It’s Doomsday, There Are All Female Zombies Around

The End Is Surrounded by Female Zombies Chapter 51

Although it is an antique, there are still classic games.

Wang Ran connected the PSone to the monitor, and put a Resident Evil 2 game disk into it.

Oh no, judging from the cover, it should be called Evil Spirit Castle...

What a broken translation.

Wang Ran is still a little unaccustomed to holding a wired handle.

However, soon he was immersed in the game.

While playing around, Wang Ran suddenly thought of a question.

Zombie virus in the real world...

Could it also be developed by some careless organization...

With the rapid development of modern medicine and biological technology, this possibility is really possible.

However, these are not currently considered.

Right now, it is better to escape from the tyrant's pursuit...

"Master, the zombies here feel very weak."

Lin Momo pointed to the ordinary zombies inside.

These zombies are as weak as the zombies outside the warehouse.

Chapter 47 Official Relocation

"The zombies here are indeed weaker."

"The one in WWZ is more fierce, running as fast as a dog."

"Even if it's a wall, I'll let you stack the arhats over it."

Wang Ran thought for a while and said.

However, if the zombies outside are really so powerful, then the living space of human beings will be even smaller.

"Hey, master, there are zombie dogs!"

Lin Momo pointed to the screen.

Leon under Wang Ran's control happened to be bitten to death by a zombie dog.

"People can become zombies, and dogs can become zombie dogs. This is also reasonable."

Wang Ran explained.

Xiao Jin on the side trembled all over.

It doesn't want to be like this ghost.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Jin, you've drank the master's..."

"You have drank the master's blood, and you should remain sane and look like us."

Lin Momo wanted to comfort Xiaojin, but almost let her slip.

"By the way, Xiao Jin has grown up so much in a few days..."

"Let's test our strength."

"Momo, go get a refrigerator."

Wang Ran ordered.

The refrigerator has become an excellent prop to test your strength.

Soon, Lin Momo brought a refrigerator over.

"Xiao Jin, go, scratch the refrigerator hard."

Wang Ran ordered.

Xiao Jin looked reluctant.

He is a little golden retriever who loves peace.

I'm not very good at fighting or something.

"Momo, if Xiao Jin is disobedient, just throw it outside."

"Let it experience the cruelty of existence."

Wang Ran hit it.

Xiao Jin was shocked when he heard this.

Go fucking peace loving.

Xiaojin just went up with a paw.

There was a deep claw mark on the refrigerator door.


Xiao Jin's strength has also improved!

The current Xiao Jin's fighting power is comparable to Xiao Yu's two days ago!

In addition, Xiao Jin seems to have developed well intellectually...

In other words, it is also possible to leave Xiaojin alone to watch the warehouse.

It will be more efficient to move these days.

Wang Ran and Su Xiaoyu are responsible for driving and transporting things, and Lin Momo is responsible for sorting the unloaded goods.


Tonight should be regarded as Wang Ran's last night in the warehouse...if the move can be completed smoothly tomorrow.

Wang Ran and his followers tried it out on the bed made of gold.

Well, it's too hard, and I'm panicking.

As for strength improvement...

It can only be said that there was a little feeling at a certain moment.

It's gone after that.

It's not as big as the improvement brought about by Xiao Yu's bite.

Is it because I haven't touched the limit?

That's right, it's not a matter of life and death, it's hard to break out.


In contrast, the way to improve your own strength is indeed a bit too efficient.

Gold doesn't do much for me.

But it's different for others.

Once the word spread, the value of gold would skyrocket.

At that time, instead of 100 grams of gold being exchanged for 1 catty of food, 1 gram can be exchanged for 1 catty!

Fortunately, I hoarded so much gold.

In the future, you can use gold to exchange supplies and find coolies, so you don't need to run errands yourself.

I only need to bring my little followers to grow vegetables, raise fish, play games and so on on the island, and the days are still very beautiful.

The night passed quickly.

At dawn, Wang Ran got up.

Today's moving is a big project.

But the virtuous Lin Momo classified and labeled everything last night.

All the things that need to be moved will add up to about 20 cars.

The three of them quickly started loading the car.

"Xiao Jin, you are in charge of housekeeping today."

"No matter who it is, as long as they want to come in, they will all be shot to death."

"do you understand?"

Wang Ran asked.

"Woo woo woo..."

Xiao Jin nodded.

It just wants to be a kind dog, but now it has to bear such a heavy responsibility.

Hey, if it weren't for the fact that the food is okay, it would definitely not agree.

"Set off!"

Wang Ran got into the driver's seat and started the car.

Lin Momo was about to get into Wang Ran's passenger seat, but Su Xiaoyu stopped him.

"Let the master drive well!"

"Come and sit with me!"

Su Xiaoyu pulled Lin Momo to the back one.

Lin Momo turned on the embarrassed mode, blushing and lowering her head.

Su Xiaoyu actually discovered his intention.

"Don't think I don't know, the master secretly gave you extra meals!"


Su Xiaoyu squeezed Lin Momo.

She wasn't really angry, she just wanted to tease her.

After all, Lin Momo is weaker than her, and needs extra meals to improve, so that he can help Wang Ran more.

Lin Momo's face turned even redder...

At 7 o'clock sharp, two cars set off from the warehouse.

Today will be a busy day.

At about 12:00 noon, everything in the warehouse except for refrigeration and freezing was finally moved.

Lin Momo also arranged all the supplies in the right place.

After properly replenishing his physical strength in the sea view villa, Wang Ran took some cucumbers and eggs and drove to the East Lake villa area.

Before the frozen meat is shipped, the power system still needs to be set up.

The frozen meat in the full compartment can last for 1-2 hours. As long as the cold storage can be operated, the quality of the frozen meat will not be affected.

Wang Ran's solar panels are all laid out, and now it only needs an electrician to connect them to the circuit of the whole island.

Wang Ran parked the car at the gate of the villa area.

"Brother! You're here!"

Zhao Dong, the little security guard, immediately greeted him.

Wang Ran had shown his strength in front of him, and he was generous to him, which made Zhao Dong admire him very much.

"Here are a few graphics cards, hand them to Tang Tang in Villa No. 2 for me."

"in addition......"

"Is there anyone here who is a proficient electrician?"

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