Infinite Bloodcore

Section 14: Interest Alliance

Among the common sense that Zhenjin retains is the information about the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce.

On the Shengming Continent of the human race, there are six major chambers of commerce. The six major chambers of commerce have a long history. Each chamber of commerce is a behemoth, backed by powerful nobles. Their business covers mountains, jungles, lakes, seas, and deserts.

Among these six major chambers of commerce, one chamber of commerce has risen rapidly in the past century, quickly becoming a business miracle second only to the six major chambers of commerce, and leaving the other chambers of commerce far behind.

This chamber of commerce is the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce.

The Wisteria Chamber of Commerce has attracted a large number of small and medium-sized chambers of commerce to join, and even tolerates individual shops and lone merchants. It has an extremely large scale and influence in the middle and lower-level markets.

However, due to the lack of protection from the upper class, the great nobles of the Shengming Empire coveted the profits of the Chamber of Commerce and chose to take action.

The Wisteria Chamber of Commerce has been suppressed, and the president of the Chamber of Commerce fell off his horse and "accidentally" died. Now the Chamber of Commerce has been torn apart and divided among the great nobles.

"After my father's accident, I was the only daughter. I didn't want to give up! If the hard work of my father, grandfather, and ancestors were ruined in one day, I would be really unfilial. Many caravan veterans were unwilling to surrender, so they united with me. around."

"However, no matter how much money you have, you are no match for power. My father's death made me realize that I must participate in the power of the empire. Based on the previous development method of the Chamber of Commerce, the more money and the larger the scale, the more likely it will be. Dead end.”

"I carefully selected partners for the caravan, and in the end I hit it off with you, sir."

It was like a flash of lightning flashed through Zhen Jin's mind, and he immediately understood the cause and effect.

Although he only had a few memories, Zhen Jin knew that the Bai Zhen family was a noble family in the south.

Emperor Shengming was a man of great talent and strategy. He unified the entire human continent and named it Shengming Continent. The final step in conquering the entire continent is to annex the southernmost part of the continent.

The decisive battle was the annihilation battle of Hanshan Knights.

The conquering army of the Shengming Empire was trapped in the high mountains and ridges, and its conquest of the southern part of the continent was at a stalemate.

The southern nobles who originally surrendered saw hope in the deadlock, and secretly contacted the resisting southern nobles to reach an alliance.

The Fifth Legion of the Templars withdrew from the front line to rest, and the surrendered southern nobles sent the Knights of the Cold Cedar to ambush and assassinate them.

The Knights of Hanshan, the top legion of the Southern Noble Alliance, destroyed the fifth legion of the Templars, but were defeated by the Templars who came to support them later.

The Hanshan Knights were defeated, and the southern nobles quickly sent reinforcements. As a result, huge gaps appeared in the originally impregnable defense line.

The empire reacted extremely quickly, and the frontline legions were dispatched together to launch a general offensive and completely defeat the defense line of the southern nobles.

As a result, the southern nobles suffered a huge defeat and were no longer able to stop the Shengming Empire's army. They were either killed or surrendered.

The southern nobles who had surrendered and rebelled were also subjected to harsh purges.

The Baizhen family is one of these nobles. At that time, there were quite a few members of the Baizhen family in the Cold Mountain Knights.

Although the Baizhen family survived the purge, the family territory, wealth, and army were all greatly reduced. And in the subsequent time, he suffered suppression and exclusion from all aspects from the imperial nobles.

The Baizhen family naturally did not want to fall. On the one hand, it gathered other families in the same situation to establish an alliance, and on the other hand, it actively studied the high-level officials of the empire. The Baizhen family sent needle gold to the Knights Templar, which was one of the achievements.

The Knights Templar are the ace legion of the Sheng Ming Empire, directly subordinate to the Sheng Ming Emperor, and are the most direct military force of the Emperor. Every Templar Knight believes in Emperor Shengming. If a person devotes his faith to it, his loyalty will naturally be full. Therefore, the Knights Templar also have the most trust in Emperor Shengming.

Generally speaking, there are very few powerful nobles in the empire, and they will not even send their family members to the Temple Legion. Enshrining faith is like cultivating a white-eyed wolf in the family. The nobles believed in the supremacy of interests. Most of the time, family interests were placed above everything else.

The small and medium-sized nobles, court nobles, and individual big nobles who are attached to the emperor's line will selectively send their family children into the Templar Legion.

Zhenjin's joining the Templar Legion as the sole heir of the Baizhen family is the most sincere expression of the Baizhen family's loyalty to Emperor Shengming.

This diplomatic act successfully alleviated the external pressure on the Baizhen family. However, it is inevitable, natural and reasonable for Zhenjin to be suppressed and ostracized by the Temple Legion.

After all, the Hanshan Knights almost wiped out the five Templar Knights back then. Who among the nobles would not be related to each other? Zhen Jin, who became a Templar, had long had a deep hatred with his colleagues around him.

"It is indeed a wise move to send the heir to the Temple Legion. Because completely surrendering to the political faction of Emperor Shengming is in the best interest of the family." Zhen Jin recalled his father in his mind. It was obvious that that The middle-aged nobleman with two slender beards has the wisdom and determination of a clan leader.

"As the sole heir of the Baizhen family, I was ostracized and suppressed when I joined the temple. This should be expected of me, and I chose to endure it at that time."

Zhen Jin recalled the second act memory.

In my memory, Qing Kui obviously took the initiative to find trouble and deliberately made things difficult.

His motivation is understandable. Maybe one of his relatives will be killed in the Fifth Army.

As for Zhenjin's own actions, he can also make a judgment.

Although he was extremely talented, he did not seek the limelight. Instead, he chose to hide his talent and concentrate on training. Keeping a low profile at ordinary times is to prevent being suppressed by political opponents or even killed in advance.

He became a Templar to find allies in the Emperor's camp instead of making enemies everywhere. As the future leader of the family, he came with diplomatic purposes.

There is no shortage of opportunities for camaraderie in the military.

When facing huge external pressure, the Templars will force themselves to trust each other and rely on each other. Such an experience of living and dying together will greatly resolve the hatred of the past.

In this way, the Baizhen family got rid of political difficulties and became a member of the imperial camp.

However, the Baizhen family has achieved this step and can only barely gain a foothold. This noble family is still quite depressed.

How to expand the territory, increase wealth, and enhance the strength of the family?

The human continent has been unified by the Shengming Emperor, and the world is at peace. There is not much chance.

The human race's massive attack on the orc continent became the best opportunity for many nobles to expand their family territories and establish their own military achievements.

Baisha City is an opportunity for the Baizhen family, so Zhenjin is here to compete for the position of city lord.

Look at it from Zidi's perspective.

The Wisteria Chamber of Commerce was divided among the big nobles, and the president of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce died as a result. If the elders could bow their heads, they would have taken refuge in these big nobles long ago.

These chamber of commerce elders who unite around Zidi are naturally hostile to these big nobles.

As a result, Zidi can only rely on members of the imperial political camp.

Among these members, the powerful ones looked down upon Zidi, the remnant of the chamber of commerce.

Perhaps the complete Wisteria Chamber of Commerce can make their hearts sway, but now the Chamber of Commerce has long been torn apart.

Those with average strength also have concerns.

Zidi's team can be said to be the essence of the Ziteng Chamber of Commerce. To accept them rashly would be to be hostile to the powerful nobles in the empire.

The gains, losses and risks involved need to be carefully considered.

Weak members, such as some palace nobles, do not even have territories, and members of the chamber of commerce cannot be accommodated.

At the same time, Zidi, as the new leader of the Chamber of Commerce, also has her own concerns.

She would try not to choose powerful nobles to join her. After all, she was just a mage with black iron cultivation. A noble who was too powerful would most likely annex the remaining Wisteria Chamber of Commerce in future cooperation.

After careful selection, Zidi settled on the Baizhen family.

The current patriarch of the Baizhen family is a gold-level strong man. He suffered a severe injury in his early years and lost his right arm.

The Baizhen family was once a great noble in the south and has a long history. After the Baizhen family was forced to defect to the empire, they suffered ostracism and suppression. Now they are barely able to gain a foothold and are in urgent need of exploration and development.

The Baizhen family's territory was deprived of, the existing territory was lacking in products, and it was squeezed out by the surrounding territories. Therefore, the Baizhen family needs the channels of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce and values ​​the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce far more than other families.

The most important thing is that the Baizhen family is also willing to pay the price and has not hesitated to promise the marriage of the future family heir to the Chamber of Commerce. And after the agreement was made, an engagement ceremony was held to spread the news widely.

All these reasons wonderfully created the unmarried couple Zhen Jin and Zidi.

They have their own dilemmas, and they need each other strongly. This is not only their will, but also the will of the forces behind them.

Otherwise, how could a noble noble like Zhen Jin be engaged to a woman of low bloodline?

"The Baizhen family can send its only heir first to the temple, and now to the frontline battlefield of Baisha City, bearing the huge risk of the heir dying in battle. This is a gamble!"

"The same is true for the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce. There is no retreat for both of us."

"No wonder Zidi has never left me!"

Zhen Jin had a lot of thoughts and finally understood the complicated hidden meaning.

Looking at the girl in front of him again, Zhen Jin felt closer to her.

Zhen Jin does not dislike alliances of interests, but rather approves them.

An alliance of interests is usually more reliable than friendship. Moreover, friendship can also be cultivated.

Coupled with the connection of marriage, Zhen Jin knew that Zidi would be his most reliable ally in the future.

Zidi continued: "We took the sea ship, originally we wanted to enter the Orc Continent and go to Baisha City to compete for the position of city lord. However, during the voyage, we encountered an inexplicable shipwreck and ended up on this island."

Zhen Jin pondered: "So, what we have to do now is not only to save our lives and leave here, but also to gather more subordinates. Zidi, how many troops do I bring and how many reliable retainers do I have?"

Faced with this problem, Zidi hesitated for a rare moment. She considered it for a while and then said: "Sir, you are qualified to compete for the Lord of Baisha City, and you also have talent and strength beyond ordinary people. When we go this time, we mainly bring you They are the armed backbone of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, and they have hired two famous mercenary groups."

Zhen Jin was slightly stunned.

He heard it.

He has no retainers or troops on his side, so he is just a bare commander. As a last resort, they could only rely on the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce and hired two mercenary groups.

This is so embarrassing!

As the sole heir of a local noble, he has to risk his life to fight for a future on the front lines of the war, but there are no direct troops around him!

Compared with the mercenary group that takes money to do things, the weapons of the Ziteng Caravan have become the most direct force of Zhen Jin.

"Has the Baizhen family been in such a state of decline? But it can't be justified without any one of them. Find Shuyuan" This abnormal situation made Zhenjin frown.

Zidi explained: "There was indeed a group of men sent from the Lord's family. However, they were attacked by bandits on the way and the whole army was wiped out. At the same time, goblins and foodies also appeared around the Baizhen family's territory. Traces of the frequent actions of humans and demons.”

"We were worried that other competitors would arrive at Baisha City early and establish an early advantage. Therefore, we pretended to stay where we were, but actually disguised our identities, set off secretly, and sailed to sea on the Pig Kiss."

Zhenjin's pupils narrowed and he snorted coldly: "It seems that the competition for the position of Lord of Baisha City is very fierce."

A noble's elite troops were actually annihilated by so-called bandits midway.

And the current border of the Baizhen family's territory was the hinterland a long time ago. How could there be living space for goblins and ogres?

Thinking of something, Zhenjin asked again: "Who are the people competing with me for the position of city lord? Are they on the same ship as us?"

Zidi shook her head: "There are two more in total, both are your colleagues. They did not share the same boat with us."

Zhen Jin said nothing.

He is thinking.

This answer means that they no longer need to face powerful competitors with malicious intentions on this island. But at the same time, it is very likely that this shipwreck was caused by these competitors.

Zidi immediately said: "But, sir. There is a temple priest named Zhusha who is traveling with us. He is the evaluator of this city master competition. He is probably still alive. If we can find him, and It would be best to bring him help."

"Scab?" Zhen Jin raised his eyebrows slightly, thoughtfully.

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