In Warhammer, I am Ultraman Noah

Chapter 1 Rebirth and then Crucified



Yang Zhuo, who was dazed in the hospital bed and closed his eyes, seemed to hear a crowd of people shouting his name, Ryan, Ryan. That was his name in the translation court, which meant: little king, monarch.

"Oh, today we lost a respectable friend. He fought the disease to the last moment. The Translation Court will always remember his name. May this humble monarch be liberated and find eternal peace in the arms of the emperor. "

Friends in front of the hospital bed came to see this friend off. They each wore cos costumes of their favorite characters, which was Yang Zhuo's request.

There was not much sadness, for it was a blessing that this long-suffering friend was freed from his illness. He was finally no longer in pain.

It's just that the eyes of the nurses around are a little strange, and they are ready to call the security guard at any time to prevent these guys wearing religious decorations and several skulls from doing anything that is mistaken for a cult.

Friends gathered in front of the bed and exchanged words:

"He is indeed free, but I don't think he needs to be in the arms of the emperor. You know, not many people in our circle are willing to travel to the Warhammer world."

"Then I hope he turns into light. He also likes Ultraman."

Therefore, a certain existence may have extracted the keywords "travel to the Warhammer world" and "become light".


The shouting became more and more deafening. Yang Zhuo finally woke up and opened his eyes. The sunlight in front of him was so dazzling that it made his eyes hurt.

He tried to move his body, but realized that his two arms were fixed on the cross, and his palms were nailed by slender metal. The blood was not flowing much, but every movement of flesh and blood would bring huge pain, which made him unable to bear it. He groaned.

Fortunately, the two feet were only tied up with rough hemp rope, and the burrs on the hemp rope only had to endure the slight scratches on the skin.

Yang Zhuo, or rather Ryan, finally realized what kind of situation he was in.

He was reborn after death and was crucified. A large crowd in front of him was shouting his name in unison, with hatred and condemnation.

Several priests who looked like they were wearing religious attire were on the next stage, followed by a person dressed as an aristocrat. Well, it looked like an religious trial?

Have you been arrested as a witch or a heretic?

While enduring the pain, Ryan's head was still able to distinguish the surrounding situation and draw some conclusions. This was really due to the fact that he endured headaches in his last life, translating military books and searching for information at the end of his illness.

The piled wood had reached his feet, and the people who shouted his name angrily slowly calmed down until the noble slowly walked to the stage and raised the torch.

"I, Karega Mast, in the name of High Lord Gorgart Will, today burn at the stake the heretic Rian Will. His belief in a false god beyond the Great Sun has led to plagues of locusts and drought. Thirty percent of the land has no harvest. Only by dedicating it to the great sun can we appease the anger of the gods and have a good harvest next year!"

Ryan listened to the nobleman's trial of himself word for word. It seemed that this was a Western cultural world from about the 13th to the 15th century AD. They believed in a god called the Great Sun and at the same time excluded heretics. religious beliefs.

Because the original body believed in false gods, and drought and locust plagues broke out in the land at the same time, this pagan was introduced as a means to quell people's grievances and ease conflicts.

Even though his last name seems to be the same as that of the great lord, it is Will, which means firm and determined.

Maybe even if he had the blood of a lord, he would still be burned to death as a tool.

So how can we survive now?

"System? Goldfinger? Hosting spirit?"

He muttered silently in his mind, and Kaleja below was already making impassioned speeches, controlling the emotions of the hungry people, but Ryan did not receive a response for a long time.

Does that mean it's not dead?

Ryan was ready for his next reincarnation. He just hoped that when he was burned to death, the pain would be less severe than the pain he felt when he got sick.

At the last moment of his life, he could take a deep breath freely without worrying about the pain in his lungs and the twitching of every organ. He could extend his thoughts and think without worrying about the migraine in his brain spreading to every inch of skin on the surface of his scalp.

He just quietly felt the health and enrichment of his body's organs, and this feeling made him feel a bit of joy.

At least this time he died without suffering any pain.

Another lucky thing is that I probably didn't travel to the Warhammer world.

This place didn't look like Warhammer 40K, nor did it look like a medieval Warhammer. He had never heard of the belief in the great sun.

With such wonderful things happening to him one after another, the future of being crucified and burned to death no longer seemed so worrying.

After finishing his speech, Kaliega raised his arms and threw the torch onto the wood under the silent gaze of the people.

"Well, you should at least put a layer of oil on it, or chop the wood into smaller pieces so that it can light quickly. If it burns slowly like this, I will choke to death from the smoke instead of being burned to death."

Ryan complained that since he was dying anyway, he had no scruples about what he said.

The smoke from the tree bark that was first ignited was really choking, and it would take some time for the flames to ignite the inside of the wood. During this period, the rising gray-black smoke made Ryan cough and have tears streaming down his face.

To be honest, this feeling is not bad, because in his previous generation, if he coughed violently, his trachea had no strength at all, and he might cough out his lungs.

Now he can feel the irritation in the trachea, the twisting of flagella in the nasal cavity and the production of nasal mucus. This feeling of being reborn makes Ryan want to struggle again and is unwilling to give up his new life.

But his arms and limbs were tied, and his palms were nailed, making it impossible to break free.

"If there really is a time-traveling rebirth bureau, give me a different world with a white-haired fox girl next time!"

Ryan shouted, and as soon as he finished speaking, the people who were watching the punishment seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying, and they made an uproar and ran away.

There was a clear and clear sound of tentacles rubbing together behind Ryan's invisible side. The sounds were getting louder and more frequent, as if there were more than a dozen flies flying around you at the same time in summer, and several of them had already arrived at your feet. Your hands began to rub against your skin, but you couldn't move your body to get rid of the flies, so you had to watch helplessly as the flies began to tickle you.

After all, flies don't eat living people, and you're not part of their diet. They prefer those things accumulated at the end of your intestines.

Strange, the sound of flies can be so loud? Or is it some kind of giant insect that I have never seen before?

Those individual vibration sounds have reached the vibration frequency of the electric fan at its highest level, which is not what a fly half the size of a fingernail can produce.

Damn it, what is it? After finally arriving in another world, at least let me see what those fantasy creatures look like in reality before I die. At least it can satisfy my regret that I could only use words to describe those monsters before.

But the next moment, the doubts that troubled Ryan were finally solved.

A giant "fly" more than thirty centimeters long bypassed the smoke and flew out from behind him, heading straight towards the crowd.

Two, three, no, nearly a hundred!

Nearly a hundred "flies" measuring more than 30 centimeters flew by together. Their originally invisible and even cute compound eyes and bulges on their heads were now enlarged and displayed in front of Ryan. Those unique bugs Their ferocious faces and mouthparts are so clearly visible that it makes people feel like their intestines are rumbling and they can't help but vomit.

There is no doubt that the food that such a huge bug needs to eat is not necessarily feces or corpses, but probably the flesh and blood of animals.

They no longer continue to assume the position of decomposers in the food chain, but become consumers.

So what do they eat?

Ryan's eyes froze, damn, you don't want to eat people!

Sure enough, the little nobleman Kaliega who was closest to him was hurriedly hiding between two knights in light armor and rushing towards the buildings in the distance.

The two knights slashed the swords in their hands, but failed to take care of Kaliega. A giant fly accurately placed its mouthpart on Kaliega's head, and then there was a clicking sound like metal closing.

The headless body of Kaliega fell to the ground. The giant fly only had some blood on the edges where its mouthparts were closed, and no extra flesh and blood was left out.

They are always efficient and precise and never wasteful.

Ryan, who saw this scene with his own eyes, wanted to vomit. He didn't see the precise cross-section of Kaliega's neck, but this scene still made him feel sick.

The last few giant flies noticed Ryan who was immobilized, but the flames and burning smoke annoyed them. They tried several times to rush into the flames and smoke, but they got dizzy and hit the cross.

After a few failed attempts, they move on to hunt new targets.

Ryan just felt that the few impacts just now made the cross loose a little, and it faintly tipped to one side.

Not far away, each of these giant flies grabbed a head at the right time and then left in groups, flying towards the distance, not knowing which town would suffer next.

Nearly a quarter of the crowd of four to five hundred people died. Their headless bodies fell to the ground, and their blood mixed with blood flowed out and soaked into the soft mud.

With a snap, the cross fell sideways to the ground. The flames burned through the ropes that bound Ryan and eroded his skin.

Ryan roared and pulled his palm off the nail. When he stood up from the flames, a large piece of skin was attached and torn off.

Holding back the severe pain, Ryan jumped out of the fire. He rolled in the direction where the monsters had just flown away, rolled a few times on the ground to extinguish the flames, then stood up and ran over. There was a high probability that the people would not chase the monsters.

Tens of minutes later.

A man with only burned clothes hanging on his body, and a small half of his skin stuck to his body like sugar coating just torn off a candy bar, was running in the woods. Every time he stepped on the ground, the soles of his feet were painful. I wish I could make the man fall to his knees and howl.

But these pains made Ryan a little excited.

After he was fourteen years old in his previous life, his body could no longer bear the workload of running. The burning just now only damaged most of the epidermis, but did not affect the muscles and bones. Running was smoother.

There is just a kind of reason that keeps warning me not to be immersed in the joy of suddenly being reborn from the old physical difficulties, but to find a safe place to deal with the wound first.

That kind of excitement seems dangerous. Once it reaches a certain limit, you will be addicted to the joy of having a healthy body that can run and jump, ignoring the injuries that could kill you.

Before the wound begins to ooze pus and become inflamed, the primary goal is to find antiseptic drugs and bandages as soon as possible.

Those joyful emotions caused by the body's normal response to pain finally began to subside. It was estimated that it was several kilometers away from the human living area, and Ryan slowly slowed down and gradually stopped.

Burns were very troublesome to deal with. He had to endure the pain of his palms being penetrated and tear off the peeling skin. He then used clean water to stain the intact skin near the wound by a river, and wiped away the dust and dirt that might cause infection. Relieves burning sensation under the skin of the body.

The clothes on his body were already in tatters. He scraped off the burnt wood ash stained on it and covered the wounds on his palms. He found a few relatively clean areas and tore them into strips with his teeth. He then bandaged the two palms.

The ashes of burned plants and trees have a hemostatic effect, but they need to be replaced after the bleeding stops today to avoid inflammation.

In other words, before nightfall, Ryan must find a substance that can reduce inflammation and treat the wound.

However, what was a bit disappointing was that he didn't recognize those herbs at all.

Although I had been suffering from illnesses for a long time in my previous life and had read many so-called medical books, I had no actual experience in identifying them.

Not to mention that this is a different world, and it is not certain whether these plants can maintain their original properties and functions.

Is it possible that after finally escaping from hell, he is about to die due to inflammation of the wound?

No, you have to calm down, calm down, there must be a way.

Ryan forced himself to calm down and began to examine his memory. He remembered everything about his previous life clearly, but he knew nothing about this time-traveled body.

It took some time to sort out those mixed and disturbing memories. Apart from the name Ryan Weir, he couldn't even remember the reason why he was considered a heretic or what the god he believed in was.

"Your Majesty, it seems that the indigenous people here believe in a god called the Great Sun. You, the old man, are also a sun. You see, I have traveled through time. Maybe you, Old Man Huang, are real too. Please bless me. This human being living in another world, when I survive and start farming, I will also set up a memorial tablet for you to spread the truth about the empire that your unscrupulous descendants have done."

Ryan muttered that as a member of the Translation Court, even when praying, he would find a concept that he was familiar with.

His body seemed to obey the comfort of his soul and became quiet. Ryan looked around and prepared to continue moving in the direction of the river.

At the same time, in Turin, dozens of kilometers away, the castle of Gorgart Will, the most powerful lord nearby, was located.

Accompanied by church monks, the lord was about to perform his daily night prayers.

There are no seats for humans to sit in the wide hall. There is only a statue of a god with a blurred face, holding a flaming holy sword high, and wearing heavy gold armor standing in the hall.

"Great Sun, please give guidance to your people. The southern countries are occupied by walking corpses, mutated creatures have appeared in our territory to attack humans, and heretical and ugly beliefs are secretly spread to corrupt your people. The Will family has not given birth to a knight for thirty years who can use the holy artifact you gave us."

Gorgart Will, lord of Turin, forty-seven years old. Turin is the southernmost region of the Mandala Principality in the west.

Each of the four principalities in the southeast, northwest and northwest has seven lords. Each lord has inherited a gift from the gods from outside the sky thousands of years ago. There are a total of twenty-eight giant machines, called Titans.

Those gods claimed to come from a place called the Empire, and they jointly followed the guidance of a supreme place to liberate the human people among thousands of stars.

Those gods came and went in a hurry. People heard the gods describe the supreme place as the sun, so the belief in the great sun was passed down.

And no one in the four principalities of the southeast, northwest, and north dares to call himself emperor, and the highest authority is only the Grand Duke.

As time goes by, the chances of these lord families giving birth to knights who control Titans become smaller and smaller. In the past thirty years, only four of the twenty-eight Titans can be used. Two in the east, one each in the west and north.

The Principality of Genoa in the south was gradually destroyed by the zombie plague that suddenly broke out five years ago because there were no Titans to activate it. If it weren't for the natural barrier between the west and south, the zombies would have crossed the river and reached the west.

Nowadays, locust plagues and droughts are also invading the western territory. Not long ago, it was discovered that evil creatures created by ugly cultists are attacking humans.

Those twisted and evil thoughts even invaded the Will family, and some branch clan members were coaxed by him and expelled from the territory under his order.

But there was still a young man who tried to learn heretical knowledge to solve natural disasters, but the disasters only worsened.

In order to calm the anger of his people and cope with the scrutiny of his superior Mandala Principality, Gaugart had no choice but to order the public execution of this tribesman.

The envoys who came to the principality knew about this and would not be able to say anything to the Will family.

At the end of this year, each territory will send the heirs of the lord's family to the main city of the principality to confirm whether there are still new knights born.

It is said that at the beginning of next year, the natural disaster will not stop, and the zombies that destroyed the southern realm will also trek around the Changyuan of Heyuan and invade the other three realms.

The priests could only explain this as the breakdown of rituals and music, and the excessive luxury of the nobles, which led to divine punishment. Only by believing devoutly enough in the Great Sun can the Titans be reawakened and the crisis resolved.

The prayer ended quickly, and Gaugart did not feel the radiant grace of the great sun, of which the priests spoke.

He still had a lot of work to deal with and left the church after the routine prayers.

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