Infinite Terror of Others

Sixty is not human two

(This book is cruel. So is this volume. Today’s chapter is even more shameless. Don’t read it for the faint of heart or those with heart problems. Don’t read it for those who think you are righteous)

Take what’s most important to you. You will face anger and terror.

For a moment, Zou Hang seemed to be out of place here. It was like a world where time suddenly stopped, and he was the only one who could move in this world. "Maybe this won't work, right?" Zou Hang murmured to himself.

In the end, Zou Hang had no more arrogant thoughts. You may be disheartened to take it away from Yamamoto in the future, but it is just a scene to the nervous Yamamoto Kazuo, so why bother doing this?

Zou Hang left Yamamoto Mirai's body and walked towards An Ran. An Ran's lips had been bitten. But Zou Hang's approach still didn't make her react. Maybe she was still immersed in her own infinite terror.

Seven types of knives are used for bone removal, carving, meat cutting, tendon picking, skull opening, skinning, and body dismemberment. It's enough to dismember a cow. And today’s kitchens are in such high-end places. To ensure the freshness of the food. Especially in Japan where people like to eat sashimi and eat too much raw food. Originally, Zou Hang had not expected that the tools would be so complete. Otherwise, Yamamoto may be able to leave earlier in the future.

What were the top ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty? Zou Hang may have spent most of his time reading books over the years. However, due to various factors, there is very little access to the Internet. But he knew and understood far more than the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty.

Skinning, beheading, splitting in chariots, five tortures, torture, hanging, cooking, castration, beheading, inserting needles, burying alive, poisoning, beating with sticks, sawing, cutting off vertebrae, filling with lead, and grooming.

Probably the creativity in this area has been around since the time of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty. The five punishments of sawing, breaking vertebrae, filling with lead, burying alive, splitting in a car, beheading in waist, and all were too short in Zou Hang's opinion. Death and liberation are dependent on each other. Maybe the combination of peeling, cooking, and cooking can be used on Yamamoto Mirai.

Perhaps caning would also be appropriate. That is wooden stake punishment. The stick punishment mentioned here does not mean beating someone with a stick. The stick torture mentioned here involves inserting a stick directly into a person's mouth or anus, piercing the gastrointestinal tract, and causing the person to die in unspeakable agony. However, this punishment directly causes great harm and is difficult to predict, and may also directly cause the death of the victim.

"Please open your eyes and shut your mouth. I don't want to hear too much noise." Zou Hang had already taken the plate with seven knives. Set aside the table.

Zou Hang has never had this kind of experience. All right! I admit that he once dissected a small frog when he was in middle school. Until today these punishments remained in the books.

Yamamoto Mirai's only fig leaf has been removed. Zou Hang used a flat skinning knife to cut from her forehead down to her vagina. At this time, Zou Hang was focused and calm, using all his senses to the extreme. The hand movements are very light, just scratching the skin without hurting any nerves or capillaries.

Peel it!

Then there were thin straight lines all over the body. Originally, everyone was filled with fear, but Zou Hang's movements were so light, and no one, including the person involved, Yamamoto Mirai, felt any real pain. Soon, Zou Hang put down the knife. Using his hands to tear apart the thin lines, a layer of skin on Yamamoto Mirai's front was easily lifted up. A large piece of translucent, frosted glass-like light shines through. This piece of human-shaped skin, as thick as rice paper, still has oil on it. The secretion of the subcutaneous tissue may become difficult in the future.

Human skin not only protects the secretion of sweat glands, but also depends on each other. If your sweat glands are unable to produce sweat, your body temperature may remain in the 30s.

When peeling, the knife is usually cut along the spine, and the skin on the back is divided into two halves with one knife. The skin and muscles are slowly separated with the knife, and UU Reading is torn open like a butterfly spreading its wings. But Zou Hang used extremely clever techniques to push it to the extreme. It can be said that it has reached its peak. Not even the victim felt any pain. But if you yourself don’t feel anything when you watch someone peel off a layer of flesh from your body, then is the person in front of you still a human? What else can you do but fear?

The most difficult thing is for fat people, because there is still a pile of oil between the skin and muscles, which is difficult to separate. Of course, there is another peeling method that is more convenient, but I don’t know how reliable it is. The method is to bury the person in the soil, with only the head exposed, cut a cross on the top of the head with a knife, pull the scalp open, and pour mercury into it. Because mercury has a very heavy specific gravity, it will pull the muscles and skin apart. Not only will the person buried in the soil feel pain, but it will also be extremely itchy, just like the bites of thousands of ants. They can only keep twisting but cannot break free. Finally, The body will jump out "naked" from the exit, leaving only a piece of skin in the soil...

It's just mental pressure.

"This skin is perfect. I didn't even damage her tissue. If I perform a skin grafting surgery now, it shouldn't be a big deal! But I know you won't hand over the key, so let me continue! Next is Ling Chi. Once it starts, there is no way to remedy it." Zou Hang seemed to be talking to himself. But still indifferent.

Just turned the page and saw the introduction. The real cruelty will begin now -

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