In Warhammer, I am Ultraman Noah

Chapter 69: The Silver Giant Entering the Second Terra of Subspace

The three ships were ready. Whether they were forced or not, when the subspace entrance was opened, the ships without the protection of Geller's position suffered the impact of subspace energy head-on for the first time.

The metal surface of the Rogue Trader ship, which had been trouble-free for many years, became distorted. It seemed that as long as you took another step forward, the metal would be softened and hateful monsters would crawl out of it.

People inside these ships were also surprised to find that their body surfaces were tingling slightly. This kind of instinctive rejection of the body was unavoidable for creatures in the real world.

Several astropaths have fainted, and the navigators can still maintain a clear consciousness, but the pressure they are under is already so huge before they enter the subspace, not to mention what they will encounter after officially entering the subspace. What a terrible thing.

This self-proclaimed High Lord, Ryan Will, must be a complete believer in Chaos, and even the Faceless Space Marines who follow him are considered to be canned Chaos in disguise.

The Old Star Warrior Chapter was deceived by this abominable demon, thinking that it had saved a planet's population, but in fact it sent them out of the mouth of insects and into the nest of chaos.

Alas, I really shouldn't have taken this job for a small profit.

However, the people of Second Terra did not seem to notice anything unusual. If they were not strictly required to stay in their cabins, these citizens of Second Terra would have wanted to run to the bridge and see with their own eyes. What the hell is this subspace?

The church posters of Second Terra were pasted on the door of each cabin. Before going to bed, I took a look in that direction and called out the names of the two bosses twice, which made me feel at ease.

Ryan has physically arrived at the front of the bridge, followed by Longfis and Kolz.

The glimmer of gold and silver just fell here, solidifying the sacred temple that invaded Santos' soul, and then ignited the poor demon-shaped Santos' uncle, burning it completely.

Since the War in Heaven and even the birth of Slaanesh, there has been very little pure subspace energy. Even those chaotic demons with no concept of belonging have natural malice towards the real world.

Be their new toy!

"Wishes come true."

The demons further away who had just smelled the scent of prey and were about to rush over to take a share of the pie stopped instantly. Some Tzeentchian demons cautiously took out their telescopes and observed, looking at the demons in this area in the past. The handle changed the shape of the weapon wantonly in the hands of the silver giant, causing a large massacre of demons.

"To gain power, simply give your soul."

"Well, I want to become Noah and gain combat power that can suppress everything."

"No matter what you wish for, we can make it come true."

But if this is the case, what is the difference between that existence and the current four gods?

No, shit, this fist is really coming towards us!

Although there is no statue of the emperor here, it is only replaced by the faint light left by the afternoon sun penetrating through the glass windows. It seems that in this situation, the power that created this place is unwilling to involve anything.

He still missed the carefree days of the past, but the kind-looking uncle in his memory suddenly turned into a hungry butcher wielding a butcher knife. This shock still made him feel clearly unreal.

The human figure has a heart-shaped red color spreading in front of the torso. Although it has not yet formed, it can already absorb the subspace energy that has not formed a demon within sight.

"Damn it, you can't realize it at all, right? You're a bunch of rubbish."

"Can any wish really come true?"

The cold moisture covers the surface of everything that enters the subspace, and nightmare-like whispers grow from it.

"It's such a pity that you guys didn't fulfill my wish."

Take back your power quickly. How dare a mortal kill these subspace existences like gods?

“Give your soul.”

The subspace energy that was unable to invade the three ships was ecstatic and charged towards the human form.

If these energies come into contact with humans or other life forms, then wisdom will be born, attracting living life forms to enter the subspace and become one of them.

If Santos had met the Emperor before, he might have been killed by this demon unknowingly.

However, everyone knows what happened later. These subspace energies have gathered in a dangerous sea that is always exposed to violent storms, and will involve everyone who looks at this sea, and they will never be able to escape.

Such a big piece, with tens of thousands of years of skill, why did I suddenly become disobedient?

Ryan was facing the huge subspace rift that was torn apart in the real starry sky. He looked at the huge thunder and lightning flashing in the chaotic clouds and mist like disembodied human figures. It seemed that there were really some painful souls flickering around inside. No, He knows how to relieve his pain, so he rushes to any area within human sight.

The silver skin on the body covers the red flesh of the torso and limbs, leaving only blue-gray stripes.

The faith in the Emperor and Noah united their souls, and the subspace energy just swept through and found that they were unable to invade such a huge soul force field.

"You already have enough power, you can even destroy those junk ships, go and try it!"

During the continuous impact, they watched helplessly as a silver sun emerged from the golden color, forming an illusory human shape.

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In his eyes, the nearby subspace was just a natural scene of countless chaotic galaxies, clouds, and mist, mixed with roars and roars of lightning, nothing more.

An ordinary human voice came from the sculpture that suddenly appeared:

A hard shell like a helmet cover extends from the back of the forehead, dotted with dark black depressions.

The demons of Tzeentch couldn't help but sigh and retreated one after another.

Behind the golden giant, the silver giant has the galaxy and the universe in mind.

The demons didn't seem to realize why Ryan was still rational despite being surrounded by them. However, the people who had made deals with them in the past had died miserably, so it was not impossible to give him some benefits first.

Those chaotic clouds and fog are the most basic manifestation of the materialization of subspace energy. There is nothingness in the universe, only countless microscopic particle rays are left over from the decay of stars in different galaxies and even supernova explosions, and are captured by these subspace energies. Clouds are visible as entities.

Perhaps the poor guy didn't realize how terrible they were, but he accepted them into his soul without reservation.

Of course, those qualifications are not enough to completely transform one's body into the life of the subspace. The energy will be imbalanced and unable to maintain the stability of one's material structure, and will be ground into powder and become part of these chaotic clouds.

Strange, where is my power? Where is the power I have crammed into this mortal body?

Perhaps at the beginning of the birth of this world, real life had the opportunity to work hand in hand with subspace energy and develop an extremely prosperous cosmic civilization by using the faster-than-light navigation and communication channels reserved for them by this natural universe.

In Santos' sight, he seemed to have returned to the time when he was only seven or eight years old, wearing the robes of the state church and sitting comically in the arms of his uncle.

The silver giant punched out, piercing through all the demons in front of him.

The human voice came from it, and the demons laughed and said in unison:

Santos looked back excitedly. The golden giant sat on the throne and looked down at all living beings. The fatigue in the corners of his eyes had slowly eased.

"I have a desire that I want to fulfill urgently, give me the strength."

There are two things in the subspace that they cannot handle, one is the shadow of the Tyranids, and the other is the incredible waagh power of those green-skinned orcs.

They also saw the light of the golden cold sun under the silver giant. Maybe it was the cursed man who had nothing to do and came out to kill demons for fun.

If you take another step forward, you will break away from the gravity field protection of the bridge and be swallowed by the universe.

The heart-shaped light on the chest completely overflowed, forming a ruby-like crystalline existence.

Why does this fist seem to be coming towards us? Could it be that this person was stunned by the force and couldn't tell the direction?

Instead, the demons of Khorne roared loudly, charged forward, and brandished their swords, spears, swords and halberds at the silver giant.

Our brothers have tens of thousands of years of skill combined. Can you bear it?

Hey, this guy is clenching his fists, okay!

Has that unspeakable person, the being known as the Spirit of Hatred, now chosen to personally protect all sentient beings?

"Follow my wish first."

Those subspace demons gathered around Ryan, surrounding him, and even covering up the silver brilliance.

Some of the more powerful demons were beaten to the ground and could not get up again. The giant grabbed the growth parts of their bodies and used them as weapons to swing them, with high fighting spirit.

"Haha, I haven't seen such a brave devil like you in a long time, looking directly at me."


"In other words, look directly at us, Zhahun."

"How dare you laugh at us? Isn't that strength? Here you go! Let's see if you can bear it!"


Those voices seem to come from the most unforgettable encounters they have faced in their lives, exposing people's scars in their hearts; or they may allow people to indulge in the beauty of the past, completely ignoring that the edges of these scenes have been horribly damaged. Corroded by the warp energy, malice is corroding into their souls.

This uncle has always been the pride of their family. Although they rarely meet each other, every time the uncle will tell him about the various miracles that happened on Holy Terra, and teach him the truth of the state religion in front of the emperor's sculpture.

"It's completely different from the subspace energy around the emperor," Ryan's face was covered by the light and shadow of the constantly changing energy, and he couldn't help but sigh: "Now that we have entered the subspace, the energy inside must be endless and can satisfy I want to become Noah."

Under the impact of the demons, the silver human figure gradually expanded and stabilized at a height of nearly fifty meters.

Then the uncle picked himself up and placed him on the platform where the candles were lit. He took out a short knife from his waist and was about to cut himself open and sacrifice himself to the emperor.

Without the protection of Geller's position, the moment the three ships entered the subspace, they were watched by countless hungry Chaos Demons sharpening their knives, along with the pure souls of those larger and larger Chaos Demons who had not yet given birth to subspace demons. The energy will sweep over it, crushing it with the violent winds of warp.

The demons were confused and said that although they didn't know why this person's wish to be realized turned into such a strange appearance, which was completely inconsistent with their aesthetics, it didn't matter. Once creatures like humans possess the power they dream of, they will become Depraved, killing everything, thinking he is the master of the rules.

What devil, where is the devil?

"My lord, and - Noah,"

"Human, you know nothing about our power. Everything in the world is just a building block in our hands. Whatever we want the world to be like, the world must run according to our will!"

The members of the Navigator family gathered in the main control room. Watching this scene, they became more and more convinced that Ryan was a Chaos believer.

For the power given to us demons, let's hit humans hard!

Santos is like this, and for the people of Second Terra, the most important and unforgettable thing in their lives is naturally the normal life they enjoy during the dozens of days they live in Second Terra.

Santos called devoutly, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already at the front of the bridge of the Ambition-class ship. He was truly in a subspace without Geller's position, and there was no discomfort at all.

And these despicable humans are the slaves and toys that are most easily bewitched by demons like them. How come they have such power now?

Well, I didn’t feel the power of the spirit of hatred in this light. Haha, I dared to leave the protection of that existence. I was really looking for death!

The ship began to enter the warp, and Ryan embraced the violent energy.

Santos began to panic. Damn, this is different from what happened when he was a child.

To become at least a puppet of a Chaos Demon or to complete a true demonic ascension, you must at least be a qualified psyker or a mortal with strong enough willpower to attract the attention of demons.

Santos, who had already met the emperor, kicked the poor devil away and stood under the church scene in his memory. Then the devil discovered that it was really appearing in the church built based on human emotions. A statue.

"If that's the case, then it's better to die. Your existence is worthless."

They will never be fooled, let the Khorne daemons above do the fighting.


Further up are the Chaos Eggs that people recognize.

However, the laughter of the gods has doomed this miserable man to an extremely miserable ending.

The giant's punches were getting faster and faster, like a violent storm, knocking the demons out of their wits and causing them to flee in all directions.

"This giant knocked the big guys to the ground. He must have captured them and presented them to the cold golden star as slaves!"


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