Infinite Terror of Others

Twenty-three ready to go

Zou Hang didn't move his chopsticks. He had never eaten at anyone else's house. Maybe it's safe. Several people were eating the same thing. And there was no reason for anyone to poison him. But he suddenly felt disgusted with Jiang Hai. Jiang Hai's luxury has every reason for people to understand, recognize and support it. He spent what he got from horror movies. He has the right to do so.

But Zou Hang didn't care about this, he was a little disgusted by the careless behavior of several people.

maybe! Zou Hang may be too selfish.

It really takes a while to digest after eating so much. Jiang Hai gave Chen Jianzhou and Zou Hang a cigarette. Just by looking at the packaging, you could tell that it was a purely luxurious consumable.

Zou Hang took it but did not light it. He had smoked, but he felt that he was not suitable for smoking such expensive cigarettes. The price represented by cigarettes is actually very simple. It represents one's worth. It would be sad if someone whose monthly salary is only 1,000 yuan should smoke a pack of cigarettes that costs 100 yuan. But he also knows. The tobacco and alcohol exchanged from the Lord God only cost 1 survival point.

Jiang Hai took another puff, blew out a smoke ring, and said: "Actually, it's pretty good here. To be honest, in the original world, I didn't live a very good life. I have everything here. I dare say it's Bill, the richest man, is not as cool as me. As long as we all work together and help each other, as long as we live, we can have everything we want!"

Chen Jianzhou replied: "Yes! I suggest you start training later and work hard for the next horror movie!"

"It's not for the next horror movie, it's for survival! This sentence has been spoken by people who have lived before. I have always regarded it as a motto. Everyone should also remember this sentence. We will start later. Training." Jiang Hai said.

"It's not for the next horror movie, it's for survival!" Bai Hong and Chen Jianzhou repeated it loudly and memorized this slogan.

Depend on! do not know why. When Zou Hang heard this sentence, he suddenly felt the urge to kill someone. I hate this sentence from the bottom of my heart for no reason. His reaction surprised even himself. Anyway, it’s just strangely annoying.

(Just for this sentence. You are all going to die!)

The training ground Jiang Haikou mentioned was in the basement of his home. But this shouldn't be considered a basement. Anyway, they are all made by themselves. Even if he wanted to change the toilet into this training ground, it would only happen in an instant.

The training ground is divided into two sides, one side is used for gun shooting. On the other side is a layout similar to a gym.

As soon as I stepped into this place, I saw a gun shooting range full of various weapons. (I won’t repeat Jiang Hai’s explanation. Some of the rules are listed in full. People say that I made up the word count or that I plagiarized Z Da’s. Anyway, everyone knows it. Those who don’t know can watch Z Da’s "Infinite Horror" I won’t list some of the same settings in the future. I’ll just write about some differences)

Jiang Hai asked Bai Hong to try some low-power pistol exercises, mainly for self-defense. Once he is proficient, he can exchange them with the Lord God. Chen Jianzhou mainly practices his stick skills. Add some experience in actual combat and close combat. Jiang Hai became his sparring partner. He spent a small amount of time practicing his marksmanship.

These are the main content, about 6 exercises, and the rest is some physical training.

When he wanted to assign a task to Zou Hang, Zou Hang declined, then turned around and left in a dashing way.

After experiencing "Cold Man", Jiang Hai also knew that although Zou Hang was not a gregarious person. However, his IQ is not low. There are some ideas that he cannot understand, so there is no need to say anything. And his arrangement may not be suitable for Zou Hang.

That time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttles, the years are like flying knives, and the knives urge people to grow old. Who cares about growing old forever... ==|||

The last day came in a blink of an eye. It can be said that several people were very busy during this period, but Zou Hang and the other three people did not meet often. One doesn’t know what kind of airplane to make at home.

Jiang Hai and the others finally finished their training and took a good rest, although it was impossible for the two newcomers to make any qualitative leap. But fortunately, there has been some success. Bai Hong, an ordinary office worker, has also improved her physical fitness for long-distance running. Her hands that have never held a gun are no longer shaking. She can barely masturbate... No! It's self-defense! Jiang Hai's fighting skills were much better than Chen Jianzhou's. With constant training, Chen Jianzhou could barely keep up with his frequency, and could occasionally draw a tie. If replaced with an ion stick, it should also have full strength.

Suddenly one day, Zou Hang saw that the environment here in Paradise was very different and wanted to change to a better scenery, but found out. The scenery in front of me really changed like changing the desktop. As a result, I asked Jiang Hai but was told that I could change the scenery. It turns out that he created it because he felt it was mysterious. As a result, it was severely despised by several people, and after unanimous agreement, it was replaced by a beautiful seaside. only. The energy tower in the middle remains the same as the ball of light in the sky.

"A quick-acting heart-saving pill is mainly used to prevent some illnesses or uncomfortable symptoms caused by the environment. A bottle of hemostatic spray and a bottle of antidote can treat some non-plot-specific poisons. Then everyone exchanges some large-denomination banknotes. In Exchange for 10 gold bricks. Prepare enough ammunition and accessories for your weapons. That's it." Zou Hang checked the auxiliary props and made a list. It took almost 200 survival points in total. Except for Bai Hong and himself who still had some points left, the other two were at the end of their rope. Finally, Zou Hang looked at the malicious amulet in the auxiliary item column. Its effect is that when evil spirits attack, it will burn in advance as a warning. Before the amulet is burned, the evil spirits cannot harm the holder. Although the lasting effect is only 20 minutes, it requires 200 survival points for one. Finally, after thinking for a long time, I exchanged 3 of them. After all, if I encounter those evil spirits, the weapons in my hand will be really useless. But he didn't take out these 4 pictures. He has no obligation or reason to support these people.

But after redeeming these amulets, Zou Hang only had 200 points. Originally, he had imagined that by leaving 1,000 points, he could reserve a spot for killing teammates. But even though he doesn't have it now, he can still kill people if he wants to, but it's just not that convenient. He had already experimented with this method in the horror movie "Cold Man".

Jiang Hai and Chen Jianzhou began to bid farewell to their 'artificial beauty', who was so red that she had no partner, and silently looked at the distant horizon beyond the seaside.

Zou Hang just murmured: "Resident Evil, Alien, Grudge, Legend of Gods and Ghosts, Death Comes... Which one will it be?" In fact, Zou Hang spent the whole day on the first day of the wedding. Proficient in marksmanship, coupled with his keen insight and precise calculations, he already has some experience. the rest of the time. Basically, I have been watching various horror movies without rest. For this purpose, 6 TVs were specially set up in the room to browse in fast forward mode. Watching six horror movies at the same time is his limit. I can't remember more than that. But if other people knew what he said, they wouldn't be depressed to death. He took a short break on the last day. Many fragments flashed through my mind quickly.

No matter how difficult it is to make your next horror movie, as long as you know the plot, you will be much more confident. This is what supports him to watch so many horror movies.

As the "light ball" of the main god in the sky shoots out rays of light in all directions. Several people knew it was time to leave.

With the help of the space bag, several people traveled lightly. It can be said that there is no burden, but the psychological burden and shadow cannot be let go.

Zou Hang is still guessing, which horror movie it will be?

(Everyone also guesses which horror movie it will be? Then I suddenly thought of an unpleasant thing. Have you noticed that the letters with a capital Z are all foreign horror movies! They don’t support domestic productions, UU Reading www Although I admit that the investment and effects of those blockbusters are very good. But we can’t throw away some Chinese classics! Please help us find classic domestic films. It seems that there are not many films about the country’s anti-feudal superstitions. But there should be some similar ones in Hong Kong. In fact, everyone must have noticed that the first "Cold Man" was not a horror movie, but a story made up by people. However, Zhi Shang had some fantasies in the past. When everyone around him became What will happen if you look like that? Watch the second part of Hong Kong's "My Date with a Zombie". In the second part, a vampire said that when people are afraid of powerful and non-human aliens, they will be afraid and then kill them. But if most people in the world become vampires, will people also think that they are the righteous? It seems to be said in detail, I forgot the details. The same is true for "cold people", but Because the plot requires too much to show the coldness and bloodiness of people, in fact, I originally wanted to write about the cold-bloodedness and cruelty in their wisdom. In fact, most people in real society like to watch Mingzhe indifferently to protect themselves. Now the plot is almost ready for the next horror movie It's in. As you all know, I originally planned to continue writing. There is nothing I can do now. In order to accurately write the next horror movie, I am still thinking about it, and I have a few movies to watch by the way. . In the meantime, there are too few resources. The downloading speed is too slow. Maybe there are not many words to update today. I can only wait until I finish watching the movie and work hard to type! But there are almost 7,000 words, so let’s take a look first. ! Originally I was going to update when I was getting ready to go to bed at 8 o'clock in the morning. But at that time, there were only more than 60 posts. As soon as I got up and saw 100, I immediately updated. Today's chapter is just a break from writing, and the next chapter will be I’m starting to get into horror movies, but I really haven’t decided what to write about yet. It’s so frustrating!)-

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