find two women to watch them play?"

"Now, aren't three better than two?"

At this moment, Chen Chen's hand almost subconsciously wanted to move in the direction of the pistol on his waist, but in the end, he restrained himself.

Yes, Chen Shenhe was indeed just joking.

He is a fun-loving person, so it is not surprising that he pays attention to such things.

But the information he revealed was a serious threat to Chen Chen and the Dongfeng Corps.

From the preparation stage, they have been targeting themselves.

If I don't do this job well enough, even if I can go back alive, can I still stay in Mengka?

Sure enough, there is no such thing as "human feelings" in this land, especially in dealings with the actual power holders of this land.

Everything is an exchange of interests.

Chen Chen suppressed the crisis management instinct in his heart that he immediately wanted to draw a gun, and said with a smile on his face:

"Two are interesting, but three are boring, so forget it."

"Oh well."

Chen Shenhe shrugged, and then gave the soldiers on standby a look.

Just a few seconds later, gunfire rang out.

The three women who were let go by Chen Chen because they "didn't wake up" died without any reason.

Chen Chen couldn't even figure out why he wanted to kill them - even from a purely profit perspective, wouldn't it be the best choice to squeeze out some secrets about the poisonous head from them?

But then he reacted.

Yes, how could a woman know the secret?

Here, women are the least valuable thing

So, he simply pretended not to see it and said:

"If the things here have been dealt with, then we will go back first - it is almost dawn. We have been too tired these past few days, so we have to go back and have a good rest."

"No, you guys have to divide the spoils too. Since you're here, why don't you just finish dividing them before leaving?"

Chen Shenhe immediately stopped him. Judging from his expression and actions, these words really came from his heart.

However, Chen Chen did not accept it immediately.

"We work on commission, and we have already negotiated with Mugui before."

"Those are two different things. A commission is a commission, and trophies are trophies."

"The Management Committee has the rules of the Management Committee. In the final analysis, you are not helping Mugui, you are helping the Management Committee."

"So, we still have to take what is due. Otherwise, how can we cooperate with others in the future?"

There was even a hint of "serious words" in Chen Shenhe's tone. Chen Chen hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

"I understand - how should we divide it?"

"This mission is from us, so I'll give it a score of 28 points. I'll give you a rough estimate of the value. It won't take long to clear it out anyway, so I'll just give you the number."

In the final analysis, it is still Chen Shenhe’s words.

However, he is willing to deal with himself in this way, which probably seems to him to be a huge honor.

"Okay, just follow what Captain Chen said."

Chen Chen didn't say anything more, but pretended to casually chat with Chen Shenhe about women, the weather, and other insignificant topics.

He couldn't seem too eager, that was the basic rule.


As for Chen Shen and his personal soldiers, or the private soldiers of the Management Committee, their actions were much more urgent.

In just over two hours, all the belongings in the Wanxi camp were basically wiped out. Even the poisonous head's storage room was forced out. After being exploded three times, the contents were moved to the entrance of the village hall. of open space.

"You can just pick out guns and ammunition. You definitely want a heavy machine gun. I'll give you an 85. You can also take half of the ammunition. Let's convert it into half."

"Look at the rest, what do you want?"

Chen Shenhe pointed to the trophies on the ground and asked.

This question also caused Chen Chen to fall into a brief confusion.

What to get?

To be honest, although Wanxi's drug dealers have low vision and do not have any advanced equipment, their firepower

The pile is really huge.

In addition to a few heavy machine guns, there are more than twenty New 40 guns alone, almost one for each person.

In addition, there are 6 63-type 60-guns and several boxes of broadsword mines.

Not to mention simple things like grenades and grenade launchers.

It's a pity that what Chen Chen wants most, such as good guns, optical sights, silencers, individual missiles, etc., really don't exist - if he had known better, he might have gained more weight. Will they have it in two months?

However, even these equipment are enough for the Dongfeng Corps.

After much thought, Chen Chen picked out four new 40mm guns and 24 rounds of cannonballs, a 60mm gun with 10 rounds of cannonballs, and a box of broadswords.

In addition to the 85 designated by Chen Shenhe, overall, the firepower of the Dongfeng Corps has reached a fairly complete level.

There are weight, distance, explosions, and traps.

Although they are still far from a truly modern special operations force, they have definitely reached the first-tier level among mercenaries.

"That's all. Thank you, Captain Chen. I'll weld the 85 to our car later."

Chen Chen opened his mouth and said.

"Just take these?"

Chen Shenhe was a little surprised, because Chen Chen's performance was a bit too restrained.

"Yes, it's useless for me to take more. There are only four of us, and I guess there will only be four of us for a long time."

Chen Chen calmly issued a series of safety statements. Although he knew in his heart that the expansion of the Dongfeng Corps was inevitable, he still had to speak more restrainedly.



"Okay, then I'll give you half of the equipment. I'll just pick some worthless ones. Don't you want so many good cars?"

"Ah? How many land cruisers are you talking about?"

Chen Chen was stunned.

"Yeah, don't like cars?"

Looking at Chen Shenhe's expression, Chen Chen replied:

"I just don't like useless things"

"Yes. Then it's settled. I'll hand over the remaining 10% directly to Peng Xucheng and ask him to convert it into cash and give it to you."

"I estimate that these things, including cash, property, and the No. 4 they want to ship, are worth more than five million US dollars. I will give you half a million dollars."

"I'm not trying to sell goods. The management committee is responsible for anti-drugs. It's Ruan Long who wants to recycle it, and they will pay for it."

five million?

According to the scale of Wanxi Camp, ten million is about the same.

Of course, Chen Chen couldn't be dissatisfied with this - he was not qualified yet.

What's more, I got a lot of things this time.

In addition to equipment, there is also a total of $700,000 in cash.

In northern Myanmar, for ordinary people, that is really an astronomical figure.

"Thank you sir!"

Chen Chen said.

"Thank you very much. Without you, we wouldn't be able to make this fortune."

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