Infinite Terror of Others

Fifty-five Interlude 2

Zhang Haoyu was obviously tired of crying. He fell asleep. After that girl Chu Hu stared at Zou Hang for a while, she kept thinking in the suite. According to the signs in the travel guide, there are some villas on the nearby beach, most of which are rented out to tourists by their owners. This gave Zou Hang some clear direction. Naturally, it is the focus of the interaction between the plot characters and the Samsara Team.

Huang Jian has seen the setting in the comics. After at least three rounds of shopping, I finally found the villa. The neighborhood is relatively empty, with two double-storey bungalows with terraces. When everyone arrived, the two story missions of Hua Zhi and Azhong had just arrived. Zou Hang's keen sense of hearing informed him that the two of them would go out to sea on a yacht only the day after tomorrow. And this can be considered an inexplicable category. Originally, there was never much logic to be found in comics. Two days. It's a safe day.

The sense of crisis is missing. It was rare to come to the beach, but everyone had some fun. Zou Hang, who was lying on the beach, did not relax at all. The night before a storm is always the most peaceful.

Zou Hang has already begun to recall the plot told by Huang Jian. This ‘fish’ difficulty is definitely in danger of group destruction. And the final ending has not been written yet. So there is no way to know the key method. The protagonist Azhong is not infected with that bacteria. Zou Hang has no idea how high the infection rate of this bacteria is. Although his cell activity now reaches 70 points. But this kind of bacteria is not understood at all. Perhaps the protagonist Azhong will be sent for a biopsy to get accurate data.

About the origin of ‘fish’. Huang Jian once said that it was developed by Dr. Koyanagi's father in a secret laboratory on the island. Then maybe there will be more information there. However, it cannot be completely confirmed. There are also visible ghosts. This is another point. It is simply impossible to make intelligent judgments based on the simple construction of a walking machine. The only possibility is that the bacteria are special. But gathering so many ‘fish’. And when people replaced fish, the number of infections increased. That ghost is getting bigger and bigger.

Now make a hypothesis. When the walking monster fish appears. Azhong has not seen the ghost either. And fish landed on a large scale. Later, ghosts appear instead of fish. There are connections between them. Then finally comes the appearance of the ghost. And the ghosts continue to expand. Fish is just an overkill. They all die out naturally after being out of the water for a few weeks. People can wait longer and still die. So people must be reduced as much as possible? If the ghost has ghost-like aggression, its strength can be greatly reduced. Or the so-called "fish" character is to completely kill those ghosts.

Thinking of this, Zou Hang felt a little relieved. After all, there is a big direction. But he couldn't guarantee it himself. After experiencing 'Death is Coming 1', he was no longer so confident in his reasoning. After all, everything is possible until it is truly confirmed.

The most important thing right now is to try not to have too much contact with fish. Or it can be said that there is less contact with that strange walking machine. According to Huang Jian. In fact, in the comics, most of the infected people were infected from the skin to the bone by the spikes of the walkers. Could it be. Are walking machines the source of infection? Perhaps the walker's spine-like legs also have a deeper meaning.

It seems. You still need to find a safe place to take refuge before the fish launches a massive attack...

Just when Zou Hang was immersed in thought. An Ran was wearing the three-point bikini she just bought. Walk up to him. Holding a cup of fruit ice cream in his hand, he looked happy. Sometimes women are really easy to satisfy.

An Ran looked at Zou Hang with a smile, dug out a layer of white ice with a small spoon, and handed it to Zou Hang.

Zou Hang said reluctantly: "I hate sweets!"

"Oh! I don't know. I'm sorry!" An Ran stuck out her tongue, lowered her head and apologized.

Her cute appearance was caught in Zou Hang's eyes. But Zou Hang murmured: "Bacteria from walking fish? Maybe it's really creative." He recalled the pictures he had never seen before in his mind. The whole body is swollen with a large amount of corpse-smelling ** gas produced by bacteria. There was a stench from time to time. There was also a large green mass oozing yellow pus attached to it. Or add the energy of being treated like livestock by a walking machine.

At this moment, there was a commotion not far away. Zou Hang could vaguely hear someone uttering a few curse words while arguing in Japanese. Long Bao and Huang Jian also gathered to watch the fun.

I saw a group of people smashing an ice stall behind the crowd of onlookers. A tall Japanese man wearing a suit pointed at a young man and cursed: "China pig. I told you that this is not a place for beasts like you. I told you that I would hit you every time I saw you. I didn't expect you to dare to open a shop here." "

Upon hearing this. The young man shouted back at him immediately. Moreover, the Japanese language is mixed with special nouns: "X your mother. I won't leave because of the little devil. Yamamoto, don't think that your family is afraid of you. I'm not afraid. Why?"

I don’t know if he is hot or not. It’s 30 degree weather and I’m still wearing such thick clothes. Maybe the man named Yamamoto also understood Chinese, and he said angrily: "Hechu! Don't be too crazy about you. Sooner or later, our Japanese Yellow Army will kill all the beasts like you inferior people." After hearing this, The young man named Hechu had already rushed forward and started fighting with Yamamoto. But he is obviously no match for Yamamoto. There were many onlookers around, including Chinese. I was not ashamed to hear Yamamoto's words. There were also people who came up to help. But he was beaten by a group of Yamamoto's men.

Zou Hang suddenly asked Huang Jian: "Is there such a scene in the book?"

Huang Jian nodded affirmatively and replied: "Absolutely not!"

Dragon Storm also witnessed this situation. And every time the former came up, they were beaten to the ground by Yamamoto's group of people. The patrol police had already arrived. But when he saw Yamamoto, he greeted him and completely ignored everything in front of him. Even if you look carefully, you can see the disdain in the patrol officer's eyes. When Long Bao was furious and wanted to step forward, he was stopped by Zou Hang. At this time, Long Bao's blood was boiling and Zou Hang stopped him. He was furious and was about to curse, but Zou Hang just said coldly: "Don't you want to return to the main god space?" For Zou Hang, there is no human being. the difference. He also had little feeling for his country. Now he only thinks about his plans.

This threat can be said to be absolutely useful. But Long Bao was very cruel to Zou Hang. (I am absolutely patriotic. That boy Zou Hang has nothing to do with me! Don’t hit me with your tickets...Help T-T)

"Yamamoto Ryuuji. The second son of Yamamoto Kazuo, the most powerful local gangster. UU Kanshu Like his father, he is an extremely ardent militarist rightist and has many connections in politics and the army. Fortunately for you Didn't go up. Otherwise, I'll offend him or kill him. We are already busy in Japan. At least for these two days." Bai Yu didn't know when he had returned. The hand holds a package in a black plastic bag. It should be a fake passport.

"Are you familiar with him?" Zou Hang suddenly asked.

Bai Yu handed the package in his hand to Zou Hang and said, "I just heard about it when I was applying for a passport. This person is the craziest here in Okinawa. I also know that he goes to right-wing rallies every night."

The dragon's anger was still lingering at this time. He said angrily: "What you said is of some use. Our compatriots have all been beaten like this."

"If you are leading me to danger for personal reasons, I don't mind killing you. Or you are willing to die in the hands of the Japanese, but your life is mine now." Zou Hang said coldly. But when Zou Hang's eyes fell on Yamamoto's arrogant face. He added: "That man is annoying. Maybe you can go and see the rally tonight.

(I don’t know what happened today. I haven’t been able to write. It took me 6 hours to squeeze out more than 4,000 words. It’s really killing me. It’s really not that I don’t want to write more. Maybe it’s because too many people criticized me when I read book reviews. Zou Hang. It makes me feel a little annoyed!)-

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