I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 46 [The listening rate soars again! 】

(Baidu search LKK8) Sunday.

According to the announcement, this is the last day of broadcast of "Storytelling for Old and Young", and it is also the day when this old program comes to an end after many years.

Audience comments were very active.

"This show can't be finished!"

"Yeah, you can't stop, do you hear me?"

“Our family of eight is waiting to hear it!”

"If you end the story session, believe it or not, I will smash the glass of your radio station, you bastards!"

The letters from the audience that Zhang Ye received in the morning also showed the strong desire of the audience, but Zhang Ye did not reply anything. He had no way to reply and could only do his best to accept fate.

Teacher Feng came in with a bunch of things, all of which were formal documents.

Wang Xiaomei said politely: "Uncle Feng, are you ready to retire?"

"It's all done just now." Teacher Feng also lamented, "I really can't bear to leave."

An old editor with similar qualifications to Teacher Feng said: "Old Feng, let's have a breakup dinner tonight."

Teacher Feng waved his hand, "No, I don't plan to leave these days. Haha, I will stay for two more days to help Teacher Zhang survive these last days."

Everyone understands that Teacher Feng obviously does not just want to protect someone. Regardless of whether Zhang Ye's personality is likeable or not, regardless of whether he is popular or not, no one will question Zhang Ye's ability and strength, whether it is in "Late Night Ghost Stories" or not. , yesterday's "Storytelling for Old and Young" was brought to a peak by Zhang Ye. How could such a talented man need Teacher Feng to escort him? Old Feng was obviously worried about the program that he had followed him for so many years, so I want to stay and see if "Old and Young Storytelling" can be preserved by a miracle in Zhang Ye's hands!

"Is the listening rate chart out?" Teacher Feng asked.

Zhang Ye took the initiative to help Teacher Feng get things, "Not yet, I don't know."

Xiaofang also came to work early. "We still have to wait. The people at the statistics department basically had a rest yesterday, so slow down a little. It should be faster."

Teacher Feng sighed, "I hope the listening rate won't drop too much."

Zhang Ye said happily: "You have too little confidence in me.


"It's not that I don't believe you." Teacher Feng looked at him and said, "If I didn't have confidence in you, would I leave the columns for the last few days to you? The main reason is that your serialization yesterday was too aggressive and the story was too long. It’s very long, and it’s very dangerous to teach it two days apart. Children may change the frequency midway through listening to it.”

Two days apart?

Yes, everyone thinks that Zhang Ye's story is a story of two parts. It was serialized in two chapters in one day and ended today.

Zhang Ye smiled and said nothing. He did not dare to tell everyone that the novel version of "The Wizard of Oz" actually... has twenty-four chapters. In other words, this story will take at least ten days to complete at the earliest. ! Two days? The main characters are only half revealed, so it’s impossible to finish the story!

Everyone was so naive. They really didn't expect that Zhang Ye would be so shameless and want to leave an unfinished series for Jia Yan to take over. Ordinary people really can't do such an immoral thing!

Tian Bin looked at Zhang Ye from a distance and chuckled.

Jia Yan, who was busy planning a new column there, was also looking forward to how much Zhang Ye's poor move would make him fall in the ratings. He estimated that it would definitely be in the tenth place or later. Needless to say, the reason was, well... Forget it, let’s just say that the education department’s forced publicity is limited to the story “Little Rabbit is Good”. Everyone’s recognition of this story does not mean recognition of your other stories. Both of them, the format of fairy tale serialization itself is wrong.

Wait left, wait right.

Superior, inferior.

Waiting in front, waiting in the end...I am no longer poor when I am better.

A person came in at the door. It was Zhao Guozhou, who had not been seen for two days. He was holding an A4 finger in his hand, which was obviously the listening rate table of all frequencies yesterday.

Jia Yan quickly stood up and said, "Director."

Zhao Guozhou pressed his hands and said, "Sit down, I will read the instructions today."

"Uh, okay." Jia Yan sat down awkwardly again.

Then, Zhao Guozhou glanced at Zhang Ye. He had not communicated with Zhang Ye in front of everyone for a long time. He had not even glanced at Zhang Ye in front of outsiders in the past few days. But today, for some unknown reason, Zhao Guozhou looked at Zhang Ye. He looked at him, and his eyes were full of complicated meanings.

I don't know if it was Zhang Ye's misunderstanding, but he seemed to see a look of happiness and relief for himself in Zhao Guozhou's eyes. Zhao Guozhou was his guide and his boss. Zhang Ye told Zhao Guozhou in private that day that he would never forget this matter for the rest of his life. But to say that he was unhappy would be a lie and not the truth. Even if Director Zhao was Zhang Ye couldn't accept it emotionally because he was pressured by the leader of the station to beat him. But now seeing Zhao Guozhou's pleased eyes, Zhang Ye's anger suddenly disappeared and he nodded towards him.

There is a poem that says it well.

The Dujinjiebo brothers are here, and a branch of red apricot comes out of the wall...

Oh, no, that’s not the sentence. Ahem, it’s brothers who will survive all the tribulations. When they meet, they can forget their grudges with a smile!

Now, Zhang Ye was even more confused about what his listening rate was yesterday. How could Director Zhao have such a big change today?

"First place, Wang Xiaomei, "Talking About the World"." Zhao Guozhou read: "The listening rate is 3.66%, which is down compared to the past few days. Teacher Xiaomei, you may need to add a little more content to the column. You can't Too dry. I listened to yesterday’s program and felt a little bit like resting on one’s laurels.”

Wang Xiaomei nodded, "I'll improve it today."

Zhao Guozhou smiled and said: "Actually, the results are already very good, but you are the pillar of our frequency, so naturally everyone has higher requirements for you than for others."

"I understand." Wang Xiaomei was still very modest.

"Let's talk about the second place." Zhao Guozhou shook the form in his hand.

At this moment, many people swallowed hard. For example, Jia Yan, Zhang Ye, and Teacher Feng were all very nervous.

"Daily Entertainment." Zhao Guozhou said.

Wu Datao immediately burst into laughter and finally took second place. This was considered avenging his previous humiliation! Tian Bin and Jia Yan also exhaled happily!

But before they could be happy for a second, Zhao Guozhou changed his tone 180 degrees, ""Daily Entertainment", I want to criticize your column team, especially Wu Datao and Song Yan. You two are hosting the broadcast these days. Yes, but the performance is declining every day. Today’s listening rate is only 2.21%. Take a look at your entertainment news releases these days. What are they? Is there a bright spot? There is a news point that everyone is paying attention to. Even if there are, they are all leftovers that others have eaten, and there is no sparkle in the news program. How do the reporters in your column team collect news clues? How do your announcers report? Frequent slips of the tongue occur in the live broadcast, and... Do you want to do it?"

Wu Datao fell silent for a moment!

Zhao Guozhou said, "In addition to today, your column has been squeezed out of second place for two consecutive days. Today's second place is not yours!"

Not "Daily Entertainment"?

Who is that? Whose show? ?

Everyone stared with their eyes wide open!

Zhao Guozhou read, "Second place, "Storytelling for Old and Young" by Zhang Ye, with a listening rate of 2.45%!"



"It's "Old and Young Storytelling" again?"

"The listening rate is 0.05 higher than yesterday?"

"Are you crazy? This column is going crazy!"

There were exclamations one after another, and Tian Bin and Jia Yan were both dumbfounded!

Teacher Feng also had an expression of disbelief on his face, "No way!" No way! Yesterday was an outbreak promoted by the education department! How come today the listening rate is soaring? And it’s a serialized fairy tale that everyone thinks is impossible to succeed? Didn’t those senior fairy tale masters prove that this fairy tale serialization format is not working? Why can Zhang Ye do it? Why can he do it?


Nobody knows!

Only Zhang Ye suddenly clenched his fist, and a big stone finally fell to the ground on his chest. Great! Not only did the listening rate not drop, but it actually increased? Zhang Ye was surprised, but he also knew that it was reasonable. The essay solicitation for "Little Rabbit is Good" has only now shown its power. The outbreak on the second day was actually just the initial stage. It was just a crazy influx of some people. But yesterday and today, it was The climax of the education department's promotion efforts was reported in newspapers and TV stations one after another. Even though few mentioned Zhang Ye's program, the Internet information is so developed now that everyone can find it out by searching, so yesterday a new story was broadcast At that time, a large part of the audience who only came to listen to "Little Rabbit Guaibai" must have left, but more parents who came here also came, which caused the listening rate to rise instead of falling!

Of course, the main reason is the story!

Zhang Ye was right in his bet. "The Wizard of Oz", a story about young and old killing each other, played the role of a surprise soldier and left many parents behind!

Zhao Guozhou pressed his hands and said: "Everyone, please be quiet. I would like to praise Teacher Xiao Zhang by name. When we took over "Late Night Ghost Stories", we all knew that this was the most poorly listened column on our frequency. It was always the bottom. First, on the first day that Mr. Zhang took over, he moved this column to the top three in terms of frequency, creating a history of late-night programs. Later, "Storytelling Club for Old and Young People" became the column with the bottom frequency, and in a few years there was no Look, Xiao Zhang took over at this time, and everyone has seen the current results. The second place has changed from the last place to the second place! Maybe "Old and Young Story Club" will stop broadcasting today , but I think Teacher Xiao Zhang’s hard work spirit is worth learning from all of us! I hope everyone will continue to say one sentence! One sentence that Teacher Xiao Zhang taught us all a lesson! He proved to us with practical actions that there is nothing This program will last a lifetime!”

Picking up his A4 fingers, Zhao Guozhou took the lead in applauding!

Bang bang bang bang, Teacher Feng was also very excited, the circles around his eyes were a little wet, and he applauded Zhang Ye with great strength, and his hands turned red!

What a great newcomer!

At this moment, many colleagues who had previously had objections to Zhang Ye were convinced!

But Jia Yan was stunned and extremely embarrassed. Why did the leader's attitude change? What does it mean? And applauded Zhang Ye in public? Praise Zhang Ye in public? Although Zhao Guozhou said that "Old and Young Storytelling" will end today, it is worth noting that Zhao Guozhou added "maybe" in front of that sentence. It means "maybe" will end today, which means it may not yet. it's over?

I’ve finished reading the listening rankings one by one.

When Zhao Guozhou was about to leave, Jia Yan quickly chased him out to the corridor, "Director, my show is on Monday..."

Zhao Guozhou was still very kind to him, "Haha, Xiao Jia, if you have anything to do, we'll talk about it tomorrow. They are busy preparing for the Mid-Autumn Poetry Festival. I have to supervise the whole process. If you need anything, please take care of Lao Xu first." After saying that, Zhao Guozhou He took out his cell phone and left while making a call.

Jia Yan stood alone in the corridor, looking a little lonely.

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