I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 87 [Selling Editions of Novels and Fairy Tales...

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Beijing Radio.

"Director Jia." The secretary entered the room.

Deputy Director Jia lowered his head and was busy working, "What's the matter?"

The secretary smiled and said: "I heard that Zhang Ye is interviewing as a TV host. He has already submitted many resumes to TV stations in various provinces and cities."

Deputy Director Jia smiled and said, "He still wants to go to the TV station?"

The secretary said: "Yes, as far as I know they have called him back and no one wants him."

"Okay, I understand." Deputy Director Jia asked the secretary to go back, thinking that of course no one would accept him, because both he and the director had already said hello to their friends in the industry, and they Although those who work in radio stations are not as prestigious as those in TV stations, they still have a lot of connections. They may not be able to hire a person with poor conditions after being greeted by a TV station or a fellow radio station, but they will hire a person with not particularly good conditions. Even though he said hello, he would definitely make his colleagues want him out of the business. They could still do this!

This is what is called blocking!

As soon as "Dead Water" came out, Beijing Radio Station and Zhang Ye were already at odds with each other!

A full day.

Zhang Ye gained nothing. Every time he applied for a job after sending his resume, the other party didn't even give him a chance to interview. They responded very quickly and rejected him without even looking at it. It was definitely impossible to say that they didn't know him. Generally, when applicants submit their resumes, even if you don't use them, they will definitely have to wait a few days before replying. Some even delay it for a month or two, but this is not the case for Zhang Ye. It can be said that they basically respond in seconds. . Some people are very polite in their replies, while others are not polite in their words. There are emails that directly say "no one will want you"!


The plan was ruined!

Dude, is he now the target of thousands of people?

After trying a few more times, it still didn't work, and Zhang Ye couldn't find a solution. He suddenly became stubborn and paralyzed. The TV and radio industry collectively banned me, right? Okay, do you really think you can’t live without me? Do you really think I can only become famous because of you?

Zhang Ye immediately adjusted his short-term plan. The TV station will definitely enter. This is the only way and an important channel for his future development, but now the situation has changed.

Zhang Ye also had to make temporary adjustments. He was going to put entering a TV station as the next step. For this step, he wanted to temporarily advance something he had planned for a long time to wait for the negative impact of "Dead Water". Spending time slowly, these days are idle. Of course, Zhang Ye would not stay idle, otherwise his popularity would be lost every day, so he wanted to retain his popularity and make some money at the same time.

I called Xiaofang, my former assistant at the radio station.

Beep, got through.

"Hey, Xiaofang, I'm your brother Zhang."

"I know Teacher Zhang, I have your number."

"Are you off work?"

"Not yet. I'm sorting out the files. I guess I'll have to work overtime until eight o'clock."

"That's right, I have something to do with you. Last time, a publishing house contacted our radio station to publish my "Ghost Blowing Lamp", right? I didn't agree at the time, and the publishing house directly skipped me, or the station leader was I deliberately prevented them from contacting me. Now, I want to find the phone number of this publishing house. I have left the unit and it is inconvenient to ask. If I ask, I can’t. Can you help me check it? "

"Hey, I can't find this either. Then I'll ask others secretly for you to see if any of my colleagues know it clearly. Just know what publishing house it is, right?"

"Yes, it's okay to know the publisher."

"Okay, then I'll do it now, and you'll wait for my news."

"I'm sorry for causing you any trouble. Thank you. I'll treat you to dinner later."

Putting down his phone, Zhang Ye lit a cigarette and waited.

About twenty minutes later, Xiaofang called back. She was very prompt, or she was very concerned about Zhang Ye's affairs. "Hehe, I asked about Teacher Zhang. Please take your notes. The phone number is 53276172." , is the Beijing Education Press, one of the publishing houses with the largest sales in Beijing. Although they mainly publish some official books and works, they also produce commercial books."

Zhang Ye wrote it down and said hurriedly: "Thank you so much."

Xiaofang whispered: "You don't need to thank me. In fact, it was Teacher Tian Bintian who knew you needed this, so he asked me to tell you. After all, he used to be the anchor of "Late Night Ghost Stories". Contact the author, contact the publisher Ah, it's all his responsibility, he knows best, uh, but Teacher Tian won't let me tell you that he gave you this phone call, I told you everything, don't sell me out."

Zhang Ye was stunned and said, "Tian Bin? Is he so kind? Why don't you let you tell me?" He and Tian Bin had fought many times in the past, and their hatred was not small.

Xiaofang sighed, "After you left, Teacher Tian's life was not easy. You don't know that yesterday the station removed Teacher Tian from the anchor position of "Late Night Ghost Stories" and asked him to host the class instead. He no longer has a position. .”

"Ah?" Zhang Ye asked doubtfully, "No way. Didn't I ask him to get up again when I went down?"

Xiaofang explained: "It's because of Jia Yan. Hasn't Jia Yan's new column "Flying Youth" been aired for eight or nine episodes? Except for the first episode, the listening rate was particularly high, and then it became lower and lower. In fact, the first episode It is also because of the popularity of your "Storytelling for Old and Young" that we have such a listening rate. It is not the normal level. Now the shortcomings of the program have been exposed. The listening rate yesterday was only 0.46%. I heard that it will be canceled soon. , so Jia Yan has been assigned to "Late Night Ghost Stories". As soon as your "Ghost Blowing Out the Lamp" is finished, Jia Yan will take over. After all, tomb robbing supernatural novels are very popular now, and there are many on the market. Following your excellent work, just buying the copyright can increase the listening rate through the popularity. The station is obviously paving the way for Jia Yan and giving him qualifications, so Teacher Tian... naturally became a victim."

Zhang Ye frowned and said, "Is Lao Tian so miserable?"

"Alas, your song "Dead Water" didn't wake them up. Now the stage is getting more and more chaotic. Anyway, I heard that Teacher Tian has submitted his resignation report and he should be resigning today or tomorrow." Xiao Fangdao.

The phone was hung up.

Zhang Ye sat on the bed. Hearing that his former enemy had ended up in this situation, he was not happy at all. On the contrary, he was very uncomfortable!

Let's put this aside for now.

Zhang Ye called the number Tian Bin gave him. He didn't get through the first time. Maybe the other party was busy, so he got through the second time.

"Hello, who's there?" The other party was a middle-aged man.

Zhang Ye said: "Hello, I am Zhang Ye, the original author of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp". I heard that your publisher wants to discuss copyright publishing? Do you still have this intention?"

The middle-aged man was stunned, "Are you the author of "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp"?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Haha, it's me, I guarantee it's fake."

"Hey, don't you want to sell the copyright?" the middle-aged man asked strangely.

Zhang Ye said: "I never said that you got the information from my company, right? The company did not notify me. I have no idea what they said. I have resigned now."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was very excited, "Oh, that's great. We have been worrying about how to negotiate "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", but your company has never let go. It will be easier to find you, Teacher Zhang Ye , I am responsible for this matter. You can talk to me about the copyright. Do you want to share the royalties or buy out the simplified publishing rights in one go?"

"What's the price?" Zhang Ye asked.

The middle-aged man said: "As for royalties, just follow the normal rules. We are all on the same scale and look at the sales share. If it is a buyout, our original quotation for your radio station was two million. Of course, this was only at the beginning. Now "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" 》 is becoming more and more influential in the market, and the response is very enthusiastic. Many people are looking forward to the release of physical books. Just say that there are a few tomb robbery novels that imitate and follow your trend, and the sales volume has reached hundreds of thousands. This You should be able to understand it even if I don’t say it, and I won’t hide it from you, so the rating for your work must be higher. Well, let’s do this. I’ll make the decision. We won’t calculate it based on how much it costs per thousand words. It’s a fixed price. Four million, we only need the Simplified Chinese publishing rights, and the other copyrights are still yours, how about that?"

"Isn't it a bit low?" Zhang Ye sounded unsatisfied, but actually he was overjoyed in his heart. "My dear, four million?" This is enough for him to buy a lot of instant noodles!

But when you think about it, it's actually not much. The sales volume of "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" in his world was crazy. He didn't know the exact number the author got, but it should be more than four million.

The middle-aged man paused and said: "Teacher Zhang, I don't know what your expectations are, but please believe me, the only one who is willing to pay four million to buy the copyright of a book is our Beijing Education Press. It just so happens that this year we have more flexible funds. If we switch to other publishing houses, no one would dare to make such a bet. If sales are not good..."

Zhang Ye interrupted: "The sales volume can be expected, right? All the works that follow my trend have such sales volume. If "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is released, the sales volume will definitely be several times higher than theirs! I think you should know the market better than me. "

The middle-aged man said: "But your program has been released on the radio and many people have listened to it, so this aspect will also reduce sales."

Nonsense, "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" was first released on his side but it was on the Internet. How many people have seen it? But I haven’t seen low sales since publication!

After some haggling.

Zhang Ye bid six million.

The other party could only give up to 4.8 million, and they added a lot more.

In the end, the conversation couldn't be settled. The middle-aged man thought about it and said, "Let's do this, Mr. Zhang. Six million is fine, but you have to give your "Little Rabbit", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "The Emperor's New Clothes" and Sold us the publishing rights of "The Wizard of Oz". We are an educational publishing house, and we are engaged in this field. We can add illustrations to each story and publish it in a booklet. The total adds up to six million!" Obviously, they I have known Zhang Ye for a long time, and have done research on his fairy tales, so I know the value of those stories!

"Fairy tales don't include overseas copyrights, right?"

"Khan, not included, is also the domestic simplified version, overseas publishing... we don't have the ability." The middle-aged people said that you have a broad vision and are already thinking about selling fairy tales abroad?

Zhang Ye calculated it and found that the price was okay, "Okay."

"Okay, because we are in a hurry, let's meet now, shall we? Sign the contract?" The middle-aged man said: "I am also a loyal listener of your "Ghost Blowing the Lamp". I think this novel seems to be over in a short time, so After signing the contract, we have to send a lawyer's letter to ask Beijing Radio Station to stop broadcasting "Ghost Blowing the Lamp". The audio copyright is in your hands, right?"

"Yes, the copyright belongs to me." Zhang Ye said.

"That's it. If we wait until the broadcast is over, there will be no suspense. It will definitely affect sales. Since you have resigned, I think you have no objection to stopping the broadcast?"

"Of course not, you can just contact me."

"Okay, leave this to us, then I'll draw up a contract right away!"

The negotiation was concluded, and both parties were happy.

Normally, the price at which "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" is not particularly high, it can only be said to be just barely enough. However, Zhang Ye knew very well that the sales myth of "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" in his world was not created in a short time, but It is a long-term process. One year, two years, and three years are all accumulated sales, but the six million the publisher bought out was given in one go. Taking inflation and other factors into account, Zhang Ye is not at a loss at all, and this is only the simplified copyright, not including the copyright of games, movies, etc., so he is very satisfied.

Sign the contract.

Talk about details and publicity.

Early the next morning.

Deputy Director Jia had just come to work at the radio station. Before he could enter the office, his secretary hurried over and said, "Director Jia, something has happened. The Beijing Education Press has sent us a lawyer's letter, asking us to The radio station will stop broadcasting "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" immediately, otherwise it will sue us for copyright infringement!"

"Infringement?" Deputy Director Jia said angrily: "What kind of infringement does our program infringe on?"

The secretary smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, but the novel was originally written by Zhang Ye. He did not authorize it to us. The lawyer's letter is with the director now. I heard that it also has Zhang Ye's signature."

Deputy Director Jia's anger increased sharply, "What is this Xiao Zhang going to do? Huh? We have to stop broadcasting a program that has been broadcast for so long? How can we explain to the audience?"

The secretary sighed, "But legally, we are indeed..."

The phone in the office rang, and Deputy Director Jia quickly walked a few steps to pick it up, "Hey, oh, Director...what? It's really off the air? But how can it be stopped! The story is not over yet...but...ok, I know Alright, I’ll tell Literary Frequency to go down... Don’t worry.”

The station didn't want to get involved in a lawsuit and lose money, so the station manager compromised!

Deputy Director Jia was filled with hatred, this Zhang Ye! Even though everyone is gone, the ghost still lingers, right?

It is true that they banned Zhang Ye. Deputy Director Jia once naively thought that Zhang Ye would never be on the stage in this life and would remain in obscurity. With such a big "banning order", he would not be able to appear on the show. What kind of waves can it make? But Deputy Director Jia and the others only realized one thing belatedly. They might be able to suppress Zhang Ye in the broadcasting system, but in other fields they were completely helpless!

Publishing world?

Even if they want to block it, they can't!

And Zhang Ye is not only capable of being a broadcast host! He still has creations! I also have my own novels and fairy tales! Having escaped the circle of the broadcasting system, Deputy Director Jia was furious to discover that Zhang Ye could still thrive! This made him very angry and helpless! Authorization has been given to us. The lawyer's letter is with the station director now. I heard that it also has Zhang Ye's signature. "

Deputy Director Jia's anger increased sharply, "What is this Xiao Zhang going to do? Huh? We have to stop broadcasting a program that has been broadcast for so long? How can we explain to the audience?"

The secretary sighed, "But legally, we are indeed..."

The phone in the office rang, and Deputy Director Jia quickly walked a few steps to answer it, "Hey, oh, Director...what? It's really off the air? But how can it be stopped! The story is not over yet...but...ok, I know Alright, I’ll tell Literary Frequency to go down... Don’t worry.”

The station didn't want to get involved in a lawsuit and lose money, so the station manager compromised!

Deputy Director Jia was filled with hatred, this Zhang Ye! Even though everyone is gone, the ghost still lingers, right?

It is true that they banned Zhang Ye. Deputy Director Jia once naively thought that Zhang Ye would never be on the stage in this life and would remain in obscurity. With such a big "banning order", he would not be able to appear on the show. What kind of waves can it make? But Deputy Director Jia and the others only realized one thing belatedly. They might be able to suppress Zhang Ye in the broadcasting system, but in other fields they were completely helpless!

Publishing world?

Even if they want to block it, they can't!

And Zhang Ye is not only capable of being a broadcast host! He still has creations! I also have my own novels and fairy tales! Having escaped the circle of the broadcasting system, Deputy Director Jia was furious to discover that Zhang Ye could still thrive! This made him very angry and helpless!

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