Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 79: Want to die or live

Arriving at the clearing again, Zhenjin found that Cangxu had already started lighting a fire.

The fire burns at the bottom of the earthen kiln.

The earthen kiln has been set up and is being tempered by the flames. The water inside will evaporate, and due to the heat, the soil will undergo some degree of qualitative change, becoming dry, hard, and more stable.

Cang Xu saw the needle gold: "After burning, if the earthen kiln does not crack, then it is a success. You can rely on it to make pottery pots."

"If it dries out, it will have to be remade. But that's unlikely."

Cang Xu said and started making clay pots.

He first cleans the mud and removes the broken grass leaves, small stones or earthworms, etc., and then continuously kneads and pats the mud ball to make the texture of the mud ball more uniform.

Then, he separated part of the mud ball and used his palms and fingers to shape a plate.

The edge of the plate is straight up.

Then, Cang Xu divided the mud ball into a small part, and rolled this part of the mud ball on the stone slab to form a long mud strip of roughly uniform thickness.

Cang Xu placed the cylindrical mud strip on the vertical edge of the chassis, squeezed it gently with his fingers, and finally combined the mud strip and the chassis tightly, as if they were one body.

After that, Cang Xu kept repeating this process.

The mud strips are built up one by one, and the height of the chassis is constantly changing, eventually forming a shrinking clay pot.

The clay pot was as big as an adult's head, dark in color, and ugly in appearance.

Cang Xu carefully lifted the pottery pot and placed it on another stone slab. Zhen Jin carefully noticed that both the slate used for work and the slate on which the pots were placed had been covered with a layer of charcoal ash by Cang Xu. This is to prevent the bottom of the clay pot from sticking to the stone slab.

Cang Xu was dealing with the mud, and his old hands and skinny fingers seemed very nimble. His clothes and gray and fluffy beard were stained with mud, but the worn lenses were still spotless.

Zhenjin did not stay to help Cang Xu, he had more important tasks.

That is to patrol the oasis again.

Although on the second day after arriving at the oasis, Zhenjin conducted a thorough investigation.

But this does not mean that there is no danger in the oasis.

Beasts can move, and the scope of Zhenjin's inspection is limited. He could only try to avoid a single patrol route.

"Maybe by mutating into a gun scorpion, I can see further and hear more."

But as soon as this idea came to Zhen Jin's mind, it was rejected by the young knight.

He was very wary of the core and made up his mind not to use this mysterious magic core unless absolutely necessary.

Zhen Jin inspected carefully and once again confirmed the safety of the oasis.

Of course, there is no way for Needle Gold to explore the lakes in the oasis.

The lake water is cool and blue. When there is no wind, the lake is as calm as a mirror, like a sapphire, wrapped in yellow desert and contrasting with the blue sky.

After lunch, continue working.

The production of clay pots encountered setbacks. Most of the pots cracked after being fired in the earthen kilns.

"It should be a lack of clinker." Cang Xu knew the reason, but there was no way, and Zidi couldn't help in this regard.

But fortunately, crushing those cracked clay pots into slag and integrating the dregs into the mud will increase the success rate of new clay pots.

Zhen Jin began to regret.

If he had known about this situation, he should have brought back all the water bags from the volcanic cave.

Almost everyone in the exploration team had a water bag, but Zhen Jin left at that time and only picked some weapons and took away the empty water bags.

It is unrealistic to go back now.

On the one hand, the food consumption, time consumption, and physical energy consumption caused by traveling back and forth, on the other hand, the risks will be greatly increased. Don't forget that a volcano is erupting in that area. Whether it is to go back with Zidi and Cangxu or leave them here, it is not a good choice.

"It would be much more convenient if bamboo grows here."

Zhen Jin thought of the bamboo forest that he had discovered and used when he was hunting for algae.

Bamboo knots are natural containers and are very convenient for storing water.

But coconut shells are also good.

But coconut water is rich in nutrients, so Zhen Jin and others chose to keep it. They all tried to drink boiled water.

Towards evening, Zhenjin returned to the camp again.

Zidi has already set up five tents and is preparing the medicine. She told Zhen Jin the good news - Bai Ya woke up.

Zhen Jin came to Bai Ya's tent.

Bai Ya was still very weak, lying in the tent with his head exposed.

Seeing the arrival of Zhenjin, he wanted to get up, but he tried several times without success.

"Don't move, just lie down." Zhen Jin could see that Bai Ya was still very weak, so she quickly stopped him and sat next to him.

"Lord Zhenjin, you saved my life once again! You are my lifesaver, and I want to repay your kindness even if I am broken into pieces."

Bai Ya said emotionally.

"Recuperate well, eat more, and drink more. It will not be easy for me to rescue you." Zhen Jin said with a smile.

Bai Ya's eyes turned red, tears fell, and she choked with sobs: "Master Zhenjin, what I know is that you carried me all the way. You are an extremely noble Templar, but you risked your life for a humble person like me. The danger. You also gave me precious water to drink. Master Zidi and the Cangxu scholar told me all this."

"Helping the weak and saving the good is itself the Creed of the Templars." Zhen Jin smiled and pressed Bai Ya's shoulders with his hand, stopping his attempt to get up again.

"Although I don't ask for anything in return, I understand and accept your thoughts and feelings that you want to repay."

"You have to live well and recover as soon as possible."

"I'm having a headache today about adjusting the bow. I remember that you are a good person in this regard, so I'm waiting for you to help me."

"Sir, I can do it now..." After hearing this, Bai Ya became even more anxious and tried to get up again, but was pinned to the ground by a gentle force from Zhen Jin, unable to move at all.

"Don't be anxious, just follow my orders." Zhen Jin's face turned solemn.

Bai Ya immediately stopped struggling and looked up at Zhen Jin with eyes full of admiration and love: "Sir, I listen to you."

Just as he was about to get up, Zhen Jin suddenly remembered something and took out a few letters from his arms: "Oh, by the way. I'll give these letters back to you."

"We have all read the contents of the letter. Originally, I thought that if you died, I would give these letters to Miss Nishihagi. But now that you have survived, then they will be returned to their original owners."

"Sir..." Bai Ya suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Zhen Jin smiled and patted Bai Ya on the shoulder: "Work hard, live, get ahead, and don't let the girl you love down. When you are in trouble and can't persevere, think more. Imagine that one day, you How about becoming a knight, returning home with honor, and marrying Miss Nishihagi."

"Yeah!" Bai Ya nodded and choked again.

His eyes were red and tears were forming again. At this moment, his whole person was radiating light and full of hope for the future.

Regarding the matter of Xihagi, Zhenjin actually prefers Cangxu's view.

But Zhen Jin thought about it and did not remind Bai Ya.

First, he didn't know the truth. Secondly, Bai Ya now needs positive incentives rather than blows.

Bai Ya is full of optimism, as if her whole body is bathed in bright sunshine.

Cyanobacteria also lie in the small tent of palm leaves, but they exude depression and death.

He is on hunger strike.

Ever since the mirage in his heart was exposed by Zhen Jin and others, Lan Zao could no longer face the reality. He didn't eat anything or drink a sip of water.

In the past few days, he was either sleeping or curled up, crying silently.

The contrast and changes between the two people shocked Zhen Jin's heart, and he sighed with emotion: "Human nature is really a very subtle and strange thing."

"When Bai Ya was alive, he was willing to risk his life to save Cang Xu. He didn't want to die, not at all."

"When Lan Zao was about to die, he would rather sacrifice his own brother. But now he doesn't want to live anymore and is bent on seeking death."

Zhenjin couldn't persuade Lan Zhi, he couldn't speak, let alone how to persuade.

Just one look at the blue algae and you can tell how strong this person's will to die is.

It seems that staying longer in this world and taking more breaths are tortures for blue algae. And this kind of torture made Zhenjin feel pity for Cyanobacteria, and at the same time he felt a sense of pleasure that justice had been served. After all, it is satisfying to see evildoers punished.

If a person really wants to die, what can outsiders do?

Night falls.

A busy day has passed.

The monotonous lizard meat and the poor-tasting boiled water in the dinner made everyone full of praise.

Around the campfire, everyone eating was filled with sincere piety and emotion.

What a blessing it is to be able to sit on the ground safely and eat until you are full!

And being able to sleep in a tent at night makes this happiness overflow from my heart.

They no longer have to sit out in the open.

Although the tent is small, it is really warm. There is a layer of fluffy grass at the bottom of the tent, as well as temporary pillows, instead of a hard and cold ground. Even if the wind blows at night, it will be blocked by the layers of palm leaves, so the people inside will not wake up due to the cold.

As for the space inside the tent being too small to turn over?

What to do?

Aren't you tired enough after a day's work?

Such good conditions still can’t satisfy you?


Don’t be ignorant!

When Zhen Jin and others fell asleep in the tent, they all had smiles on their lips.

Then I woke up on the fourth day of entering the oasis with a smile again.

Hiss, hiss...

They all heard strange noises.

The sound was like thousands of snakes swarming in.

The light of dawn tore through the darkness of night, and everyone was able to see the truth——

A large group of acid green lizards are pouring into the oasis.

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