Infinite Terror of Others

Fifty new tools one

When Hua Zhi and Azhong passed by the fish market. The dead fish scattered on the ground gave off a fishy smell. It makes Kaori annoying, but this can be said to be a foreshadowing of Junji Ito. After Hua Zhi and Azhong got home, they had a quarrel and ran out. When Azhong chased them out, they also found a strange object similar to that seen in the sea. Although he didn't notice it, Hua Zhi, who was allergic to smell, smelled something like kitchen food waste.

When the two returned to the house, not only Hua Zhi still felt that the smell was there, but even Azhong was slightly aware of it. At Hua Zhiyi's request, Azhong reluctantly went out to buy deodorant. But at this moment, Hua Zhi, who was taking a shower, smelled the smell that became more and more obvious. There was some noise in the corner of the bathtub. Hua Zhi couldn't help but fainted from fright when he saw the true face of that thing. When Ah Zhong came back, the pungent smell became even stronger. The smell inhaled into his nostrils strongly irritated the nasal mucosa and even made him dizzy.

At this moment, a whistling sound came from the room, accompanied by the clicking sound of some metal coming into contact with the floor. Azhong went to check, but the thing ran very fast. By coincidence, Azhong suppressed it with a cabinet.

Wait and take a closer look. Azhong was surprised to find that the thing turned out to be a small sea fish. Still breathing heavily at the moment. If this is not surprising enough, what is really puzzling is that this desire has four sharp 'legs' that are as sharp as iron thorns.

Azhong finally found the source of the stench. But he didn't take it seriously, thinking that he had just discovered a new species. In order to prevent the unpleasant smell from coming out, Azhong put it in a transparent plastic bag. He also hit it hard with a stone until the thing stopped moving.

Hua Zhi strongly urged Azhong to throw the strange thing farther away. Don't let the bad smell spread. It was just when Ah Zhong was looking at the trash can. That thing actually disappeared. But Hua Zhi in the room screamed. The monster actually held up the plastic belt and floated it in the air.

I saw the iron thorn-like 'feet' piercing the bag. The stench leaked out. The principle of a jet attacked Hua Zhi. Azhong was stabbed by a sharp spike during the fight. It was hard to drive that thing out of the villa.

Azhong chased him to the beach and found more strange fish climbing out of the sea one after another.

All kinds of fish in the sea seemed to have grown four iron-spine-like legs overnight. Landing towards land. Soon the small county town was almost submerged by those strange fish. There are many large and brutal sharks among them.

Finally, the two of them escaped from danger and returned to Tokyo. TV has begun to report that strange walking fish that can walk have appeared in seaside towns everywhere.

At this time, Hua Zhi was huddled at home, obviously frightened by the walking monster fish, and could not calm down all the time.

Azhong went to visit his uncle, a scientific inventor. This strange incident was mentioned in casual conversation. After returning home, Hua Zhi suddenly said with a look of horror that he smelled the stench emanating from the walking monster fish again. Azhong thought that Hua Zhi was too sensitive and had hallucinations after being frightened. To prove she was right. Hua Zhi followed the smell and ran to the street.

But the two of them saw it. The dead strange fish, which was originally packed in a plastic bag, floated in the wind.

The two places are thousands of miles apart, how is this possible? Hua Zhi said he was following them. But Azhong rationally said it was just a coincidence. Is there such a ridiculous coincidence?

The plastic bag burst. The strange fish inside was obviously rotten. But the spiked feet were still shaking. " At this point, the young man coughed and said, obviously thirsty, "I don't know why you want me to tell this story. Why don't you buy a comic and read it yourself. My mouth is drying up. Can you give me some water to drink? "

"Oh?" Zou Hang showed a trace of disdain on his face. He put the muzzle of the Desert Eagle against the young man's forehead and said: "Either you go drink water now, and then I will kill you. Or you can honestly tell you what you know. I may even give you a way out." "

Upon hearing this. Most of the remaining dozen people were even more uneasy. I don’t know how I was kidnapped here. And he didn't ask for ransom, he just asked people to tell him the story. There are a few smart people. I'm starting to make up a story in my mind.

The young man's heart seemed to be in his throat. He could only continue: "The two of them wrapped the strange fish and sent it to the home of Azhong's uncle, Dr. Xiao Liu. When Dr. Xiao Liu smelled the smell, he concluded that it was the smell of corpse. But if the fish had already If he is dead, then how can he still be active?

After the two left, Dr. Liu stripped the strange fish. But he was surprised to find that the strange fish was no different from an ordinary fish, except that it had a mechanical structure similar to the bottom wall. The machine consisted of four spiked brackets, four slightly protruding hoses front and back, a chassis and two rows of slightly curved iron spikes. At this time, his right hand accidentally touched the machine. The machine was stabbed into the arm by the two rows of curved iron. The hose was suddenly inserted into his hand.

The next day, thousands of strange fish rushed to the beach in various seaport cities in Japan. It has the appearance of overwhelming Japan continuously.

Dr. Xiao Liu called Ah Zhong and asked him to go to his home. When he was at the door, Hua Zhi was sensitive enough to smell the corpse-like smell again.

While talking, Dr. Koyanagi had determined that the smell was corpse odor. And told what happened to his father during his lifetime.

His father once told Dr. Xiaoyanagi. He must be cremated as soon as possible after his death. It seems that I am particularly worried about the smell of corpse. Dr. Koyanagi heard his father say that his father used to be an officer in the army. That was when the Pacific War broke out. He was transferred to conduct secret bacterial experiments on the uninhabited island of Okinawa. Once during the experiment. They discovered a mutated pathogen extracted from offshore fish. After this bacterium infects an animal, it causes changes in the body. It emits a gas that smells like human corpse, and the gas makes people feel uncomfortable. After the researcher plugged its anus and mouth. The animal's body will expand violently.

Some of the researchers developed symptoms of discomfort. The military wants to use this bacteria in war. First, experiments were conducted with cats and dogs. The effect is very obvious. But there is a fatal flaw. When an animal is infected with this bacteria, its motor nerves will be damaged and it will lose its ability to move soon. So the military found Dr. Koyanagi's father. Under his experiments, he created a pressure walker powered by gas ejected from the body, similar to the one below the fish.

It is said that after the machine is built, the effect is incredible. But in the end, the transport ship was sunk when it wanted to send it to the battlefield. Hearing this, Hua Zhi went to the bathroom. Inexplicably, I found some small green pimples on my face.

In fact, Hua Zhi had already been infected by the bacteria by the strange fish before this.

At this moment, that kind of monster suddenly appeared. But it was Dr. Liu’s left arm. Dr. Koyanagi explained that if it is not removed immediately, it is very likely that the virus will infect the whole body.

The arm had begun to swell, and bacteria inside it produced a large amount of corpse-smelling ** gas. There was a stench from time to time. There was also a large green mass with yellow pus clinging to it, which was frightening. Desire to vomit.

It's very puzzling. The walking machine has a simple structure, but with an object to support it, it can move freely like a living creature, as if it has consciousness.

At this moment, the broken arm has taken over the role of the fish. Just as an accessory to provide energy. Only here did Ah Zhong understand. Not just fish. People can also be infected...

Hua Zhi has changed. Tokyo has also been overrun by strange walking fish. Azhong fell into the ditch after being attacked. I woke up from the hospital a month later, but the world at this time had turned into a world of monsters. Almost most people have become fish substitutes. And behind the corpse-smelling gas, it seems that an evil spirit is controlling it, and even at the end of the book, everything is not over yet. I don’t know what their purpose is..." Up to this point, the general plot of Fish Zou Hang has grown from a teenager There is already some understanding in his mouth.

From a macro perspective. "Fish" seems to be a combination of disaster and supernatural ghosts. No wonder it is difficult for twenty people. UU Reading And there are several points that need to be focused on.

First, and most crucial. Many people were infected by that virus. But the protagonist Azhong was unscathed. It is possible that this is related to the cell activity in the body like Biohazard or Cold Man. But I don’t know where the critical line is. But apparently this bacteria may be more powerful than the T virus.

Second, the injustice mentioned at the end. If it is true as the boy said, the structure of the walking machine is very simple but it seems to move consciously. That is indeed very strange. After experiencing the experience of "Death is Coming 1", Zou Hang, who was originally a materialist, has somewhat changed his views on idealism in this world.

Third, how many walking fish are there? How many machines are there? And how many are infected. What is their purpose?

At this moment, Zou Hang no longer doubted the fact that he was in "Fish" written by Junji Ito. The welcome poster I saw outside the window just now showed that everyone was in Okinawa. It's probably near the villa of the two protagonists.

(Oh my god! I only wrote so much. Sorry for the shortcomings. Special announcement. Tomorrow my employer will inform me that I have to go for an interview. So basically I am very busy and I need to have a good rest at night. So I may not update. I can only I’ll talk about it when I get back. By the way, I’ll take it as a day off to think about plot development and character arrangements.) -

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