In Warhammer, I am Ultraman Noah

Chapter 47: Old Star Warriors Chapter, Southern Border Sweeping

"The fifth, sixth, and seventh companies can be sent to the battlefield, but they all have Titans, so we don't need our people, right?"

Harry stood at the foundation of the city wall that was about to be built, stretched out his hand to block the hot wind behind the Titan, and looked at Ryan, who was holding a wrench and hitting the Titan's butt in revenge.

On the day they got the Titans, the remaining six Titans flew back to Second Terra.

The second company and the fourth company rushed to Kamo at full speed. The first, second, third and fourth companies wanted to restrain the lords of other territories to abide by the agreement and gather the population towards the flower castle.

Therefore, the 5th, 6th, and 7th companies of Second Terra will follow the Titans to the south to clear that piece of land.

Who knows why there are such things as military inquisitors. The Space Marines were obviously here to set up an early reconnaissance network against the Tyranids. With the military inquisitors, it was obvious that something was wrong and they were preparing to initiate an extermination order. , creating a vacuum star field.

Thirteenth Brother, you are the regent of the empire, can’t you restrain the people below from doing this?

At the same time, there are planets on the edge of this star system.

On the desolate surface, a team of ten Smurfs was digging a hole. Behind it was a life-sustaining cabin, from which knocking sounds and curses could be heard from time to time.

"Listen up, Judge Leblanc is seriously ill. In order not to delay our plan, he chose to recuperate on this remote planet."

The chapter leader of a Space Marine Chapter called the Old Star Marines whose founding date is unknown and who adheres to Papa Smurf's Codex Astartes more than ten times, Briman Noy loudly narrates this unshakable legacy. In fact, the life-support cabin containing Inquisitor Leblanc was buried in the deep pit and the first handful of earth was covered with it.

They are not Primaris Space Marines. Primaris will directly participate in the frontal battlefield. This kind of work that should be completed by the mortal auxiliary army is instead left to them.

Because Tyranid aliens were involved, the Inquisition sent military inquisitors to observe the situation.

These old star warriors wear "old" MKⅦ "Empire" power armor, and in some aspects its performance is not even as good as the more ancient MKⅣ "Extreme" power armor.

But it doesn't matter. At the beginning of the 42nd millennium, Imperial power armor is still the most widely equipped model of power armor. Even if Archmagos Caul enters service for the Primaris Space Marine MKX power armor, it will not be the turn of the Primaris Space Marine MKX for the time being. Forged more brothers in the Chapter.

Of course, there is another reason why it is difficult to change clothes, and that is that unlike the brothers and sisters of the New Star Warriors who strictly abide by the Holy Code to build their army, the Old Star Warriors abide by the Holy Code ten times more, so that the number of people in their chapter is slightly smaller. Ten times more.

Every time they hand in the gene seed tax and apply for equipment supplies, the old star warriors always need to be eloquent enough to deal with it.

Even if they occasionally returned to the 500 world, they did not find a war group with more courage than their own.

So much so that Chapter Master Breman felt that the gene seeds of other primarch legions must have been mixed into their chapter's decision-making team. Otherwise, how could he have passed this series of radical decisions if he had such a rational personality like his father.

Well, it must not be your problem.

"The Emperor will remember Inquisitor Leblanc's efforts and will come to pick you up after we have completed our mission in this star system!"

Briman shouted loud enough to ensure that the Inquisitor inside the welded life-support chamber could hear him.

When the other brothers started burying the soil, Briman's adjutant, Yaska reminded:

"Sir, if this matter is reported to the Inquisition and father knows about it - we don't have the strength of Captain Titus to be taken seriously enough, and we will definitely be criticized."

Briman frowned, his face hidden under his helmet and he pondered for some time, but he did not stop filling the holes with his hands. He asked: "How long can this kind of life-support capsule be used?"

Yaska whispered: "Three hundred years."

"Yes, I understand. Come back three hundred years later to dig out Judge Leblanc. Brothers, remember to remind the Chapter's think tank to record this matter when you go back. Don't forget it!"

"Roger it!" the soldiers replied in unison, and quickly consolidated the land. There was no trace of the existence of a huge pit here.

The soldiers quickly went to the location where the reconnaissance node device was installed. Chapter Master Breman met their think tank captain, Morse.

"This star system is very similar to Terra, but I have actually never been to Terra in my life. There is life on the third planet of this sun. I felt the fluctuations of the subspace twice——"

Morse looked at Briman, suddenly laughed, exuding a hint of joy, and then said:

"A big demon is dead, or two. There must be our compatriots fighting there. I checked the past records and found that an unknown war group without registration came here a thousand years ago and fought against an unknown enemy. . Maybe there are strong enough veterans who have survived, which will be helpful for us to fight against those disgusting bugs."

Briman looked around, finally raised his head to look at the starry sky, facing the direction of the planet, and said:

"Whatever, I think that guy is not easy to deal with. You know, there is also a new Emperor's Eye coming here. There are only two of us in this matter, and the idiot inquisitor doesn't know about it. So if the guy on that planet He is a traitor and even needs a retired Imperial Guard to deal with it. How can we intervene? "

Morse is very optimistic. In theory, as a think tank, he should be calm enough and should not have other emotions. He said:

"Our people destroyed the bug's launch cabin, and only one Genestealer was thrown in. Whether it is an enemy or a friend, we will know it naturally when we arrive at the planet."

Morse quickly went to check the operation of the buried reconnaissance network nodes. These devices can detect the movements of the bugs more quickly and provide key information for the ongoing plans in the rear.

Leader Breman returned to their ship, and the servitors took off his armor. The giant came to the training room and honed his skills over and over again to prepare for the upcoming battle.

At this time, Ryan did not have Promise to open the full map. He was controlling the Titan to complete the construction of a semi-permanent land bridge to cross the river and enter the southern territory that had been occupied by zombies.

The Titans who began to stretch their muscles were stuffed with warriors selected by the Second Terra as drivers. After Ryan once again fought naked conquest melee with the machine souls, these machine souls promised to be obedient enough and would not play tricks on the new drivers.

When all the military combatants entered the southern territory, the land bridge was temporarily dismantled and detached to prevent the zombies from using it to enter other lands.

I just don't know if Gorgat and Ikaros, who are driving the Guardian Power, and the Speaker Emperor have dealt with the East and North Territories in the past two or three days.

Ryan realized that the Emperor was speaking through the transmitter of the Guardian Power Titan itself, and now he really became the Speaker Emperor.

When Ikaros comes back, Ryan must find out whether there are three guards who don't like to wear power armor. Those three brothers are so delicious, they must be loved by Chaos.

In the South Territory, those zombies who have been around flowers, plants, trees and insects for more than 60 years are almost rotten into skeletons, but when they feel the living things that are completely different from them, they burst out with amazing physical strength, gathered into a tide and crowded towards the Titans.

Then these zombies were covered by artillery that was larger than their scale, and no protein that could still move could reach Ryan.

Ryan covered his ears. His hearing was too developed, and every time he was blown up, it seemed like there were countless Khorne demons roaring in his ear canals.

Or the kind that rubs the blackboard with the nails cut from the demons of Slaanesh while yelling.

During the ten thousand years that Old Man Huang sat on the golden toilet, he must have heard a lot of this kind of sound.

The zombie plague was targeted and cleared, and these zombies that could destroy the entire planet were easily defeated.

The zombies also have reasons to say, look at what other Nurgle demons such as the Great Unclean One, the Demon Prince, and the Champion of Nurgle fight, the Astra Militarum and the Space Marines.

What can a zombie fight, a Titan, can it beat a Titan?

The house of the loving father was burned down by Old Man Huang, and Nurgle must prepare for the next Chaos expedition in advance to ensure that it will not embarrass Typhons in front of Abaddon. (What, you asked Mortarion? Abaddon said that the era of the Primarch is over!)

But you haven't fought such a basic battle well, and there are no suitable mortal garbage to be infected to practice, how can you fight the Space Marines in the future?

This can't be done.

Amid those roars that were not sure whether they were silly smiles or angry, the zombies were being cleared in a proper manner, and Ryan even felt a little bored with the battle.

It would be great if a Great Unclean One or Nurgle Champion appeared at this time to fight with him.

As for the soldiers of the fifth, sixth, and seventh companies, they could only pick up the zombies that were lucky enough to rush through the firepower network or crawl out from some tricky angles to deal with. In the three-day advancement operation, no one was killed or injured.

It was just that the buildings in the southern border that were blown to ashes were probably going to be rebuilt, and there was no guarantee that there were still zombies killed in those corners.

On the seventh day, the main cities where the zombies gathered in the entire southern border were cleared out, and Ryan finally saw the location of the seven Titans belonging to the southern border.

These seven Titans were more damaged than the seven in the north, and even two of them had no reaction of the machine soul that Ryan could understand. They were probably really dead, and it depended on whether the emperor could save them.

The second Terra took over these Titans, and Ryan allocated two Titans for transportation, moving these more useless guys back.

Others continued to clean up the zombies until there was no possibility of a large-scale zombie outbreak in the southern border.

Most of the corpses were burned, leaving no biomass that could increase the number of insects.

Then the company scouting south reported an unusual thing. On the map, there should have been a small town with a population of about a thousand zombies. It had been slaughtered and all the zombies were killed. The wounds were caused by the sharp blade that penetrated the head in the vertical section.

And some zombies had holes in their chests and abdomens.

The moment Ryan heard this report, he realized that this was the gene stealer that fell in the southern hemisphere as the white god Promise said before.

So cruel, you have to try whether the Nurgle zombies can reproduce offspring. The taste is unique and cannot be evaluated.

Fortunately, this guy landed in the south and probably only encountered a bunch of zombies with necrotic functions, so the risk is controllable.

Ryan was thinking about how to find and kill this genestealer, so he returned to the company and rushed over in person.

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