The reward that Chen Chen was interested in was actually not simple. There was a reason why no one took it and it was not eaten.

The main reason is that the costs and benefits are not proportional.

This order is a sweep order, and the reward price is only $10,000, but the scale of its mission is huge.

Eliminate a group of militants on Wanhe Nai Mountain - or call it a bandit camp.

According to the information provided with the reward, the total strength of Wanhe Nai Bandit Village is about 20 people. They do not belong to any force. They were driven out by the Northern Shan State Army from around Monkha and blocked by the Burmese Army in the Mengku camp. A group of gunmen made their way.

They temporarily make a living by using very primitive means of robbery and kidnapping, and their main customers are ordinary vehicles on the Viagra and Dongta traffic lines.

Yes, they don't dare to attack anyone with a background, because that will really lead to death.

Therefore, ordinary villagers in the surrounding area are out of luck.

They wanted to resist, but no matter how good Wan Henai was, he still had 20 guns and more than 20 people. It was almost impossible to defeat them.

As for asking the military and major forces for help?

Stop talking nonsense, these bandits are not in their way, who wants to care?

So, they had no choice but to put up a reward—a pitiful reward of $10,000.

Probably they knew that the money was too little, so they also put forward an additional condition, which is:

If the bandits in Wan Henai can be eliminated, the Menglang Buddhist Temple will liberate the victims free of charge.

Under these conditions, if someone picks him up, there will be trouble.

Even for a small group like Chen Chen and others, theoretically speaking, if they really try to fight Bao Yongxiang or Bai Zuocheng, the price/performance ratio is higher than fighting Wan Heno - at least they still have two SVDs.

However, Chen Chen's idea is different.

Others think he can't do it, but he thinks he can do it.

He first spent 10 yuan at the front desk to borrow a computer with Internet access, found a nearby topographic map and roughly copied it, then returned to the room with the map and started working on the map.

"Seeing the battlefield through drawings" was an assessment he had to pass in the military topography class in his previous life, so it didn't seem to be any difficult at this time.

In just a few minutes, he already had the basic situation of Wanhe Nai Camp and the surrounding topography in his mind.

But of course, formulating a battle plan is not that simple.

While he was meditating, Shi Dakai on the side came to persuade him to retreat again.

"Are we really going to fight Wan Heno? Look at the information on the bounty, there are quite a few of them."

"Besides, we have never fought this kind of war before. We only have a few guns and a few grenades in our hands to attack their stronghold?"

"How about forget it? Even if we want to be mercenaries, we have to find a better mission and we can't die!"

As soon as he said these words, even Li Bang and Bao Qi, who had always been firmly on Chen Chen's side, hesitated a little.

After all, judging from the current situation, fighting Wan Heno would really mean sending someone to death.

"Brother Chen, what do you think? Can I fight?"

Bao Qi asked tentatively.

"If you can fight, you can definitely fight. Give me a synthetic brigade. Let alone Wan Heno, Bang Kang can easily fight."

"Isn't the problem just a lack of firepower?"

What Chen Chen was talking about was a very practical issue. The main reason why no one did this bounty was that the rewards from the bounty limited the amount of firepower invested.

If it's not 10,000 US dollars, but 100,000 or 1 million, do you think anyone will fight for it?

Just pull a set of 107 and fire it, and you can beat those bandits into flight.

However, the export price of a 107-fire rocket is 6,000 yuan, equivalent to 1,000 knives, and in the hands of a mercenary group, it will cost five times.

The reward of 10,000 dollars is enough to get two shots.

"What should we do?"

Bao Qi asked worriedly.

Chen Chen finally raised his head, and at this moment, he already had a preliminary plan in mind.

"There is a way. No matter what the other side is, there are only about twenty people at most. If we can cause 30% - that is, six or seven people's attrition in the first wave of offensive, we can directly break their morale. , the battlefield can easily turn into a one-sided harvest."

"And to achieve this, we have two ways of thinking."

"The first is to increase firepower."

"Second, improve tactics."

"Of course, improving tactics cannot solve all problems. Our level is too low, and we cannot meet the requirements of special operations without long-term training. Besides, we also lack special operations equipment. If we want to achieve a high casualty ratio in open terrain, it will be difficult. impossible."

"Then we must prioritize increasing firepower."

"But we don't have the money."

Shi Dakai took advantage of every opportunity and poured another ladle of cold water.

Yes, without money, where would the firepower come from?

"Some firepower is actually not as expensive as you think."

Chen Chen knocked on the table and continued:

"The first premise is that our firepower requirements must meet two points."

"First, the range must be far enough, at least 150 meters, because this is the farthest distance the opponent can detect us with the naked eye in the jungle."

"Second, there must be a basic level of accuracy. You can't blow up nothing at all."

"Third, the destructive power must be strong. For a camp of 20 people, the central area covers a width of more than 100 meters. It is basically impossible to do any damage by throwing grenades."

"So, based on these conditions, plus our own budget, I think we can already eliminate some options."

"Rifle grenades don't work, they are not powerful enough."

"We can't afford rocket launchers; we can't afford to rent military cannons either."

"In that case, there is only one option."

"Heartless cannon."

"Heartless cannon?"

The three people opposite were shocked.

After all, it was taught by a teacher, and they have all heard the reputation of heartless cannons. However, due to the special historical background and geographical relationship, in northern Myanmar in 2009, no one really used this antique thing.

Because most forces can easily obtain obsolete arms from various channels, they have no motivation or need to research homemade weapons.

Of course, the situation is different now. Now Chen Chen needs this cheap, easy-to-use, and unexpected gadget.

Looking at the expressions of the three people, Chen Chen thought for a moment, and then continued:

"It's definitely not a simple heartless cannon. The accuracy and throw distance of the grenade are not enough."

"In this case, let's take out all the money and buy some equipment."

"You go to the market first to see if you can find a 12-liter gas tank - remember, you need the one with an outer diameter of 249 mm. If there are any, rent 4 of them."

"It's renting! It's not buying! Just say we want gas, and we can pay it back later. We can save some money if we can."

"Then, go to the construction site to the north and see if there are DN250 cast iron drainage pipes. I remember when we came here, they were building the sewerage system. In theory, DN250 pipes should be standard. .”

"Finally, we found a repair shop and borrowed their welding equipment."

"If these things can be completed smoothly, then we will basically have no problem winning this reward."

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