Insectoids: The Job of the Males

Chapter 30: so-called like

When the weather warmed up in early September, Cheng Chaoci's love story finally lost its sight.

This is much longer than the preparation time in the twilight. After all, Cheng Chaoci himself is not very good at the performance of love. And in the middle of the process, his thinking is always easy to turn to some stereotyped routines.

Subconsciously seek a more convenient and quick solution when thinking is stuck, such as letting the protagonist have a terminal illness to prove their affection.

It's very convenient! When I was in love, I had a terminal illness, and then the protagonist No. 2 thought that he was going to lose the protagonist. That kind of pain, let love x2. In the end, the terminal illness was cured, and everyone was together.

If it wasn't for Cheng Chaoci, he still didn't know what terminal illness Zerg could not cure, and if Zerg technology couldn't handle it, how could the terminal illness be cured? He really started to write it.

The author of the card story is fearless.

The main protagonist set by Cheng Chaoci this time is still a male, while the other is not a female, but a sub-female. This is also a choice made for the sake of the story. The sub-female is weaker than the female, and the combat effectiveness is low, and it is generally engaged in clerical work.

In the main story, there are some pictures of war destroying peaceful life. If it is set as a sub-female, the two insects can be separated for a short time.

If it is a female, then it can probably jump from the twelfth floor with the male, and then quickly jump out of the battle area, what is the difference?

And Ya female, Cheng Chaoci happened to know one, good teacher!

"How do you like the hero?" Teacher Liang, who was holding a thermos cup, glanced at the little male with his eyes glowing in front of him. In addition to those eyes, there was also a place where the little male stayed up late. It caused a little cyan print at the moment.

Teacher Liang recalled for a moment, and then laughed in a low voice: "I really can't answer this question?"

Seeing Xiao Xiongzi's loss visible to the naked eye, Teacher Liang couldn't help touching Cheng Chaoci's head: "You are very thoughtful, the most special male I have ever seen." There was a strange gentleness in the voice.

"What you can see, what you look forward to, what you care about. It's all beautiful, the teacher is very envious, and I really want to see the world you look forward to." About age After all, there are more than 100 people. Although he looks young, Teacher Liang speaks softly and kindly, "But this world is not as perfect as you expected."

Teacher Liang retracted his hand and took a slow sip of tea: "It's not because of love, it's just because my current hero is a male worm,"

"It's not easy to find the hero, and my hero is not bad. I'm not fertile, and he didn't abandon me." Teacher Liang sighed, "Probably not you I'm so sorry for the kind of sub-female you want." The latter sentence of apology was very light, as if talking to a child.

Teacher Liang is indeed lucky. After all, if the male worm abandons him, his situation will be much more difficult than it is now. The sub-females abandoned by the males will be discriminated against, and they do not have the physical ability of females to earn military merit.

And sub-females are generally, um, how to say, more emotional than females. It is easy to form gangs, and it is easy to engage in group isolation.

"No, what's there to be sorry for?" Cheng Chaoci sat back in his seat, "No worm has the right to judge the worm's life according to his own thoughts, as long as he lives freely and satisfactorily That's it." Although he seems to be a little further away from his creative path.

Teacher Liang, who has reopened the electronic lesson plan, paused slightly. You Woo thinks he is very lucky, even if he is infertile, the hero still sticks around. Some worms feel that his life is a waste of air, and that a female worm who can't even have his own children has any value in existence.

Living at ease and contentment is something he has never heard before, but: "Xiaoci, your cartoons are all instructive, right?" If you really feel that you are not qualified to judge other people's lives, So why would you want to rely on these things to try to reverse some of the rules?

"There is guidance, those are all with my selfishness. I am not a holy bug, I have a family bug, each of them is very good to me, and I also want to consider them." If this The world has not encountered the resignation of his father, Xiao Jie, He Huaijian, and Wei Zhuo. Then he may have mercy on the female, but it is impossible for him to do more.

Everything is just a matter of concern, and I was alone in my previous life. No one cares, free and unrestrained. This life is tightly bound by countless ties, from being free to being imprisoned by a specific worm. To be honest, there are many more worries than in the previous life, but Cheng Chao remarked happily.

He can feel that he is loved and needed by the worm.

It's a bad thing to say, if one day Cheng Chaoci died suddenly, and the worm is gone, there will definitely be a worm who will find him at the first time, there will definitely be a worm trying to send him to the hospital for rescue, there will definitely be The worm would cry for him sincerely, and cry piercingly.

He remembered that someone said that a person will die three times in his life, one is a physical death, the second is a funeral, that means a person dies from society, and the third is that no one in this world thinks of you anymore . Cheng Chaoci is more powerful, solving three problems at one time.

I will die with my eyes closed, clean and without the slightest sloppiness, thorough and thorough without bringing the slightest burden of sadness to the society.

His life, no one will remember the 26 years of his life. He used to shout about his dreams with enthusiasm, and stayed up all day and night to paint for his life, just to make money. His ambitions, his likes and dislikes, in the end, were nothing more than an understatement and became the negative teaching material for not staying up late.

Cheng Chaoci cared more about the bugs around him now that he had a not so good past.

I also want to fight for something for the worms around me. After all, they gave Cheng Chaoci everything, and even let Cheng Chaoci have no time to tangle with the sadness of the previous life, and only worry about how to deal with them. Overly caring.

Oh, I have to worry about how love is born. It is really hard for a worm who has never been in love to paint love.

Love over time or love at first sight? Cheng Chaoci didn't like love at first sight very much. It's a very simple truth. Which one who doesn't look like a worm has been loved at first sight?

Although appearance will indeed be a big plus point, Cheng Chaoci also likes to see good looking bugs. But just relying on appearance can't support the later life, after all, no matter how amazing the face is, there will always be a day when you get used to it.

How can love be born after a long time? Otherwise, childhood sweethearts?

Seeing that Cheng Chaoci seemed to be distracted, Teacher Liang coughed: "Xiaoci, it's time for class."

"Ah! Good!" Cheng Chaoci reacted, and subconsciously sat up straight, yes, he had to get through it today before he could paint.

After Mr. Liang left in the middle of the night, Cheng Chaoci went to the backyard with a stool, wanting to sit, blow the wind, and calm down to experience the so-called love. And then look at a passing female.

"..." Cheng Chao said: "Mr. Sun Wushe, is this your summoning place?" Why is it in the backyard every time we meet.

"I'm going home after get off work." Sun Wushe pointed to the villa on the side.

Yes, Sun Wushe likes to go through the back door. Cheng Chaoci sighed and sat on the small stool.

"What's the matter?" Sun Wushe, who was supposed to go home for dinner, suddenly stopped leaving, and squatted by the fence again, "Unhappy? Are insects bullying you?" Ah, Cheng Chaoci's identity as a male is doomed that no insect can bully him.

"No." Cheng Chaoci looked at Sun Wushe, and seeing that Sun Wushe seemed to be waiting for a definite answer, he left without rushing, and couldn't help saying: "I'm struggling with love. , do you understand? Just, I have no experience, I don't know how to fall in love. That kind of natural love." The next direction has been thought out, and I am stuck on how to generate love.

But it's useless to tell Sun Wushe, Sun Wushe can't figure it out better than him, which can be seen from the completely different reactions when the two insects watched a movie together last time.

"Maybe it's not natural." Sun Wushe suddenly spoke.

Cheng Chaoci was stunned, but Sun Wushe was very serious: "At first, I was attracted by a certain quality, and then I found it very interesting. There is no plan to fall in love."

"As you said last time, this bug is so different and interesting." Sun Wushe thought of the last time and added, "You said this old fashioned last time, I don't actually feel."

"In the beginning, I was just interested, and then at a certain moment, just a moment, I was amazed by the other party." Just like what Cheng Chaoci said to him after watching the movie that day.

Cheng Chaoci said that when you fall in love with him, everything around you is not so important, and your heart will beat for him. It was an impulse, he said, to add an extra worm to his short, pale life.

To spend a lifetime together. At that time, Sun Wushe silently looked down at Cheng Chaoci, his heart was beating fast, but he didn't say anything.

"After being amazed, I will often think of the other party and I can't control it."

" But worms actually hate the feeling of being occupied by other worms and try to remove the other party from their own minds. But the harder they work, the more they can't do it. When they finally react, that The figure has taken root very deeply."

Sun Wushe said: "After that, as you said, I will impulsively want to add another worm to my short and pale life. But in addition to being impulsive, I will also The timid dare not touch it."

Cheng Chaoci was stunned, looking at Sun Wushe not knowing what to say. The material is there, and the feeling given by Sun Wushe is really good, so good that Cheng Chaoci thinks: "Do you have a worm you like?"

Otherwise, why did Sun Wushe’s thinking change so much for such a period of time?

Cheng Chaoci did not doubt it was himself, just kidding, how many times did he meet with Sun Wushe? Where did the attraction come from? He Cheng Chaoci was not so thick-skinned yet.

He stood up, and after saying this, he went to his own residence. The moment he turned around, his expression became cold.

There was still a message lying quietly in his light brain, which was sent by Jin Yue and proposed cooperation.

This also reminds Sun Wushe that he is never a bug of the Federation.

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