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The interview questions are out.

Everyone looked at Zhang Ye, wanting to see how he would answer the question, a difficult question that had been taught in Chinese language textbooks, Wang Shuixin's most famous "Everything".

Zhang Ye didn't speak for a long time.

"everything"? Why does it sound so familiar!

He was sure that he had heard this poem somewhere, but he couldn't remember it clearly, so he said, "Can I have a drink of water?"

"Okay." Wang Shuixin turned his head.

An interviewer next to him threw the mineral water to Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye opened the game ring while drinking water and bought the next "Memory Search Capsule". He closed his eyes and pretended to meditate. In fact, he quietly swallowed the capsule while drinking water and searched his mind. Finally, Zhang Ye opened his eyes. He saw his own memory and finally remembered why this poem was so familiar to him!

I'm going!

Isn't this "Everything" written by Bei Dao!

However, there are quite a few differences in some places!

For example, Bei Dao in his world writes that everything is fate, everything is smoke, everything is an ending without a beginning, and everything is a fleeting pursuit. And Wang Shuixin's poem is that everything is fate, everything is illusion, everything has no result, and everything has no destination. They look different, but the format and meaning are similar, and the central idea is the same. There is also a sentence in it, "All faiths are ****." The two poems are exactly the same, with not a word different!

Is there a similar song "Everything" in this world?

It's just that there is no Bei Dao, but it was written by Wang Shuixin?

This is not surprising. The cultural backgrounds of the two worlds are almost the same. For example, the four famous classics, Three Kingdoms and Water Margin, still exist. Perhaps the influence of the four famous classics on the Chinese people is too great and too deep-rooted to change, so they are not modified by the game ring. If there are some similar cultural works in the two worlds, it is normal to think about it. Of course, it's just a similarity. Bei Dao over there is such a famous poet. In terms of writing and depth, Zhang Ye obviously thinks Bei Dao's "Everything" is better than Wang Shuixin's "Everything"!

Is this the title?

Zhang Ye smiled,

I laughed involuntarily.

Bei Dao's "Everything" is actually quite famous, but the reason why Zhang Ye can't remember it clearly, and why he still needs to search the memory through the memory search capsule, is that there is another poem that is more famous, which is about Bei Dao. "Everything" was written, completely negating Bei Dao's work, so Zhang Ye and the people in his world were deeply impressed by that poem, and then forgot Bei Dao's "Everything", even if some of his world's When people mention "Everything", they think of it as an episode and allusion. It seems that the work "Everything" only exists to set off that poem. No matter how well it is written and how heartily it expresses the cry of life, In front of that poem, "Everything" can only be reduced to a supporting role, and can only be used as a foil, hiding under the shade of the tree!

"Are you ready?" a woman urged.

"Can we start now?" A young interviewer also became impatient.

When Hu Fei saw that Zhang Ye hadn't spoken for a long time, he guessed that he might really not be able to get along with him. He sighed inwardly. Zhang Ye was already a bad guy, and it was basically impossible for him to be accepted by the leadership. Wang Shuixin's attitude was very obvious. Now that he can't even answer the interview questions, the possibility of admitting him is close to zero. But Hu Fei loves talents very much, and he is still trying every means to help Zhang Ye win, "Director Wang, Xiao Zhang is still young, and no matter how talented he is, he can't compare to you. This question is indeed a bit difficult, otherwise I won't I’ve given you a proposition, let Xiao Zhang write a poem freely.”

"Brother Hu." The interviewer woman said, "Then what's the point of the interview? Anyone can write freely. This is not considered a skill."

Wang Shuixin smiled lightly and said: "Old Hu, to be honest, I just wanted to test Xiao Zhang's on-site creation ability today. His previous poems seemed to have been created on-site, but judging from the quality and logic of the poems, I I still have reservations. I don’t believe that those few good works are really what Xiao Zhang wanted to write now. This is unreasonable. Even if he creates them on the spot, he has to stumble a little, right? His poems are still so good. Logical? So good at using parallels? But since you admire this young man so much, I just wanted to test him out this time, so I deliberately brought one of my poems for him to review, firstly to see if he could Writing it on the spot, secondly, is also to see if Xiao Zhang is really as literary as people say."

Hu Fei said: "But this is a classic poem that has been included in Chinese textbooks. Xiao Zhang..."

Wang Shuixin waved his hand to stop Hu Fei from talking. He looked at Zhang Ye and said, "It's okay, Xiao Zhang. Just think about it slowly. Don't be in a hurry. Haha, you may not have heard of this poem at your age. When you were in high school, My son's version of the Chinese textbook may not have included "Everything". If you didn't hear it clearly, can I read it to you again?"

A young man volunteered: "You just said it once, otherwise I will do it, Director Wang."

"Okay, Xiaoxu, come here, haha." Wang Shuixin was in a good mood. He had been engaged in administration for so many years, and now it was a rare opportunity to show off his literary works again. He watched Zhang Ye remain silent and watched his subordinates admiring and admiring him. Wang Shuixin also benefited from his gaze.

The other interviewers and young people did not take Zhang Ye seriously at all. They all knew that Zhang Ye could not be right. The reason why they stayed here to continue interviewing Zhang Ye was to flatter him, to flatter the leader, and to witness with their own eyes how the leader handled the situation. Zhang Ye, a newcomer to the poetry world who has been praised too much, has to fight against Dou Wen, and putting aside the flattery factor, Director Wang does have this absolute strength!

Zhang Ye? A new person!

Compared with Director Wang, what does he mean?

Are you still arguing with Wang Shuixin about poetry? Isn’t this overestimating one’s capabilities?

Director Wang's "Everything" uses all his senses to get in touch with the pulse of life to the maximum extent, and uses his critical eyes to examine the moral ethics between people, as well as the sparks generated by the collision between people. At the same time, he unconsciously thinks about factors that are common to all people, such as love, freedom, joy, suffering, hope, and death. He is considered a leader in this type of modern poetry. It can even be said that he has written this type of poetry to the extreme. Zhang Ye wants to use "Everything" Does the literary thought displayed in "Everything" surpass "Everything"? This is impossible!

Well, this poem is not without its shortcomings. If you really have to pick out the flaws, it is probably the reason why it was removed from the Chinese textbook later - this poem is too gloomy, too depressing, and too hopeless. This is also where "Everything" has been criticized by a small group of people. But its flaws do not hide its merits. This poem still has a relatively high status in today's poetry world, and it can be regarded as a representative work of "pessimistic" hazy poetry.

"I read it, please listen carefully." The young man said to Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye ignored him and already had a calculation in his mind.

The young man frowned, did you put it on the shelf and put it on the music sheet? You've been hit by too many people who don't understand literature. You don't know what your last name is, right? Look, now the true colors are revealed! I don’t know what Teacher Hu sees in you. You are just shy in front of Dalei’s bunch of little poets who are only slightly famous in the capital. You see, you can’t do anything about it once you meet a real literary master. Bar?

The young man snorted, cleared his throat, and said: "Everything is fate, everything is illusion, everything has no results, and everything has no destination."

Wang Shuixin squinted and listened to his poem.

The other interviewers once again showed admiration, and moved their mouths slightly, as if they were savoring the poem, and seemed to be reciting it with the young man in their hearts.

The young man continued: "All joys are without smiles, all sufferings are..."

But suddenly, something no one expected happened. Zhang Ye actually spoke up and interrupted the young man unceremoniously when his righteous thoughts aroused!

Zhang Ye shook his head, "Not all big trees are broken by the storm; not all seeds cannot find the soil to take root; not all true feelings are lost in the desert of the human heart; not all dreams are willing to have their wings broken off. No, not everything...is like you said!"

Hu Fei took a breath, this...this poem...

Wang Shuixin and six or seven other interviewers were also stunned!

Zhang Ye looked at Director Wang and the interviewers, and said with emphasis on each word: "Not all flames only burn themselves and do not illuminate others; not all stars only indicate darkness, Instead of reporting the dawn; not all songs just pass by the ears and never stay in the heart. No, not everything... is like what you said!"

The second part is also out!

Another big comparison! The tone is also heavier!

Wang Shuixin's face instantly turned ugly, but he remained silent!

But Hu Fei was so excited that he clenched his fists. He was so excited that he wanted to stand up and cheer Zhang Ye. He showed a bright smile for the first time today. He was happy for Zhang Ye and also for himself. , Hu Fei really did not misjudge the person! This is truly a genius!

Zhang Ye glanced at everyone present, paused deliberately, and recited the last paragraph. In this paragraph, he put away his previous solemnity and serious shaking of his head, and replaced it with a smile, which may have something to do with it. With some mocking irony, "Not all calls are unresponsive; not all losses cannot be compensated; not all abyss are destruction; not all destruction is covered on the weak; not all hearts can be stepped on and rot in In the mud; not all consequences are tears and bloody marks without showing a happy face!"

"Everything now breeds the future!"

"Everything in the future grows from its yesterday. "

"Hope, and fight for it, please put it all on your shoulders!"

Zhang Ye said the last word to Wang Shuixin, and maybe to himself too!

Is everything gray? Is it all just misery? All success comes with tears and pain?

Be it Bei Dao's "Everything" or Wang Shuixin's "Everything", Zhang Ye disagreed!

He knew that many people hated him, disliked him, hated him, and disliked him. He also knew that he had little hope in this interview anyway, but Zhang Ye never felt that his life was gloomy. He never felt that his life was gloomy. Thinking that he was born to be hesitant, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, he will not give up!

That's everything?

Everything is like you said?

No! Not everyone is like you!

At least I'm not! I, Zhang Ye, am not!

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