Several tall buildings in the school are basically connected. Zou Hang walked aimlessly. There are also a few cold people with more or less wounds scattered in the corridor classroom. In the classroom that should be full at this time, there are only a few scattered people, waiting quietly. Some of them were corpses with mutilated bodies and heads smashed with weapons. Some people act as if nothing has happened, but at this time only cold people can maintain their already cold heart. When not carrying out bloody attacks, they behave more quietly and peacefully than normal people. When Zou Hang walked quietly past a man whose face was missing a piece of flesh, but the wound seemed to have healed long ago, the man said with a smile: "Hello!"

"Hello!" Zou Hang replied calmly without stopping. The two black pupils suddenly flashed with blue light, but after just staring for a second, they returned to black again and stood aside. Zou Hang's right hand stroked the soft spot on the left side of his neck. There was very little red liquid flowing out of the wound. However, the blood stains on the white shirt may increase again.

He stopped next to a classroom. It's very dark inside. It is impossible to see clearly what is going on inside through the transparent glass. On the contrary, through the glass, Zou Hang seemed to find some faint blue fluorescence deep in his pupils for a moment, but it disappeared when he looked at it. The nerves in his face moved slightly, raising the corners of his mouth.

(Is this a cold person? Have I become a cold person?)

There was a muffled sound of "Huh Deng". The sound was not loud, but Zou Hang's usually sharp senses and rapid nerve reactions captured the sound. Then he turned up his collar to cover the wound and walked into the classroom. When the long white tube lights were turned on, the uniform classroom decorations could be seen at a glance. Looking around, there was no one around. It's just that the thick and low sound is like the feeling of the iron sheet of the TV cabinet being hit.

A 2-meter-high rectangular container is divided into two equilateral square containers. Behind the square cover hanging down in the front is a 37-inch TV. The space below is separated by two sliding doors. Close. You can smell excess heat flowing in the air. And it’s also mixed with a “symphony” of rapid breathing and heartbeat!

The sound of "squeak~~". "Don't come here, don't come here!" A female voice screamed loudly.

The black hair was wet from the rain, but it had been simply arranged and hung smoothly. Somewhat messy and beautiful. The despairing look on his eyes was replaced by grief, anger and tears. The white teeth exposed as he spoke were already aligned so neatly without braces. At this time, what was facing Zou Hang was the wind filled with temperature and mixed with water vapor in the closed space. You could tell she was shaking with fear and excitement. Especially the unprotected slender legs curled up under the short skirt, looking helpless.

"Dark clouds are threatening to destroy the city. I don't know how many people are still wandering on the edge of this city." Only he could hear the low murmur.

"Don't come here, don't come here!" A female voice screamed loudly. Zou Hang had a smile on his face and said softly: "Keep your voice down. I'm not one of those monsters. I'll take you out of here!..."

(Lies! Absolute lies. The third special thing: I like to lie.)

At this moment, the smile appeared on Zou Hang's face. Maybe it was the first time I laughed in 18 years. It just might not come from the heart! Little did he know that Zou Hang's words were the only hope in the eyes of the girl who was already filled with despair. The girl's eyes and face were full of longing for this sentence. A hand reached out. The girl clung to it as if grasping a life-saving straw. The two people holding hands walked to a place still some distance away from the classroom door. Zou Hang suddenly stopped and turned off the light switch with his right hand. He turned around and faced the girl in front of him.

There were still tears on the girl's face that had not completely disappeared, and her eyes were full of confusion and fear!

"In the area surrounded by cold people. Turn on the lights and open the door of the TV cabinet. A girl just followed out! A scam!" Zou Hang's words just came out. The whole environment seemed to have been frozen. Close your eyes and simulate this image in your mind. You and a girl are standing in the familiar classroom door, and the sky outside is completely gray. The shimmery side is whiter in color. The dark side is completely black. And the surrounding space was scattered with cold people looking towards this place, with bright blue eyes.

Just the two people in front of me. A stand for a hollow table that had been dismantled after someone had dropped it on the floor. There was a blue light in the eyes of a devil with a ferocious face, a hungry tiger pouncing on a sheep.

It took a long time until blood splashed and danced in the air, and blood flowers bloomed. The pupils in the eyes of the cold people gathered not far outside the door turned black again. It's like nothing happened. Gone as usual.

"Li Shuanghong, you were killed by my own hands." Zou Hang said to the body in front of him, which was supported on the ground by an iron support.

“It should be here but not at this school.

Two years ago, it was reported that a young girl with a savage personality and beauty was molested by a "monster and beast" who was famous in this town in her school. A few days later, he was raped and killed by some gangsters in the town.

Of course, this is just a rumor from the outside world. No one knows the true story of this incident better than me.

I don't know what's wrong with this girl, but I suddenly wanted to punish this "monster" for saying she wanted to be his girlfriend, but she didn't pay attention to her at all. She started to slander him, and even found some gangsters in the town to repair her. Give him a meal. Then she was really insulted. It was just that the person who fulfilled his promise to insult her cleaned up the scene and left the semen spots collected by several gangsters at the scene. Li Shuanghong, you were killed by me myself! Cold person! "Facing a horribly ghastly corpse, Zou Hang told a horrifying story with an expressionless face. He groped towards the left back of his neck. UU The skin there It was already smooth, as if a new layer of skin had grown. There were no scars left after Leng Ren was injured and healed.

(cheat and be cheated)

It's just that Zou Hang's left hand has another torn, bloody scar. There are still teeth marks on it. However, it slowly began to heal again.

"Being bitten by a cold person will be infected with a virus. It can increase the activity of cells, but it will launch an instinctive attack on non-cold people. It may start a deceptive attack. It may directly attack!" Zou Hang said to himself murmured. As he talked, he walked out...

"Did you notice? Not only did the number of cold people not increase much, but it began to decrease slowly. Now there are only 84." Ji Li said while looking at the watch-like reminder on his hand.

"Yes! That's true. It seems that the more than 700 people left in the school have been able to withstand their attack. It may be safer if we go over there. We can complete the task in 17 hours and minutes! "Chen Jianzhou looked away from his watch and said to everyone.

The rain has stopped. The rain clouds that had accumulated in the early morning dispersed. The sky is also much brighter. Does this indicate a reversal of the situation for this team -

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