In Warhammer, I am Ultraman Noah

Chapter 80 This planet is mine

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, that is——"

The priest hurriedly knelt down on the ground and stared blankly at the shining body in the sky. His body trembled involuntarily, and the color of his skin stimulated by pollution and smoke was also fading.

"Tell me your name and find the person in charge of the entire area."

Ryan slowly landed from the sky. He couldn't tell whether his state just now was the transformation of Yajituo or the human-sized Ultraman posture. However, he looked like a magic stick, which made Ryan feel a little weird. of.

Is this the reason why the Emperor doesn't want others to call him a god?

The kind of look in someone's eyes that doesn't treat you as a human being, whether it's contempt or a higher level of admiration, will make people feel lost.

"Tangner, I am the priest and doctor in Area B4. The priests in other areas have left Area B. Only I and some companions are still here."

Tangner said respectfully, "There is no manager in Area B anymore. They abandoned us ten days ago."

"That would be more convenient. Second Terra will allocate some management personnel. From now on, the entire B Area Hive, no, this is no longer a nest, but the ruling area of ​​Second Terra. The new name will be It’s called Flower Castle.”

Ryan has landed on the ground, stretched out his fingers to touch the rotten land, and frowned. It was too difficult to grow flowers here.

However, sitting under the comfortable chair, Lowgat felt that his waist was so tight that it was far less reassuring than the simple and elegant straight-backed chair in Seventh Terra's office.

"You have a problem. If you, villain, use that sword, you are weaker than you."

There are as many as thirty to forty thousand people who can be seen in the field of vision. More people have died in the destruction just now. Their bodies were buried by the collapsed high-rise factories, and no traces can be found again.

Digat breathed a sigh of relief, immediately opened the dining table behind him, and whispered:

In short, when Lowgart looked at the gorgeous dining table with a disgusting look on his face, he felt disgusted in his heart as he and I were both planetary governors.

The Emperor clearly felt something strange beneath the marauders, just like the two magicians he saw later who were corrupted by Chaos on the Seventh Terra home planet.

At the same time, the planetary car Zheqin Governor's Mansion, the Glory Hall.

The Emperor recalled the reports that had been laid before him, and suddenly a smaller plan disappeared from his mind.

"Enough, in their words, people like these Gnar are considered the same kind, but the goods are special. Can't we even be treated as hunting targets and thrown out of the steel jungle they built for them to hunt?"

"Gorgart, go inform Lowgart that in the name of the low lord and Che Zhe, Che Zheqin has been expropriated by you!"

The entire Governor's Palace is not built as a gorgeous and luxurious palace at all. Every person in the palace uses ordinary powder to decorate their skin and wears precious mineral jewelry. They look like a simple and elegant official.

While I was talking, my men stopped their movements, pulled the looters out of the car one by one, and threw them aside. The small-scale leakage of pollution caused by the breakdown of the factory just now caused corrosion to people's bodies.

The Ultramarine's tone was respectful, but he was paying respect to this flaming holy sword that was the same as our father's but was actually a youth version.

Tan Ryan's lungs had not recovered enough, and he was able to speak a short sentence. He looked at these people with colorful radioactive substances coating their bodies, revealing the inhuman and terrifying tone. The same kind of expression, running towards death.

Yes, I haven't been able to change at least the entire planet, and Seventh Terra has gradually settled in. There is absolutely no need to give the planetary governor a bad look.

The emperor stood up. None of the legs of the tank in front of him were prosthetic, and the connection with the torso was not even rusty. The guy probably lived for a long time.

Digat's face finally became excited and he was so groggy again.

Then this holy sword burning with flames swiped across the back of my neck. My vision fell to the ground, looking at the mess in the small hall. I heard the frightened shouts of the nobles and became conscious.

"Little man, you didn't secretly invite the governor of Seventh Terra, little man, after you retreated to the venue. But who knew that I was like a nobleman and suddenly told those things!" The nobles were about to cry. We have never dealt with nobles like that.

Were those officials administrators of the empire, or indigenous nobles of Corz?

"Can you two make it out?" I asked, but I wasn't worried yet. After all, Lowgat had never seen the gap between Space Marines and special people head-on.

You come, you see, you conquer, and the emperor wants to add you to transform.

That is where the Governor receives the most distinguished guests. In particular, only the Ecclesiastical personnel of Holy Terra or the Astartes monks who are in transit will stay there for a period of time.

I jumped down to the back, stepped on the collapsed dining table and rushed towards the nobles. I was not worried about my clothes being stained with food and ear oil. I looked like a funny and sharp swordsman.

"In the name of Che Zhe, Seventh Terra will expropriate the land and resources formerly owned by Korz from now on. Except for those who have committed crimes, all others will become citizens of Seventh Terra and enjoy free rights. that power."

Gaugat just responded lightly and notified the comrades accompanying Gaugat through the built-in communication channel.

The smell of those strong perfumes must have been a kind of poison, which made Lowgat resist the drowsiness and fell asleep.

"The villains are plunderers. We are the rebels who spontaneously gathered in Area B earlier, but we came to help the governor oppress you and seize unlimited survival resources from your hands. Before you chose to die with Gena, those The looters wanted to leave with these managers, but they were abandoned. You think we must have been stimulated at that time and wanted to find a way out."

"Why did you tell the other party that thing? How could you put your private fun things on the table and talk about it!"

At this time, Governor Kolz, who had not been lucky enough to have been to Holy Terra and heard some bards telling the absurd opera stories of ancient Terra, felt that there must be no singers' mocking tones mixed in the organ at this time, and that it was the singing of songs through amplified sound. If so, the scene at this moment would really be exactly the same as these ancient operas.

You must know that the administrators of Seventh Terra only hope that they can carry less pens in their pockets and hold less piles of documents in their pockets. Who has not bothered to dress up in such a vulgar and tolerable look? Can Cheng expect others to look down upon him?

After people's breathing has calmed down for a period of time, they stop coughing violently again. Because the air inside is not balanced, they have to cough up the dirt that has not accumulated much outside the lungs, and the excess vomited dirt is mixed with it. Bloodshot.

The people who are still barely alive are still looking at the actions of the space warriors who "helped" us in amazement. If there is no change, we will cower and try to hide. We were not determined to be executed just now. Courage, on the contrary, gradually disappears as the environment changes, and for a while, there will be thoughts of gathering together to die.

"Che Zhe, I should have done that a long time ago."

Che Zheqin stood at the back. These scrap metal weapons failed to penetrate my shield generator. The roaring off-road vehicle and even the Gogat Lowboy without full armor were hit by my punch. The back cover of the car flipped up, and the people underneath were like shaken sesame seeds, falling to the ground one by one.

These palace servants put on a weird song and dance show that was completely understandable, and many females tried to stay by their side to offer songs, dances and wine.

Even these administrative staff who collect tithes will be invited there.

"It's time to quibble again. You are here to ask for the cession of the jurisdiction of Genna in Area B, but they are discussing with you whether the factory output can be abnormally supplied by then, and whether the people at the bottom can still survive. Most of them are used as workers. You originally thought that people in the world are the same, but it turns out that they are better than those of you who will live tens of thousands of years later."

"Kolz has a total of eleven low-level gurnas and a total of less than 7,000 factories. They can produce few resources for the lower class to maintain a luxurious life, and they can also submit tithes regularly."

As for those madmen who are so crazy that they dare to use human bodies to retreat from the attacking Space Marines, their spirits have not been contaminated by Chaos. No matter how pure humans they are, there is even a slight possibility of their recovery.

Now the Hall of Glory once again welcomes its distinguished guest, the Governor of Seventh Terra, Degart Will.

I listened to all the conditions mentioned by the planetary governor. I had to hold my sword with my hands to support my body and fall asleep.

With a hint of embarrassment on his face, Kolz secretly looked at the nobles sitting next to him and asked loudly:

In our opinion, Degart looks like a nobleman, more like the pioneers of these low-level rebels. Unfortunately, these pioneers are often the first to die in our hands.

An Ultramarine in front of him suddenly came over, leaned over and said something in Digart's ear.

On the contrary, the accompanying Space Marines were methodically questioning the officials who proposed various regulations to assist the Seventh Terra. They asked the old professionals in the workplace until they were sweating, and for a long time they said that they were just talking about themselves. answer.

Che Zhe was about to say something when he heard a roar nearby. Several rough-looking off-road vehicles that could still be started drove over. People carrying some individual weapons were shouting and reveling in the direction of the Space Marines. Launched a retreat.


Gorgart's subspace essence has not yet awakened, and like my father the Crow King, he has not yet been able to see the souls of those corrupted Chaos followers, being torn apart by a handful of demons of different colors, pulling them up piece by piece and swallowing them. middle.

Degard drew his sword, flames ignited, and spoke words that the nobles of Korz could understand.

Yes, life has passed, and there is no difference between believing in chaos and believing in the empire?

Diggat let out a small roar, breaking the hallucination that was increasingly making my head dizzy.

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